
A Ghost's Echo (Toji in Highschool DxD)

A Ghost's Echo (Toji in Highschool DxD)

HADEZ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs



|| Out of the Frying Pan ||​

When he opened his eyes, he saw the night sky greeted him like a nonchalant acquaintance.

The moon hung in celestial space, seemingly playing hide-and-seek behind the darkened clouds, as if it doubted his ability to jump up and give it a good splitting. Not that he entertained such thoughts; celestial body vandalism wasn't his style.

He rose with a groan that was more cocktail than disorientation – a mix of mild irritation and confusion. A quick glance to his surroundings told him he was in some sort of a forest. Quite the drastic change from the usual urban scenery.

No naked awakening again. Clad in a loose black sweater, matching sweatpants, and basic slippers, he was the picture of casual revivification.

Was he reanimated again by one of those wrinkly old hags?

That shouldn't be it. Pretty sure he was to lose his entire consciousness and be stuck in another dude's body—but no. This was his very own body with his consciousness very much intact, and no old hag with the wrinkliness that could rival a prune on sight. The strength was there. His muscles were present. Ah, complete with the tiny scar on the right side of his mouth.

"Out of the frying pan and into... whatever this is," Fushiguro Tōji mused to himself, hands in his pockets as he sought an exit and, ideally, a road sign.

A quick jump revealed a cityscape beyond the park. Urban jungle replaced by a literal one. Not the kind of park he'd frequented before, but he never was a park-goer. But, he supposed, it beats breaking into houses.

The place was devoid of souls, but Tōji's stomach growled, indifferent to the existential crisis.

"Easy there, tiger," Tōji muttered to his rebellious belly, spying a vending machine nearby.

Alas, a pat to his nonexistent back pocket revealed a financial dilemma. His wallet MIA. No coins.

His reflection stared back at him, mocking his situation with that subtle smirk and those perpetually half-lidded eyes. The snacks also seemed to join in the silent jeering with their colorful displays. No idea what these snacks were, but he never kept track of recent trends. Might just be new products.

Not for long, though.

Never one to shy away from a unique approach to a challenge, decided to pick the lock with a single strand of hair. As he attempted the impossible, his hair bent but showed no signs of breaking the lock. The snacks and his reflection silently jeered at his futile efforts.

Right. Breaking the lock it is.

Just as he contemplated resorting to brute force, a delicate voice disrupted his locksmith ambitions.


Tōji's dark eyes shifted left, and he immediately wondered; what's a nun doing in Japan?

A cosplayer, maybe. And more to that, she didn't look Japanese either. Green doe-like eyes, averagely short, dressed in a weird dark green nun-like dress and a veil crowning her long golden locks. She gave him the impression that she'd cry a Cursed Spirit to exorcise it.

"Are you… um… hungry…?" She stammered, a timid offer hanging in the air. "Please don't vandalize. I… um… I can get you something if you'd like."

Oh? A good samaritan? How rare. Perhaps a new way to spread their religion. Nevertheless, Tōji wasn't going to worship any gods anytime soon, but he certainly wouldn't decline a free treat.

"Sure, kid. Make my day," he said, leaning casually on one leg as the nun-in-disguise approached the vending machine, bravery emanating from her like a scared fawn facing a black lion.

Impressed by her dedication to the cosplay role, Tōji watched as she produced a granny wallet and fed the machine some coins. She stepped aside, hesitantly granting him access to the snack haven.

"U-um, please take your choice."

She was scared of him. Terrified. She stood just underneath his broad shoulders and half his width, almost a third.

She got guts. He'd give her that much.

"Don't mind if I do…" Tōji replied to her and, after a brief look, decided Calbee: Potato Chips Pizza would be his appetizer for the night. Grabbing the chips from the dispenser, Tōji opened his meal and grabbed a handful, and shoved the chips into his mouth.

Crunch. Crunch. Cromch. These chips ain't half bad. Bit too salty. The pizza chips danced on his taste buds, a chaotic tango of spices that would put any Cursed Spirits to shame. Speaking of which, it seemed he didn't have Wormy again. Wonder where that sludge went.

