
The flamming sword


Felix sighed in relief as they now had the golden box, now all that was remaining was to confirm if Azrael's blade was inside. "We have seen your powerful display of speed, and we appreciate you showing us. But maybe you do not know the rules here, no one touches the the golden box talk more of opening it or even bringing it out of the box." The Alpha1 stated. "So we are going to ask you nicely to drop the box back at its original position. And if you do anything otherwise we would not hesitate to treat you as an enemy." He added.

Felix smiled. As he turned to look at sam "Open it".

Sam opened the box and saw that it was truly Azrael's blade, he brought it  out and showed everyone.   This pissed the alpha1 off and he sttod on his feet and comanded all the werewolves to attack them.

Sam threw Azrael's blade to Felix and he caught it. But he got the shock of his life. Azrael's blade did not flame up.



Before now, Azrael's blade was also known as the flaming sword, because it had inflamed on the hands of everyone that had laid their hands on it, although not too many people had touched it. But  it flamed up in the hands of God, when he gave it to Azrael, it also flamed in the hands of Azrael.  

Because Azrael did not know how powerful the flaming  sword was, he used it for the lesser good, which was  an entirely wrong reason (killing angels.). When the  blade doesn't flame it can Kill Any being, no matter how immortal.  But when it flames up,it does not just kill anything but it can also cut through different universes and even atmospheres. 

God had to bannish Azrael from existence and hide the Sword which Felix now held in his hands.


"Have a sit please."  Luciana told Josh. As he sat on the sofa next to the one she sat on. He felt a little bit relieved that she did not react  harshly towards him. Owing to the fact that she was really mad at him the last time they talked. Because he collected money from  Michael to spy on her. Now he felt like she might have calmed a bit.

"I'm sorry for everything .." Josh started to say before  Luciana interrupted him with a kiss. He paused for a moment, as that was the least action that he had expected her to take, frankly speaking, he was not even expecting it. But he liked it anyway. So he paused for a while as he listened to what she was about to say when she stopped the kiss.

"I'm no longer mad at you." Luciana sighed breathing out heavily. "I thought about everything and found out that you are nothing compared to him".

She smiled when she saw the confusion on Josh's face, so she had to clarify things. "I meant my ex, His name is Felix, he is a really strong and powerful guy, but He likes hiding things from me, he would not let me in on any of his secrets no matter how open I am to him". She sighed. "But with you, things are different,  I have not really been entirely honest, but you did not hesitate to open up to me"..

Josh smiled as he stood up from the sofa which he sat on, and  moved over to the one that she was on. He brought his face closer to hers, where they could feel each other's breath. He could sense that she wanted his lips to rest on her's as much as he wanted her's to rest on his too. 

He moved his hands around her face and when she could not hold it any more she glued her lips on his and they started kissing passionately. Luciana's passion surpassing Josh's ofcos, because she was from hell and he was the first person that gave her this fleshy pleasure. Now they where at it again and the sweet desire could not stop pumping furiously through her veins.

 She grabbed his shirt and dragged it apart as the buttons on them fell apart. While she continued to kiss him all over. "Let's go inside"  Josh suggested panting furiously from intense pleasure, grabbing her bubble butts and lifting her up off the sofa .

"No I want it here" she muttered admists kisses. Josh smiled, "your wish is my command ma'am."


Felix looked at the blade on his hands surprisingly, he had been expecting it to flame up. Or was something wrong with it? He thought as it also dawned on him that it did not flame up on Sam's hands either. She hurriedly looked through the body of the blade and saw two write ups in Ancient Hebrew Language on both sides of the blade.  one side of the blade read, "CUTS THROUGH ALL." which he already knew, but she 2nd write up which was longer was what confused him.

The second side of the blade read, "ONLY THE HANDS OF A TRUE KING CAN REVEAL IT'S FULL POWER."  At this point he started to have doubts concerning himself and concerning the entire mission. He could not help but ask himself if all his time and effort was truly worth it, or if he had just been wasting his time all along. Slot of thoughts ran through his head like; if He was not the true king of hell then who was?. He knew it definitely was not Lucifer, because Lucifer took hell by force. was Azrael a true king? And  If yes what world was he meant to rule?.

Sam's voice brought him back from his lost thoughts. So he turned to listen to what he was saying as his mouth could not stop moving. "Felix, we need your order now, the werewolves have surrounded us". Sounded like it was coming from a distance.


( Writer's note : I'm so  Sorry about the late update for this chapter, as my device had an issue. But you can support the writer with anything you wish as it will go a long way. Thanks alot.  👇👇

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