

They had driven sheriff Dan home from the Hospital the night before. He seemed to be acting really strange.

Sia was the first to notice it, she started suspecting him after he had stared at her the way he did back at  the hospital, she had told  Tiffany and Detective James but they did not seem to notice it then, but now it seems as though they where now on the same page. 

Magedon sat comfortably on the Sofa in sheriff Dan's body, he felt really happy and free. Although he was  ruler of a particular section of hell, and literally had whatever he wanted, he had never felt this way in almost all of his entire life, he closed his eyes as he turned himself a glass of wine that was on the side stool.

He sipped the sweetness of the wine and let the liquid flow smoothly down his throat.  "wow hell never felt this sweet." He muttered to him self, but when he raised his head up he saw The trio staring at him.

He comported himself almost immediately and stopped touching the arms of the sofa where he sat.

"Don't you have any work to do today?" He asked.

"I don't know sheriff, you tell us, what do we have to do today?" Detective James asked lowering his eye lids..

"Yes, tell us after all, you where the one who assigned us to our duty." Sia added.

Magedon's heart skipped a beat and he had no idea about police work or the case that the sheriff had asked them to work on for that matter. He thought really hard in what to reply, but then he imagined that the sheriff would be a man in charge, just like he was in charge of the western part of hell, so he sighed as he tried to regain control.

"What sort of question was that?. Didn't you hear the doctor say that I will not remember everything? How do you expect me to remember that?. Please leave my house and go for your normal duties, I really need to sleep." Magedon replied, feigning annoyance and forgetfulness. He held his head briefly before taking another sip off his glass of wine.

Detective James, Sia and Tiffany looked at each other simultaneously, something was obviously and definitely off, and what ever it was, they made up their minds that they were going to figure it out. But right now they needed to concentrate on their case.

"Alright boss, we are off since you said you are okay." Tifanny stated.

"Yes I am fine, leave now!". Magedon comanded, like a king speaking to his subjects - but then he thought he had sounded to much because he was no king here and the way they had looked at him also did a great job in humbling his heart.

He sighed, relieved that they had gone. He collapsed on the sofa, sinking deeper into the soft chair where he sat,  he raised his glass and gulped in the remaining contents into his belly.


Luciana and the rest of the team watched at Divina for some time as she continued muttering her words with her eyes closed. The sun was already high up in the sky if the Sahara desert, it seemed as though it was already afternoon, while infact it was just around 8:am in the morning. 

"Give me his picture" Divina finally said something that they could all understand. But that was the least thing that they where expecting to hear, because none of them seemed to have any picture of Lucifer, wether in his human or Fallen angel form - not even Luciana.

"Holy shit, we don't have it." Luciana muttered, as she turned around to look at everyone who also shook their head negatively, except Divina who still had her eyes shut and was still casting her spells inherently. 

"What about Lucifer's Lover we can ask her right?" Azrael stated.

"Oh right!! Sia!!." Luciana shouted, wondering why she had not thought about her, infact they all seemed to have almost forgotten about her until now - what if she goes back to the hotel to freshen up and then gets caught by Felix, what where they going to tell Lucifer. 

They had been so preoccupied about Raising Lucifer that they where almost forgetting his one and only wish before he was killed. Luciana sighed briefly as she dialed Sia's number.

She sighed again in relief when Sia picked at the first beep.

"Where are you? She asked Sia immediately Sia picked the call.

"Uhm, from the sound of your voice this doesn't sound like a good morning, well I'm on my way to the hotel to take my bath, so that I can go back to work on my..." Sia had started to say but was interrupted by Luciana.

"Turn around!!!" She shouted.

"What?" Sia asked confused.

"I said turn around don't let Felix or any of the vampires see you, or you'd be dead in a jiffy, Azrael killed one of his vampires and I'm sure he has been hunting us since midnight.." Luciana replied.

"And when where you planning on telling me this? After I might have been killed?" Sia asked holding her chest.

"I'm sorry, alot has happened since you left, we are on our way to bring back Lucifer, I'd explain everything to you when we return." Luciana answered.

"I'm gonna be at Tiffany's apartment, I'd text you the address when you guys return you can come there too. You guys are lucky I hadn't gotten to the hotel's street yet, Lucifer would have chopped your heads off your necks when he discovers that you let Felix get me" Sia said giggling.

"It's a relief to know that you are safe,  could you please send me one of Lucifer's pic? We really need it - like right now." Luciana asked.

"Sure yes, I'm sending it right away after I...." Sia had started to say but was cut short by someone who had grabbed her shoulders from behind.

All Luciana could heard momentarily was Sia's scream - and then the call went off...


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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