
A ghost of myself

Carina has lived her life in control, forced to fight, forced to prove day after day that she was worthy of life, forced to fight for what was hers by birthright but everything she worked for got thrown out the window the moment she chose to walk down that alleyway, the action so trivial took everything from her Now a wandering soul Carina was dragged into the world in the shadows, she must navigate her way in this land of the unseen in desperate attempt to solve her own murder

Raven_bard · Fantasy
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196 Chs

Chapter 97

"Mahito?" I ask, my tone laced with uncertainty as to why this elf was sitting crouched on Michi's front porch at damn near witching hour 

"You know that elf, Suzuki asks?"

At the sound of my voice he shot up looking around frantically, when his eyes landed on me he marched towards me with the fury of an unsatisfied toddler 

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO ME?!" he screams pointing at his right eye, the night was dark, the stars hid behind furious clouds and the moon grew shy, only peaking out now and then, the only light source came from the lamp on the porch behind him casting a backlight covering his face with a dull shadow, I couldn't see a thing, so I snapped twice and sparks fly before bursting into a ball of light in the center of my palm