

 When Sia finished with the complainer that she was attending to, she stood up from the counter and walked up to lucifer's office, she needed to talk to him about Luciana. He had told her that he would talk about it today. But since he did not mention it in the morning, she thought he might have forgotten, and hoped that he was ready to talk now. Lucifer saw her coming to his office and sighed, wishing that  she was not going to ask about the night before, but still  he tried to compose something to tell her, incase she asked. or should he just tell her everything?. He sighed.  He did not want her to get hurt, by knowing the truth and trying to help.

"Hey boo, Mr Civil Consultant." Sia said as she sat on Lucifer's desk.  Lucifer smiled uneasily. "Hey."

"Do now that I see that we are less busy can we have that discussion now?".  Lucifer sighed in his head this was the end he wished the ground could open and swallow him. "Sia, there's actually nothing to talk about, I promise."

Sia sighed, trying hard to control her self from bursting out. She felt like he was really trying to hide something from her now. She knew he was the devil and  he was trying to be a better person. but that was all, she wanted to know if he had any friends or something or if he came to earth alone and how God felt about everything , but if he was going to continue to keep her in the dark, then that meant that he did not want them to be together. 

The only person she had seen him with apart from those that work in the police department was  the lady she saw him with the first time they met. The crazy lady he came to bail some time ago. But that was the only time she had seen her. She was going to ask about her but she wanted to be clear about Lucifer's intentions first.

One time when he showed her his true nature  she felt like she knew everything about him, but now she felt like she doesn't even know him atall.  she saw the way he recognized Luciana at the  party it was obvious that they've known each other for long, he even recognized her with a costume on. Or was it really a costume? She wondered. It actually looked too good to be just an ordinary costume. Perhaps it was her real face from hell.

"The girl you went to talk to after the movie,  who was she?". Lucifer sighed his head screamed, he definitely was not going to tell her  the truth. After all he wants good at telling lies in the past, so it would not be all that bad to start again.

"She was just a friend that I met at the costume shop that helped me to select mine, I had to congratulate her for winning". He wanted to say. But he found it difficult to lie to her, so he ended up saying;  "her name is Luciana, she was the one I came to bail the first time we met. But that's all I can tell you for now I don't want you to get hurt.".

Sia sighed as she stared into his eyes for some time, she knew he was not lying but the fact that he was hiding something from her killed her secretly. "Fine then. We'd talk again when you are ready to open up" she stood up to leave. 

"Sia.. you have to understand, Sia.." He tried to call after her but she would not stop as she moved out cleaning the tears on her eyes. Lucifer sighed as he sunk into his seat, just as James walked into the office. "Relationship qualms? Don't worry I could give you some advice."  

Lucifer sighed "I do not need your advice please let me be."  

"Okay fine. This is me leaving." James said as he raised his hands up and left the office .

"Raaaaar!!!!" Lucifer shouted as he pushed all the books and documents away from his table.


Luciana's phone beeped as she tried  for the umpteenth time to make a failed pudding, it just did not taste right. She sighed as she unlocked her phone to read the message from Josh; "someone's at your door".  Luciana smiled she could really use a hand here, she thought as she went to open the door. Josh had been a great friend and a really good distraction from Felix. He had been open to her and had not kept any secrets that was the kind of friend she needed now.

Josh smiled when Luciana opened the door. "You have something on your face." He said then he helped her clean the particle of floor on the side of her lips. "Thanks" she smiled as  he gave her the chocolate which he got on his way to her place. They both walked into the house and he followed her to the kitchen.

"What are you doing" he laughed as he saw the mess she had made with the unsuccessful doughs she had tried to make. She shrugged as the both started laughing . "I followed all the instructions on the recipe but  i can't seem to get anything right." 

"Here let me help you," Josh said collecting the apron from her.


The Sorcerer led the vampires to a small hurt by the side of the forest, then he stood there and the vampires regained themselves. "who are you?". Felix asked.

"I should be asking you, you are the ones on my forest."  He replied. "Sit." He pointed at the logs of wood laying on the floor as seats. The vampires obeyed as they sat on the various logs. "We are on a mission and we don't want to waste time."

The Sorcerer smiled. "Okay I can see that you are in a haste, so we are going to play a game. I will show you an easy way out of here and one of you gets to stay with me."  Felix got pissed as he stood up angrily wanting to tear the Sorcerer into two.


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