
Last Respect

Luciana happily carried the award down stage, she smiled as she heard the dispersing crowd talk about her. Who knew that something as bad as her real face could bring so much attention and recognition to her. Well earth was not as bad as she thought, atleast she now had a good reason to stay. She needed to explore more of this  new found happiness.

Luciana Sighed as she walked down the side walk with Josh. "I really enjoyed myself tonight."  Josh smiled scratching the top of his head with his left hand. Then he stood at a place, she stopped too. He stare deeply at her, he felt like kissing her even with her costume still on, but they had only just met and he wanted to be a gentle man. "Can we do this some...." 

"Luciana!!" Lucifer shouted, interrupting  their conversation. He had told Sia to wait for him by the car that he would not take too long. "Woa, someone recognized you with this mad costume on." Josh chipped in as they turned to look at Lucifer.

"What are you doing here? I've been looking all over for you."

"What I am doing here is non of your business at least not anymore, and don't look for me like I'm some  3years old kid, I can take care of myself."

 Lucifer nodded, then turned to look at Josh who was rather too  uncomfortable with their conversation to stick around and listen. "Uhm, I would just walk around for a little while and leave you two to it." He said tapping Luciana's shoulders as she tried to convince him that it was okay for him to listen but he insisted and eventually moved away.

"Listen Luciana, I don't know what has come over you but we really need to talk, like ASAP.". Luciana shrugged. "Talk about what. I'm all ears."

Lucifer's eyes widened. "What? Not here, like in private "

Luciana looked around then back at Lucifer, "well I do not see anyone listening to our conversation ."

"Okay fine? Do you know that the Vampires are planning something ?" Lucifer Sighed.

"Uhm, I don't know, and I don't care." Luciana replied.

Lucifer paused for a while and thought for a moment, since she was the only one that had assess to hell  that did not know about the war that was looming, and she was clearly the only one He could trust with his life at this time, maybe she was the best person he could send  to confirm who's side Amazon was on. "You said you want to be free right?".

Luciana chuckled. "Duur, I am free, I just want you to leave me alone, atleast for now."  Although she still had some doubts about the part she said about being free, she could not trust her nature to just walk away  if Lucifer happened to get into some sort of trouble or something.

"Okay fine, I just want you to do something for me, and then I will leave you alone for good." Lucifer said. "One last thing?".

Luciana sighed, "okay, what is it." 

"I know how you have always wanted to go back to hell so it's also like I'm granting you a favour also, so I give you permission to go back to hell and confirm something for me". Lucifer said.

The words sounded like hot coal being forced through her throat. She chuckled  wondering what the hell was wrong with Lucifer, just when she found a reason to stay on earth, he jumps out from nowhere asking her to go back to hell? He must be crazy. "Well I do not know how to put this in a polite way, but I'm not going to hell, and please don't come back looking for  me" she said as she walked away to meet Josh where he stood under a tree a few meters in front.

"Was that a friend from The U.S?" He asked giggling.   She sighed. "I don't want to talk about him please." She replied as they walked away .

 Lucifer stood at the spot where Luciana had left him, wondering what had come over her, he thought she had always wanted to go back to hell, why the sudden change of heart?. Well, he was going to go back to the former plan he had in mind before he met her. He sighed as he walked back to where he parked his car.

"What took you so long?" Sia asked. Almost angry. "I'm sorry I would explain everything to you when we get to my hotel." 

Sia sighed. "Take me to my house please I need to rest". Lucifer nodded as they both got into the car before he drove off.


Felix and the rest of the vampires where lost with time, they did not know if it was now morning or if they where still in the night time, but either way, they where happy that the sun was not shining up on them. They stood silently for a moment  paying their last respect to Elijah and the other two vampires  that had died in the Silver forest. After the moment of silence they all lat go of the ashes of the vampires that they where able to gather faith their hands, since there was no  verse to put them into.

Sam stood at a place. Watching as the soft breeze in the forest carried away the ashes that they let go into thin air.  He wondered how Felix would have felt if something bad had happened to Tracy, he knew that His brother liked her and that he was trying to hide his true feelings. Sam sighed "Felix and always hiding things." He muttered.   The same way he has been hiding things between Luciana from everyone, including Victoria whom he claimed to be his beloved sister. Sam sighed as he thought about telling him to just open up about everything after this mission. He was going to let him know that he was aware of everything that was going on and that there was nothing to hide anymore.  But Right now they needed to concentrate on the mission at hand.


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