
A Girl's Life in a Gaming World

5 years after saving the world from destruction, Archeon Corporation has announced the creation of the second VRMMO world that will shake the world once more. Alexandria Athena, a girl gamer unbeknownst to everyone is a top player of a lot of famous computer games beating anyone with her godly skills, controls, and instinct. Watch as Alexandria Athena with her extreme thirst for fighting enter new world full of dangers. With her comrade in arms to create glorious myths, stories, and legends of them exploring the world.

M_W · Teen
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94 Chs

Last Stand

"Oi, oi, oi, Alex, it's not the time to joke around!!" Ezekiel exclaimed as he noticed Alex's body getting heavier. He doesn't know why she fainted, but she is slowing him down. 

He tried to peek behind them. "Ahhhh, sh*t!!!" But that only made him run faster as he saw a huge boulder the size of a car coming their way. He had no choice but to drop the hammer since it's weight was in the way. 

"For a monster with a small stature, this guy sure chase fast..." Even though he had a head start, he is still in the range of the goblin shaman. 

He kept on healing her, trying to wake her up faster. But there are still no signs of her waking up. "Hey, wake up! It's not the time to take a break!!"