
A Girl's Life in a Gaming World

5 years after saving the world from destruction, Archeon Corporation has announced the creation of the second VRMMO world that will shake the world once more. Alexandria Athena, a girl gamer unbeknownst to everyone is a top player of a lot of famous computer games beating anyone with her godly skills, controls, and instinct. Watch as Alexandria Athena with her extreme thirst for fighting enter new world full of dangers. With her comrade in arms to create glorious myths, stories, and legends of them exploring the world.

M_W · Teen
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94 Chs


"This is too much, grandpa." Alex then pushed the money back to the elder.

She is puzzled as to why the elder is giving her five times the amount of silver a player can receive. 

"This is too little compared to what other guardians received."

"What do you mean, grandpa?" Ezekiel asked.

"The truth is... the armors you received are the only set left in our armory, and it is the worst ones we have... Normally leather armors provide 15 to 10 defense depending on the quality." The elder then looked down.

Aren't their armor considered trash for just having 3 defense?

"Isn't the difference a little too much, grandpa?" Ezekiel asked in a kind manner, not wanting to disrespect the elder.