
The vampire's trick


Sia knocked twice and when there was no response she tried to open the door but it was locked, that was when it dawned on her that the continuous moaning sounds that she had been hearing ever since she arrived was actually coming from Tiffany's office .

'But Tiffany did not have a boyfriend or any guy that she was that close to.' Sia thought.

Out of curiosity, she decided to peep through the glass opening and see what was actually going on. Her mouth widened in shock when she saw Detective James and Tiffany having a session of H*t steamy s*x inside of Tiffany's office.

James had balls of sweat all over his body, as he laid on the desk after flinging every other thing that was on it to the ground, he let Tiffany Ride on him as though he was a horse - she was really good at it.

Sia sighed as she removed her face from the place that she was peeping through. She sighed deeply as she stepped backwards and was about to go towards her office area when she saw Felix talking with one of the police officers at the counter, with Victoria, Klaus and eight other vampires with them.

Felix stopped and turned around sniffing the air as though he had perceived something farmiliar.

Sia's heart skipped a bit as he turned swiftly towards her direction. She hid herself behind the wall that she had saw them from, praying fervently in her heart that he had not spotted her.

"Is everything okay sir?" She could hear the Police officer at the counter ask Felix.

Felix sighed briefly and then turned back to the cop he was talking to. "It's nothing actually, I thought that I had seen someone that I know. But it was probably no one." He answered.

Felix and the vampires with him had walked straight into the police department building immediately Sia had gone in search of Tiffany and James. 

Felix had gone straight to the first police officer that he had seen at the counter to complain about missing persons whom he had claimed to be related to him in certain ways.

As he was talking, he caught Lucifer's smell mildly, and he turned around in shock to see if it was really him, but all he could see was a woman that was hurriedly going into an office that was behind the wall that he was staring at.

He sighed in relief as he told the officer what he had thought when he turned around.

"So do you know how they look like." The officer asked. He had already written most of the things that Felix had described to him in a paper that contained what seemed like a questionnaire for the description of missing people.

He only asked Felix this to know if he had a picture of the people that he was looking for, so that he could add it to the case file that he was preparing.

Felix sighed as he brought out Luciana's picture from the pocket of the jacket that he was putting on. 

"This is the only picture I have, it's the picture of their leader, when you find her, you have surely found the rest of them." He stated as he handed over the picture to the officer. 

The officer nodded briefly as he took the picture from Felix's hands, and glanced at it. Felix suspected that the Officer must have seen her somewhere before, so he asked.

"Do you know her?". He asked.

"Nope." The officer replied straight away.

"Use the Vampire charm on him. We are going to have to use it on every human we question, if this search is going to bring forth any positive result." Victoria whispered to Felix.

"But you know we are not really interviewing him. I just asked him that." Felix replied.

Victoria sighed as she stepped in between Felix and the police officer, she had wanted Felix to use the vampires' trick on the cop. The vampires' trick was an old trick that vampires always used on humans when they wanted to find out the truth about something.

It involves the vampire having to stare directly into the eyes of the human that he or she was interrogating and then ask the question that they had in mind. The human would have no other choice than to say whatever it was that they knew about the question that had been asked.

When Victoria was successfully between Felix and the police, she stared deeply into the cop's eyes before repeating Felix's question to him.

"Do you know the girl on that picture?" She asked.

"No." The cop replied again.

Victoria sighed as she saw Felix give her the 'i told you don't look with the side of her eyes. "Let me rephrase, Have you seen her before?" 

"Yes." The cop replied.

At this point, sia's heart skipped a bit and she thought of running out from where she was hiding and rushing towards them.


In Universe two....

Leo landed on the floor immediately he arrived at the gate of his home town which was the Kennel. It had been such a terrible journey for him, as he had walked all the way from earth with hunger and pain from all the injuries that he had gotten from Felix and his vampires.

The wounds had not yet healed because he had not eaten any proper food all through his journey. He sighed happily when he saw that he was already at the gate of the Kennel, then he collapsed in front of the werewolves that where on guard as everything turned to darkness in front of him.

Few minutes later, he coughed himself up from his little slumber. At first, everything around him seemed a bit blurry but after a few moments, they started to clear up. 

Soon enough he could see the people around him clearly. He saw a lady in nurse's uniform and the Alpha 1 standing beside her.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thanks to everyone for following up the story so far. I'd like to see more reviews as it would help future updates, if you haven't dropped any reviews yet, please do, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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