The crunch of the Calbee: Potato Chips Pizza echoed in the silent park, a symphony of rebellion against the serenity that surrounded them. Tōji cast a sidelong glance at the nun, watching as she flinched at every crunch. Perhaps it was the sound of defiance that unnerved her, or maybe she just had an aversion to potato chips. It was almost comical – an angelic cosplayer in the presence of a disheveled, chip-munching bum.

Tōji, being a man of action, couldn't care less.

He couldn't sense a shred of Cursed Energy from her, though there seemed to be something else entirely. Not sure what. Her perfume, a delicate waft of lavender, clashed amusingly with the gritty atmosphere of the park. He couldn't decide whether it was a clever disguise or if she just really liked smelling like a field of flowers while strolling through unknown parks in the dead of night.

As the nun fidgeted with her hands, Tōji decided to play the part of the courteous chip-thief. With a blend of half-nonchalant, half-amused, expression, he remarked, "You make it a habit of walking around empty parks at this ungodly hour, kid? Aren't you scared of ghosts?"

"H-huh!?" The nun winced, confirming Tōji's suspicion that her bravery was a thin veil over a bundle of nerves. "U-umm… No… not really… I… I just like to walk around. S-see new sights."

Definitely a tourist, Tōji deduced. His half-lidded gaze never left her. "So, what's the story, Sister Green? Lost your way to the convent, or is this just your idea of a thrilling vacation?"

The girl fidgeted with the hem of her dark green dress, the veil framing her golden hair swaying with her nervous movements. "I-I'm actually not from around here. I just like to explore different places, and this park seemed interesting."

"Interesting, huh?" Tōji chuckled, a low rumble that seemed to echo through the stillness of the park. "You must be easily impressed. Not many would find excitement in a park at night."

"H-huh? Is… is that weird…?"

"Weird is subjective," he stated. "But, let's cut to the chase. Why offer me a snack? Playing the good Samaritan, or do you have some ulterior motive?"

The girl's eyes widened, as if the idea of ulterior motives had never crossed her mind. "N-no ulterior motive, I promise! I just saw you struggling with the vending machine, and-and-and I… wanted to help."

Tōji smirked, savoring the moment. "Helping a stranger in the middle of the night. Either you're genuinely kind or you've got a secret agenda. But snacks are snacks, and I won't say no to freebies."

As if on cue, his attention returned to the Calbee: Potato Chips Pizza, and he took another handful, savoring the crunch.

The girl sighed in relief, realizing her act of kindness hadn't landed her in some unexpected trouble.

"I'm… um… Asia. Asia Argento…"

Argento… Argento.

Nope. Didn't ring a bell. A unique alliterative name though.

"Fushiguro," he replied, introducing himself with an upward nod. "Well, Asia, thanks for the snack. Do you have any idea where this park is or you're just as lost as me."

Her wide, vibrant green eyes blinked once, and she slanted her head slightly to the left, causing her golden bangs to sway along.

"Um… we're in Kuoh Town. In… uhh…" She furrowed her brow, engaging in a mental juggling act. "In the Kantō region!" she declared with sudden enthusiasm before promptly dimming her volume. "...I think."

Disregarding her own pessimism, Tōji contemplated his position. He'd been around Kantō but he never heard of a place called Kuoh Town. Unless those clan heads hid an entire urban place, he should at least recognize the name.

"How far is Tokyo?"

"Tok…yo…?" Asia blinked again, this time exuding guilt instead of fear. "I… I don't know. Sorry."

"It is what it is." Tōji shrugged, acknowledging her foreigner status. "Have any guardians or friends I can ask around? Or are you a solo backpacker?"

"N-no, actually I'm a…"

Before Asia could complete her sentence, Tōji's senses kicked in. A figure approached from the shadows, carrying the distinct scent of blood and iron – a sword. This newcomer, similar in 'feel' to Asia but decidedly un-nun-like, emitted a foul odor.

