

In Hell Luciana sat in her Cell and all she could think of was Lucifer and Josh. Especially Josh, the guy would be really battered  if she did not show up for the wedding. There was no time in hell, so she could not tell if it was Christmas or not. She heard footsteps approaching, and she still up to check who it was and to her dismay it was  Amanda walking towards her. "I came to wish you a merry Christmas and also remind you about your wedding" she shouted from afar as she approached Luciana's cell mockingly. Suddenly the whole place started to shake vividly causing Amanda to fall flatly on the floor. Luciana could not control her laughter when she saw her fall stupidly.

Amanda got up from the ground and ran back to check what was happening. "What is going on" she shouted as she ran outside, she saw Amazon and the other fallen angels running towards the watch tower of the Center of hell. She ran behind them. "What Did you see?" She heard Amazon asked the watchman. The watchman paused for a while, not sure of what he had seen, he looked down at Amazon from the top of the tower speechlessly. "Come on, speak don't keep me waiting."  Amazon ordered .  

"He's back, Max is Back, I saw him Rise above the Eastern Province of Hell" . The watchman said with shaky voice.

"What do you mean by that?. Lucifer killed max thousands of years ago." Amazon said obviously shocked to the bones about what he had just heard. "Step aside let me see for myself." Amazon comanded as he flew to the top of the watch tower, and  the watch man moved to the other side of the tower. Amazon looked through the giant Telescope on the tower and was shocked to confirm that it was actually Max that was that stood above the Ground in the eastern part of hell, causing all the vampires at the eastern part of hell to change his name loudly. 

"He is surely the one, Max has actually been raised from the dead, but how is this possible?." Amazon asked as he flew down from the tower as confused as every other person present at the bottom of the tower.  "What do we do now?" Amanda asked in  a shaky voice,  Amazon sighed, "at this point we have no other choice than to trust Luciana, she had warned us about how importantly this sword needed to get to Lucifer's hand, and we had despised her  let's just hope that it is not yet too late." 

"But she is indeed a traitor, let us send someone else to earth to give Lucifer his sword." Amanda pleaded.  Pissing Amazon off with her childish beef. "Enough!! I will not have any of your stupid talks anymore,, it was your advice that made me make the first wrong decision, I will not have you talk trash into my head anymore." He said angrily. "Release Luciana and give her the sword, to send to Lucifer as soon as possible." He said to the guards as they bowed and left to do his biddings.


(~ At The eastern Part of Hell ~) 

The Vampires who occupied the eastern part of hell shouted in joy as Max came out from under the ground, they where happily surprised to see him, he was their First ruler and under his Regime, they where in charge of the whole of hell, The eastern Region was the capital of hell, and they where free to move to earth and back with out any restrictions, the had access to unlimited food (human blood).  Until Lucifer came and Killed him thousands of years ago.

Now max was back and he was back on Christmas day, Was it really a coincidence or was it for a purpose? They where not sure yet, but they where glad to see him and that was all that mattered to them. He came back at the right time when they all needed him most, they where in the middle of a war now, and his  return meant slot to both the vampires in hell, and the ones on earth when they see him.

His presence alone was enough to boost their morale and confidence to the highest level. 

Now he stood afloat on the air with his wings spread apart.  Amidst cheering from the vampires on the ground. "raaaaar!" He shouted as the vampires echoed after him. "Victory!!!!" He shouted again, and the vamoires did same. 

"I have been on the Land of the dead immortals, watching you guys, my people suffer in the hands of that detector Lucifer. For thousands of years I watched on from there not able to do anything. I pleaded with every superior thing. I could think of to give me a 2nd chance, I pleaded with Hell, I pleaded with death, I even sent an appeal to the golden city, but they turned deaf ears towards me."  Max stated as hi aura of power and authority filled the whole place. "But after thousands of years, hell finally heard my plea and set me free, now I am here to set you free." He declared. Causing a loud cheering amongst his people.

Max was about to say something else, when he felt a sharp familiar aura from behind him, a type which he had felt thousands of years ago. The type that sent him to the land of the immortal dead. He turned around as quickly as he could and he saw Luciana trying to fly out of hell with Lucifer's sword, he shouted loudly and flew after her. 


As Luciana flew out of the centre of hell with Lucifer's sword to go towards the earth, she heard a loud shout, and when she turned around, she saw max trying to fly after her from afar. "Holy shit" she shouted as she increased her speed, and Max ran after her in hot pursuit...


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( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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