
The Kennel

THE KENNEL had not always been known as the wolves' city. It used to be  just an open field with no inhabitants in it, until the warewolves where formed by an alpha  lone wolf who got married to a human known as Rachael. They produced the first warewolves on earth, who later married themselves and produced other offsprings.. The humans of the old saw  the Rachael and her offsprings as an abomination, so they chased them out of human sight. 

The wolf took Rachael and his children back to his old pack to find refuge, but they also saw him and the warewolve as a curse and they eventually chased them away too. A few months after being stranded in the  forest, they discovered The Kennel and settled there. 

 As time went by, Rachael and the alpha wolf passed away and the kennel was Soon filled with warewolves, and it still remain that way up till now.  They had discovered something (A Blade) that was buried under the ground, but they did not know what it was, or who kept it there. But they kept it in their sacred room because it looked very valuable. 

The blade had a golden handle and a silver blade. It was kept safely inside a beautiful golden box which was buried under the ground before before they brought it out. But no one had dared to remove the blade from it's box, they kept everything in their Room of Sacreds where they kept important  Treasures. In fact, it was the centre of attraction in their Room of Sacreds.


Felix walked into the territory of the warewolves with his vampires covered in Wolve's scent. He had given each of the vampires some Wolve's bane to help protect them incasee things went South. "Stand there" one of the security guards at the gate of  The Kennel said as he walked towards Felix to perceive his scent well. "Why do you smell different?" He asked.

"We are stray wolves" Felix stated "we where part of the lone Warewolves that went to find our own part. And We have discovered that this is the best place that we can survive, so we are back to surrender to the Alpha 1's Leadership."  There had been a rebellion in the past, where some Wolves decided to leave The Kennel in order to start up their own Packs somewhere else. Felix now pretended to be one of the Rebel Groups. The guard looked at him suspiciously for some minutes. He also observed the vampires that where with Felix, something seemed off but he could not exactly place his hands on it.

Tho they where several Alpha's in the warewolve's kingdom that where in The Kennel . But they where all under the leadership of the Alpha 1, which was the oldest Alpha alive in The Kennel.. the guard took a closer look at them, trying to find out if they where saying the truth. "Follow me. *  he said at last. Police nodded as they all walked to the  Alpha 1"s palace.


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