Tōji continued his chip-fueled vigilance as a new character emerged from the shadows. A male, a human, dressed in a cosplay ensemble that matched Asia's in theme but not in gender. White hair, an ornate green jacket over a white uniform, and white pants completed his outfit. Tōji's keen eye noted the sword the newcomer casually swished around – no mere prop, that was for sure.

"Ahh~! There you are, little Asia… where in the hell on earth have you been?"

"F-Father Freed… I-I was just… s…stretching my legs…"

Tōji, still leaning casually against a vending machine, observed the interaction. 'Father Freed,' he thought, raising an eyebrow at the familial address. Looked too young to be a father.

"You know this guy?" he decided to ask.

Asia, looking even more anxious now, stammered out, "Um, y-yes. He's… a friend."

Tōji's eyes flicked between the two, assessing the situation. A friend? More like a sword-wielding guardian. 'Father Freed's sword didn't scream 'friendly neighborhood cosplayer.' There was an edge to the man – smelled like he'd bring danger around like his sword.

Oh well. He got his chips.

"C'mon Asia. Let's get back. Quit fraternizing with strangers. We never know if they're a Devil worshiper until it's too late."

This was one elaborate cosplay act. Tōji supposed in this technological age, anyone could buy real blood and a fancy sword from the net. Brats these days… ever curious.

"Um… O…okay…" Asia gingerly nodded and skittishly walked towards 'Father Freed'. "B-bye, Fushiguro-s-san…"

"Hmm," he responded with a low, growl-like hum. Ah, he ran out of chips. Still hungry.

Father Freed, with a twirl of his sword, gave Tōji a once-over. "Saaaay… you don't happen to be a Contractor, aren't you?"

Dumping the empty bag onto the trash bin, Tōji regarded Freed with a half-assed look. "What about it?"

"Well… because if you are…" Freed stepped closer, bringing his sword close to his face, a grin forming on his lips. "Then I'll have to free you from your sins. I happen to be an exorcist, you see… and the price for your sins! Is death. Hmm, yes."

"F-Father Freed, please don't—"

"Zip it, Asia," Freed snapped, glowering. "You went off on your own, and now I'm late for dinner because I had to look for you. I flew you all the way here from Italy, and this is how you're gonna repay me? Seriously, what's a priest gotta do to get some gratitude around here?"

Tōji raised an eyebrow at the exchange, a bemused expression playing on his face. The situation had taken a turn for the unexpected – from potential danger to a family spat in the middle of a mysterious park.

His arms now crossed, he did feel the escalating tension. The air crackled with more than just the anticipation of a scolding. Asia's fear and reluctance seemed to border on something more sinister. Tōji's instincts shifted, and he stopped treating this as a mere act. There was something off about this situation.

"Father Freed, isn't it a bit extreme to bring a sword into a family discussion?" Tōji interjected, his tone calm and measured. He wasn't about to let this escalate into something more dangerous without understanding the full picture. Especially when no one's around to pay him.

Freed shot him a dismissive glance. "Family? This is my responsibility as a priest. It's my duty to guide and protect Asia."

Asia, eyes wide with a mix of fear and pleading, began to quiver as Tōji noted the tears lining her eyes.

Tōji's gaze narrowed, and he assessed the situation with a newfound seriousness. Overprotectiveness didn't quite match the tension.

"What's really going on here?" His tone, while casual, carried an underlying edge, a warning for Freed to drop the charade.

Still holding his sword with a smirk on his face, Freed glanced at Tōji. "Oh, we've got ourselves an observer. Maybe you'd like a taste of redemption too?"

Caught between the two, Asia looked genuinely distressed. Tōji's suspicions deepened, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he stumbled upon something far more sinister than a late-night stroll in an unfamiliar park.

"Say, Kid, I don't do charity acts, but you did buy me a snack. Do you want to go with him?" Tōji asked outright.

Asia hesitated, glancing between him and Freed. The unease in her eyes spoke volumes.

"N…no…" she stammered, tears starting to spill from her eyes. "I don't want to…!"

Unfazed, Tōji issued a directive. "Better close your eyes and ears for… ten seconds."

