

what happens when a genius wakes up in the body of a fallen emperor's body. well that's what exactly happened to luwan xan le a well known genius who roamed around the world and collected many knowledge experience and skills. What will now a fallen genius do with the fallen emperor's body?

Chilled_duck_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs


As Wang got up and cracked his bones and stretched to not get the muscles cramp because of his sitting in the same position for hours or even days on the end. Then he went to the weaponry section and pulled out a 'chiisai kana' (a smaller version of kata na used in Japan).

The handle and the cover of 'chiisai kana' was made of bamboo and the blade was made of iron and it was not sharpened so it was basically just a replica made for training purposes with out any actual use in the battlefield.

Wang the unsheathed it and flowed his QI through the blade. When he finally filled the blade with QI he said, "Basic blade martial arts, Quick slash" as he said that he slashed at the speed of a train while releasing a little bit of Qi with the slash.

Wang then proceeded with some basic techniques such as quick slashes and Qi thrust. When he finished his basic techniques he then proceeded to do a little more advanced technique.

When he was about to do it he took a deep breath and strengthened his body with QI and correct breathing and took the stance for the technique. He said, " blade martial arts technique, Empress's dancing blade" as soon as he said so he dashed quickly and and where ever he steeped there would be a creater or a foot print.

As he swang the chiisai kana in a smooth manner he also managed his foot work. This technique helped strengthen the sences and concentration of the user. The technique mainly consisted of multiple fast and smooth QI slashes with some complex movement, and normally if people would see it it would probably be described as elegant and smooth.

When he finished his move he was tired a little and when he looked around the ground he saw multiple footprints in the places where he had stepped. As he saw it he said, "Hmmm looks like this body can be developed and it is a good thing."

As he said that he felt the sun's rays and as soon as ge did, got out of the ground with now a real chiisai kana and headed straight for the the main palace.

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