
billionaire changed my life

A girl named Alex returning home from part time work at a cafe when she passed through a car in which the world richest billionaire sitting named Martin was sitting both busy in their own world, who would have they would marry each other one day

when Alex reached she started cooking for her family whom she believed was her family but not to know more about keep reading

They were her dad name len and her mother name Jessica and her brother named tom and a sister Catherina they both are twin pair whose age is around 16 years

They never treated her like a sister but treated her like a servant maid Or money earner but Alex didn't bother about because she believed very thing happened for good

She completed her cooking and was serving everyone but they didn't appreciated but scolded for coming late and not making delicious food but she was standing listening and doing nothing about it

After everyone left she took her food and started eating and crying "why these happening to me why why whyy " but there was no one to answer but after finishing her food she went to her bed which was too small room to live and slept crying