"Oh… someone's playing hero huh?! While this girl is playing the ungrateful little—" Enraged by Asia's refusal, Freed lashed his sword in a descending curve. But before the blade could even begin its descent, Tōji burst forward, his hand gripping Freed's wrist in a vice-like hold.

"What the…" wide-eyed, Freed stared at the towering hulk of a man before him, who gave him a toothy smile.

"Ever heard of the name Fushiguro?"

"Who the fuck do you think—"

The impact echoed through the park as Tōji delivered a headbutt, a sickening crunch accompanying it. Freed's head snapped backward, his neck and spine yielding to the force in a grotesque display of brutality. The sharp crack of bone filled the night air for just a second.

Now a limp puppet in Tōji's grasp, the stray exorcist was unceremoniously flung into the depths of the woods. The motion was almost graceful, an eerie contrast to the violence that preceded it.

Standing in the aftermath, Tōji wore a grin on his face, seemingly pleased by the carnage he had just unleashed. This at least further helped him confirm his strength wasn't lost.

However, a fleeting regret crossed his mind.

'Ah. Should've grabbed his sword.'

As the four seconds were up, Asia, still in shock, opened her eyes and uncovered her ears as she stared at Tōji with a mix of fear and confusion.

The silence that followed was only broken by the distant rustle of leaves and the fading echoes of the encounter. The park, once silent and mysterious, now held a more sinister air, with Tōji at its epicenter, a harbinger of chaos. Just like old times, he couldn't resist musing.

"Wh… where did… Father Freed go?" Asia stammered, her voice shaky and filled with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

Casually adjusting the collar of his black sweater, Tōji responded with a nonchalant tone, "He's probably enjoying the scenic route through the woods. A nature walk."

Asia's eyes widened with a mixture of disbelief and horror, and Tōji couldn't resist a chuckle.

"Relax, kid. He shouldn't be a problem anytime soon." …Well, probably later on in the morning. Getting himself arrested by the police wouldn't be the first time Tōji got back to his house anyway. Someone would get to him. …Wait, "What year is this, by the by?"

"Uh… um…" She hesitated, clearly unsure of how to process the sudden turn of events. "2008."

Sharp green eyes briefly widening as he somehow found himself in the future and yet the past, 2 years after his death, yet 10 years before Shibuya. What sort of timey-wimey bullshit had he stumbled into? Keeping his thoughts to himself as per the usual case, Tōji glanced around the now eerie park, the shadows playing tricks with the moonlight. He couldn't feel a shred of Curse Spirits lingering around. There should at least be one in every park; superstitions and whatnots. Maybe he was the Cursed Spirit.

Yeah right.

"Look, little girl, you should head back to your place. And maybe reconsider your choice of travel companions."

Asia nodded hesitantly, her gaze still lingering on the dark woods. "I... I uh… yes…"

"Go home, Kid," Tōji said, his tone oddly calm given the recent chaos. "This park is no place for you tonight."

She clutched the edges of her dark green dress, fingers trembling. "But I—"

Tōji interrupted her, his expression stern. "I said go home. This ain't a playground for lost kids. Get outta here before things get messier."

"..." Asia shifted nervously, silently, twiddling with her fingers. Which led Tōji into thinking she might need someone to take her back. Oh well, he could mooch up a reward or two for being 'kind hearted'.

"Alright, alright… I'll take you home. Put in a good word to your parents when we got there, alright?" he chuckled as he scratched the edge of his scar. "I'm someone who could use some money right now."

Tōji observed Asia for a moment, noting her hesitation. She seemed caught between gratitude and uncertainty.

"O-okay." She nodded repeatedly. Skittish seemed to be her defining trait, right up there next to gullible.

Spoiler: oof

The echo of her words lingered in his mind. A reminder of a time when he slowly learned how to trust, before the world revealed its darker facets. His gaze remained flat, but for a brief moment, he found himself reflecting on the vulnerability of the young girl beside him.

With a sigh, he finally spoke, "And maybe next time, think twice before offering snacks to strangers in the middle of the night."

"Okay…" Asia nodded again, this time with a hint of understanding.

