
A Ghost Misunderstanding Of Life

A ghost has disturbed the natural cycle of life and is trying its hardest to survive and live a normal life.

DaoistJIIvmp · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Battle Of Endurance:

I watch as Liberio slowly starts walking towards Hanhma spear in hand, Hanhma also slowly walks towards Liberio with an intense look in her eyes, They both take one more step until their bodies flicker,

The sound of clashing metal echos all around me, I look around and see sparks surrounding me, they are clashing weapons around me, and yet I still can't see them, Are they moving so fast that I can't perceive them, while watching the sparks fly through the air around me, a single thought entered into my mind,

Am I really that weak? I look down at the ground as I grip my fists tightly, until in the corner of my eye, I see a shadow standing next to me, I glance up and see Liberio standing next to me, His body is covered in small cuts as crimson blood leaks down his body,

I look forward and see Hanhma walking toward us, Her body is also covered in small cuts, and she's holding onto a pair of scissors until she suddenly tosses it on the cracked ground next to her,

She extends her palm directly in front of her until an orangeish energy starts swirling around her palm, S-She is manifesting her weapon, a small orange reflex hammer forms into her hand,

I heard stories about her weapon, apparently, It slows the target's reflexes making it impossible to evade her blows, A psychotic grin appears on her as she dashes forward, Liberio's face doesn't react to her lunges toward him until she slams the hammer directly into his nose sending him flying back into the hospital.

Liberio is lying in a crater inside the hospital wall, his face filled with confusion, Liberio probably doesn't understand what just happened, Liberio wouldn't know what her weapon ability is, So he probably remembers standing still and then suddenly being inside a wall,

He slowly pushes off the wall behind him before stumbling forward while blood leaks out of his nose, He wipes his nose with the back of his palm before he speaks,

" Your nose isn't bloody like mine, Did you turn off your ability to strike me just then, " He said, Hanhma just grinned at him before she spoke,

" Your right, I stopped my ability to strike you just then, " Said Hanhma as she slowly walked towards Liberio while juggling her hammer with her right hand,

" Can you turn on your ability again, or do you have to strike me first, " Said Liberio as Hanhma's body flickered from my vision, A gust of wind blew past Liberio as Hanhma appeared behind him swinging her hammer at the back of his neck,

" Why don't you find out, " Said Hanhma as her hammer inched closer and closer towards the back of his neck, but to Hanhma's surprise and mine, Liberio suddenly moved his head right as the hammer grazed the left side of his face,

Liberio spins and slams his fist into Hanhma's stomach sending her flying back, She slams into a wall behind her before she falls face first on the ground, Liberio stands still perfectly fine, Looks like he was right, she can't use her ability without landing a blow again,

Hanhma slowly pushes off the ground as blood leaks out of his nose, She glances up at Liberio as he walks closer to her while speaking,

" Looks like I am a really bad matchup for you Hanhma, Everything you can do I can counter, "

Hanhma doesn't respond she just lunges forward and throws a volley of hammer swings toward Liberio, Liberio dashes back dodging the volley of swings before he slides to a stop and leans his head left,

I watch in shock as Hanhma suddenly appears behind him, but Liberio has already moved his head and dodged her attack, Hanhma's eyes widen as Liberio bends his knees before ducking a hammer strike, Hanhma shuffles her feet before throwing five more strikes toward him,

Liberio easily dodges her strikes before he throws a cross directly into her jaw, The punch rocks her head back, and blood starts leaking out of her mouth, Hanhma suddenly leaps into the air and swings her hammer at the top of his head,

Liberio suddenly looked up at her, catching her off guard, She twisted in the air and landed next to Liberio before dashing back gaining distance away from her,

" You thought I was somehow using the vibration of your footsteps to tell where your attack was coming didn't you, That's why you jumped in the air so suddenly, " Said Liberio staring directly at Hanhma,

Hanhma's face started to become crazed as she suddenly started laughing directly at Liberio, She held onto her stomach before dropping her hammer to the ground, and she laughed for minutes until she suddenly started talking,

"You're right, I was checking for that, but thankfully it isn't something so boring as that, When I threw that volley of strikes at you, I noticed something, your eyes weren't looking at me, your eyes were in a dazed state, which means my ability was working on you, " Said Hanhma, Liberio face grew more annoyed, but Hanhma continued to talk,

" I also noticed how you were moving, There was also a delay on how fast you moved, it was always a second, which can only mean one thing, someone is telling you how to dodge my attacks right? " Said Hanhma, Liberio's eyes widen as a worried grin appears on his face,

" I wonder, If you are correct or not," said Liberio as Hanhma started to walk closer to him, but before the two could clash a massive amount of soul energy appeared next to them,

Hanhma and Liberio looked over to their left as a tall burly man appeared next to them with an annoyed look on his face, That is Professor Sterich, He is the Sterich of defense, they say his guard is the only unbreakable thing in the world,

" What do you think you're doing Hanhma, " He said before grabbing onto Hanhma's wrist, She grinned up at him with a deranged look on her face, She suddenly yanked her wrist out of his grasp,

" I'm sorry, Sterich, I lost control, but this man, is going to be a perfect tool for me, he is really strong and smart, but get lost, He and I are only getting started, "

She said before her body flickered and appeared behind Liberio, Liberio spins around but before he could do anything a green barrier surrounded him blocking Hanhma's hammer,

Hanhma glances over at Sterich with an annoyed face, Sterich could be seen pointing his palm at Liberio, He probably created that barrier,

"You're getting in the way Sterich, This battle ends when someone admits defeat, " Said Hanhma as her killing intent started to grow more vicious, They both glared at each other until a voice suddenly spoke,

" I admit defeat, " Said Libeiro with a grin on his face...