
A ghost of myself

Carina has lived her life in control, forced to fight, forced to prove day after day that she was worthy of life, forced to fight for what was hers by birthright but everything she worked for got thrown out the window the moment she chose to walk down that alleyway, the action so trivial took everything from her Now a wandering soul Carina was dragged into the world in the shadows, she must navigate her way in this land of the unseen in desperate attempt to solve her own murder

Raven_bard · Fantasy
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196 Chs

Chapter 137

Michiko's POV

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die?, I thought that was a bunch of nonsense, how could you see your entire life in one tenth of a second?, I didn't think it was possible

Until now

My body weightless, ground bound as the cold seeps through my bones despite the heat barrier, my eyes stay fixed on the balcony where Mahito just stood there but my mind was far gone

From the moment I took my first step, to running, to school, to meeting Yoshi, to losing my mind over him day in and day out, to leaving my village,to going to college, to dropping the Dues School, to writing the Margovich exam, to meeting Carina