As they started to walk out of the park, Tōji couldn't shake the feeling that he had just stepped into a realm where reality and the supernatural intertwined. The night was far from over, and he had a feeling that his encounter with Asia and her peculiar guardian was just the beginning of something much larger


Tōji was led away from the town and into the secluded forest trail. The moon cast an ethereal glow on the path, and the rustling leaves added a mysterious ambiance to their surroundings. His calculating mind was a whirlwind of bewilderment and suspicion as he guided the skittish girl through the dimly lit trail.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Asia was hiding something. Her innocent demeanor clashed with the peculiar circumstances they found themselves in. The forest trail led them deeper into the woods, and Tōji couldn't ignore the nagging suspicion that this wasn't the way to Asia's home. His senses heightened, and every rustle of leaves and distant sound set off alarms in his mind.

He glanced down at Asia, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and uncertainty, like she was battling something.

"You sure this is the way to your place?" he asked, his tone tinged with a hint of skepticism.

"Y-yes, it's just a bit further," she stammered, avoiding direct eye contact. Tōji's suspicion only deepened.

They continued until Tōji's keen eyes caught sight of an abandoned church hidden amidst the trees. It stood eerily against the moonlit backdrop, and an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of Tōji's stomach.

"Why are we heading towards that abandoned church?" Tōji asked, his voice steady but laced with suspicion. "This doesn't look like a residential area."

Asia hesitated, her gaze shifting between Tōji and the ominous structure. "W-well… it's my… home."

His skepticism deepened, but he decided to play along for now. The forest trail continued, and the silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant hooting of an owl. Tōji couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as they ventured deeper into the darkness.

As they walked, Asia's nervousness seemed to escalate. She occasionally glanced over her shoulder, as if expecting someone or something to follow them. Tōji picked up on her unease but chose to remain silent, observing the surroundings, the scents, the sounds.

Eventually, they arrived at a clearing, and Tōji's eyes tapered as he saw an abandoned church hidden amidst the trees. The structure seemed out of place, its dilapidated appearance contrasting sharply with the natural surroundings.

"This dump where you live?" Tōji asked, suspicion lacing his words.

Asia hesitated, still avoiding his gaze and shifting uncomfortably in her loafers. "Um, well.., it's not exactly home, b-but my… caretakers have a place here…"

His instincts practically screamed at him that something was amiss. The isolated location, the abandoned church – it all felt too peculiar. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon a hidden world, one that lurked beneath the surface of ordinary life.

"You've got some explaining to do, kid," Tōji said, his tone firm. "What's really going on here?"

Asia bit her lip, her eyes finally meeting his. The fear in them was palpable. "I-I can't tell you everything, but please believe me, I'm not trying to deceive you."

Tōji crossed his arms, his expression unreadable. "Uh huh…"

Before Asia could elaborate further, a low growl echoed through the clearing, and shadows stirred around them. Tōji's senses heightened, and he instinctively stepped in front of Asia, his gaze scanning the darkness. He felt it again; that odd feeling. Not a Cursed Spirit, but something that felt a wee bit less vile.

Out of the shadows emerged a figure. A woman with long black hair, clad in one of those kinky BDSM outfits that immediately raised his eyebrow and led him into thinking what sort of weird sex club he had just stumbled into.

"M-Miss Raynare…"

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the woman, who Asia referred as Raynare, smirked. "A little lost lamb and her unexpected guardian… And holy shit you're huge."

Tōji's eyes narrowed at Raynare's words. He wasn't fond of being referred to as a guardian, especially in a situation that seemed to be spiraling into the supernatural. His hand instinctively moved toward where a weapon would be if he had one.

"I'm no one's guardian," Tōji retorted, his tone a mixture of irritation and caution. "Just trying to figure out why we ended up in this creepy forest and stumbled upon someone dressed for a fetish party."

Raynare chuckled, her violet gaze flickering between him and the girl. "Curiosity often leads to unexpected discoveries, doesn't it?" Her tone had a seductive edge, but Tōji remained unfazed.

Asia shifted nervously, glancing between Tōji and Raynare. "M-Miss Raynare, please don't—"

"Hush, Asia dear," Raynare interrupted, her eyes fixated on Tōji as she took several steps closer, arms poised under her barely-covered bosom. "...Where's Freed?"

"Umm, uh… he-he's…"

As Tōji considered doing the 'close your eyes and ears for four seconds' bit again, Raynare halted him by continuing, "Ah. Whatever. I'm more interested in our unexpected guest here. What brings you to this charming little haven?"

Tōji maintained his casual stance, though his senses were still on high alert. "Call it bad luck or good fortune, depending on how you look at it. I was just trying to escort this kid home, and maybe nab myself something more than a 'thank you'."

Raynare's smirk widened, and a playful glint danced in her eyes. "Well, you certainly stumbled upon more than just a lost child, didn't you? Are you someone that talks money?"

He grins. "Fluently."

Raynare's laughter echoed through the forest, a melodic sound that tickled Tōji's spine. "I like you," she purred, closing in on him like a predator sizing up its prey. "So, Mr. Fluent in Money, how about we make a little deal?"

Tōji raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued despite the ominous atmosphere. "You talk first."

Raynare stopped in front of him, her eyes briefly scanning Asia before locking onto him. "Your name?"


"Oh come on, give me the complete one."

He eyed her down, before replying, "Fushiguro Tōji."

Her face scrunched for just a moment, ruminating his full name. "...Nope didn't ring any bell…"

He'd thought as much.

"Well, Mr. Tōji, you're not someone I've seen around in this town. And people of your stature aren't exactly easy to miss." The picture of that giant 'Mil-Tan' crossed Raynare's mind, and she quickly wiped that unnerving image away.

He shrugged. "Kept a low profile, you can say."

Raynare eyed him up surreptitiously, clasping her hands behind her back. "Asia, head inside."

"Okay…" and without much fanfare, the nun skittered towards the church, but not before turning around and giving him a light bow of gratitude.

Semantics, Tōji thought.

"...You're… really untraceable," Raynare then muttered, and Tōji quirked an eyebrow as she scrutinized him closer, going so far as prodding his chest, splaying her fingers up to his beating heart. "Normal humans at least carry a smidgeon of Magical Power in them. Are you a hitman?"

Tōji met Raynare's probing gaze with a level expression. "Hitman, assassin, bounty hunter, call it what you want. I'm just a guy who does what needs to be done. For the right price, obviously."

Raynare raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Interesting profession for someone who seems to have stumbled into the supernatural realm by accident. You don't strike me as the typical supernatural enthusiast."

His scar bent as he grinned. "You've no idea, missy. I'm here for the money. And if that leads me to dealing with whatever the hell is going on in this town, so be it."

Raynare chuckled, circling around him as if assessing his every angle. "Money and a pragmatic attitude. You're a rare breed, Mr. Tōji. So, let's get back to our deal. I need your skills for a little job, and in return, I'll make it worth your while. Sounds fair?"

Tōji considered her proposition, his mind racing with possibilities. The air of mystery surrounding Raynare and this peculiar forest made him wary.

"Define 'worth my while,'"

Raynare grinned, her fangs glistening in the moonlight. "Let's just say your pockets will be significantly heavier by the end of our little journey." Oh he liked that. "Plus, you get to walk away with all your limbs intact."

He didn't like that last bit.

"You make it sound like there's a possibility I might lose them. What kind of job are we talking about here?"

Raynare's laughter echoed through the clearing, a haunting sound that seemed to blend with the rustling leaves. "Relax, Mr. Tōji. I assure you, the job is simple. I just need your expertise in dealing with certain individuals who might be causing a bit of trouble. Nothing you can't handle, I'm sure… after all, you killed Freed, didn't you?"

Sharp. But if she was going to hold that weirdo's death on him, he'd take the acknowledgment.

"Yeah, I did. But I don't do charity work. Killing that fanatic was more about my own convenience than any grand cause. So, let's not romanticize it."

Raynare's laughter subsided, replaced by a more measured tone. "Fair enough, Mr. Tōji. We all have our reasons for doing what we do, but you killing him did make my job somewhat more difficult… and easier. He's… an annoyance, to say the least."


"Well, consider this an opportunity to further your convenience. The entities I speak of are more of a nuisance than a cause. Take care of them, and you'll find yourself with more than just a convenient solution."

Tōji's gaze narrowed, a hint of skepticism in his eyes. "Define 'certain individuals.' And trouble tends to be subjective."

Raynare's grin widened, revealing her fangs once again. "Let's just say they're beings that need a bit of... persuasion to see things our way. As for trouble, it's trouble for me, trouble for you, and potentially trouble for the entire town if left unchecked."

Tōji sighed, rubbing his temples. "You're not giving me much to work with here. I need specifics if I'm going to risk life and limb, especially the limb part."

Raynare's expression shifted to a more serious tone. "Fair enough, Mr. Tōji. We're dealing with some… satanists. Devil worshippers, Y'know, the usual 'sold your soul to the devil' and all that."

Tōji's eyebrow raised at the mention of devil worshippers. He wasn't entirely unfamiliar with the concept, having encountered his fair share of occultists and dark rituals in his line of work. However, the supernatural twist added an intriguing layer.

A cynical smirk played on his lips. "Satanists, huh? Always thought those folks were more into black robes and candles, not causing a ruckus in a town. You want me to play exorcist for a bunch of wannabe occultists?"

Raynare chuckled, her eyes glinting with amusement. "More like cleanup crew, Mr. Tōji. These individuals have been dabbling in forces they can't fully control, and it's causing disturbances. Put an end to their little shenanigans before things escalate further, and, let's say… this is just a test before I give you a more interesting assignment. Consider it a preview of what's to come."

Tōji's eyes narrowed as Raynare unfolded her black feathered wings. The unexpected sight did catch him off guard, and he couldn't help but suppress a grunt of surprise. The supernatural elements of this world were proving to be more than just tales spun by occult enthusiasts.

"Testing me, eh?" Tōji muttered, eyeing the wings with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "What's next, a pop quiz on demonology?"

Raynare's laughter echoed through the forest. "Not quite, Mr. Tōji. Consider it a gesture of trust. You're about to step into a world where the extraordinary is the norm. Get used to surprises."

Tōji sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've seen my fair share of surprises, but winged ladies are a first. Now as for my payment," he smoothly carried on. Might be her Cursed Technique or whatever. "I want a 30% down payment. A cool mil for one head. Cash only."

"Deal," Raynare smiled confidently, making Tōji wonder if he set the price too low or if she's just loaded. "Your money's in that church, and we'll conclude our transactions there. No traps, I swear. Other than a spare change, what else do you need? Any equipments you fancy?"

"Give me a sword, a gun, and point me in the right direction. I'll handle the rest."

Raynare's wings retracted, disappearing as quickly as they had appeared. She regarded Tōji with a newfound appreciation.

"You're more adaptable than I expected. I think this partnership might turn out to be quite beneficial for the both of us."

Tōji smirked, his eyes narrowing playfully. "I do hope the supernatural perks come with the package."

Raynare chuckled, her voice carrying a hint of flirtation. "Oh, Mr. Tōji, you might find that the supernatural world has more to offer than just perks."

He raised an eyebrow, a sly grin forming on his lips. "Care to show me the ropes, winged lady?"

Raynare's laughter echoed through the clearing. "Perhaps, Mr. Tōji, perhaps. But first, deal with those devil worshippers. And once you're done…" she muttered, her voice a sultry whisper as Raynare slid down her black latex bikini-like top, revealing a glimpse of her nipple. "I'll consider giving you a crash course in the extraordinary."

Tōji nodded and grinned appreciatively, the air thick with a newfound tension, both supernatural and otherwise. He didn't really care about how she looked; he just cared about her wallet. But if she was going to give him access to a different sort of wallet, he wasn't going to refuse.

Did he really just make that comparison? Eh well. He blamed it at being potentially dumped into a crazier world than his last one. Maybe this was to be his new Hell.

Hell or not, it seemed that he was to return to his roots. Yet, as they made their way towards the abandoned church, he couldn't shake the feeling that this partnership might indeed lead to more surprises than he bargained for.