A boy wakes up as the Gaunt Family Heir, only there are more witches than wizards and he needs to make something called a Coven. Get 5 Chapters advance on patre on.co m/ ironowl delete spaces.
"Reigis!" Tracey said entering the compartment, Daphne right behind her.
The bubbly brunette launched herself into my chair and gave me a deep kiss. My arms instinctively wrapped around her and I let har maul me. After a few moments of inappropriate groping she pulled back.
I saw the red smear of her lips and rolled my eyes.
"You've got something on your face," she said unhelpfully, crawling out of my lap.
"Thanks Tracey," I said looking at my reflection in the window, only to see both Daphne and Tracey's moms laughing at me.
I waved to them, blowing them each a kiss before cleaning my face of her lipstick. I helped the two girls with their luggage, thanking whoever casted the featherweight charm on them.
"Fleur, this is," I began.
"We've met," Daphne said, giving me a much more chaste kiss on the cheek before sitting opposite me next to Tracey. "It's you that didn't go to any functions growing up."
"Ah yes, I remember having to look after you and your sister Astoria when our mothers would go and talk. Does she still wet the bed?" Fleur asked.
"Thankfully not, but I'll tell her you said hi," Daphne said, taking out her notebook. "So what house are you in Fleur?"
"Ravenclaw," she said happily.
"Not surprising," I said.
"Oh? Are you calling me a bookworm?" she asked.
"I was calling you a pretty bird," I replied easily. "You know, Veela and all that."
She snorted.
"Why is Ravenclaw's mascot an eagle by the way?" I asked her.
"I don't know for sure, but I've heard rumors its because Rowena Ravenclaw's house coat of arms was an Eagle," Fleur replied.
"That still doesn't make sense."
The train jolted as we began our journey to Hogwarts. Tracey asked Fleur a question and I let the three of them have a conversation as I checked on Nessy, who was not happy with all the noises. She was in my suitcase, but had a little window she could peek out of.
"So Fleur I know this is a bit sudden, but have you given any thought to joining Reigis's Coven? Both myself and Tracey already have."
"Oh, well, I really like Reigis, but I feel that I don't know him well enough to make that kind of decision. Hopefully I can get to know him better this year," the Veela said smiling.
"I see, well no issue. Reigis seems to like you and respects you a lot."
"Oh does he?" she asked, looking at me.
I shrugged. "You're a Veela in Magical Britain, I know it can't be easy for you here, but you seem to take it all in stride."
"Yes, it's not the easiest, like with your grandfather."
I grimaced.
"What did his grandfather do?"
"Tried to get my mother to become his whore," she replied bluntly. "But lets not talk of that. What houses are you hoping to be in?"
"Slytherin," I sighed. "I don't think I'm allowed to be in anything else. But I wouldn't have minded Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw."
"Not many non-Puff's say they'd be okay with Hufflepuff."
"It's a house of loyalty and hard work, those are the best values to have in your friends."
"What about you two?" she asked Tracey and Daphne.
"The same, Slytherin has the highest concentration of politicians' children, and the highest chance of those children becoming politicians themselves," Daphne said.
"I don't really mind any of them," Tracey replied, shrugging. "I don't want to be separated from Daphne and Reigis though so I'll try and stay with them."
"Ah a young girl in love," Fleur said dramatically.
"Indeed," Tracey said sagely. "I even tried to convince Reigis to put a baby in my oven so to speak. Unfortunately he wanted to wait until we were out of Hogwarts."
"OI!" I yelled. "You were the one that kept saying that stuff!"
Fleur spluttered, then laughed out loud.
"Well then-" Fleur began, but was cut off as the door to the compartment opened.
I turned expectantly, ready to see a scene straight out of the movies, instead a pretty girl with tanned skin, dirty blonde hair and freckles peppering her face. She looked to be a bit older than Fleur and when she saw the Veela girl her smile lit up. She already had her Ravenclaw robes on, and there was a badge with a big P on it.
She was tall and slender, medium sized breasts pressing against her robes enticingly.
"Fleur!" she squealed.
Fleur stood hugging the girl. Penny looked at the rest of us.
"Newbies huh? And who is this?" she asked, smiling at me coyly.
"Er, Reigis Gaunt, its nice to meet you," I said, holding out a hand.
"Gaunt? … Oh," a complicated look came over her face.
"Don't worry Penny, Reigis doesn't care about things like being a muggleborn," Fleur said.
"I-its not that. Er, I uh, well you know how I'm thinking about joining Percy's Coven? Well I went to this big family meal the Weasleys had…"
Fleur looked confused but I understood.
"You heard what Ron said," I said simply.
Penny, who I now knew was Penelope Clearwater, cringed.
"Yeah, it was your sister right?"
"Well if it makes you feel better I've never heard Mrs. Weasley ever scream like that in my life, and she yells a lot."
"It doesn't, but don't worry I'll deal with him."
That made the pretty blond look very worried.
"No one will know or be permanently injured, don't worry."
"You do realize I'm a Prefect right?"
I looked at her, a flirty grin on my face. Stepping closer I cupped her cheek, pretending to wipe away some smear.
"I know, but you seem to realize that what Ron did is wrong. Don't worry I just want to make sure he knows that. She is my dear little sister after all. By the way, I never got your name?"
"P-Penelope Clearwater," she stuttered, a blush on her face as she stared up at me.
"A beautiful name. You said you weren't in a Coven right?"
Her blush deepend.
"P-Percy is thinking about inviting me," she stammered.
"Hmm, shame. It would be a tragedy worse than being Crucio'd if I couldn't see your face every morning."
"I should g-go. There's a Prefects meeting."
I watched her leave a smirk playing on my lips.
"What was that?" Fleur asked with raised eyebrows.
"She's cute."
Fleur blew out a breath, sitting back down.
"Well that might actually be better than the weasel. Percy has been leading her on for years. I think he's a blood purist cause his only Coven members are purebloods. I tried explaining it to her, but she's blind to it."
"Are there any good Weasleys?" Tracey asked.
"I heard Charlie and Bill weren't that bad, but I never knew them," Fleur said. "The twins are a menace, sure they can be funny, but they don't know when to stop. Half the stuff they do can be called sexual harassment. Now the new one is apparently an arse."
I scowled at that. The twins were always a fan favorite because of their pranks and such, but in a world with Covens and a huge gender disparity and age difference I could see their "pranks" not being so funny.
"If they mess with you guys let me know okay?" I said looking at the three girls.
Fleur raised an eyebrow.
"Don't think I can take care of myself?"
"I'm sure you can, but that doesn't mean I can't kick them while they're down."
Or summon venomous snakes to bite their dicks while they sleep. Or you know, complain to a teacher. Or the snakes, I liked the snake idea.
A few minutes later the door to our compartment opened again, and this time I was rewarded with one of the Golden Trio. Calling them Golden didn't really make sense though. I didn't think Harry was even alive, and Ron was a cunt, but at least one of them was standing proud.
Hermione, because it could only be her stood with her bushy hair. Only it wasn't the wild untamed hair from the books. Hermione wasn't eleven she was eighteen, she had long since learned how to deal with her hair. Like Penelope she already wore her uniform.
She was of average height, but slender like Daphne with small breasts and a thin waist. While her teeth were larger than what was normal, she didn't have some huge set like I would have thought. In fact she was beautiful. A perfect blend of bookish and girl next door.
"Hello, one of the boys lost his toad, do any of you know of a way to find it?"
"Accio doesn't work on living things," Fleur said, frowning. "Maybe ask one of the prefects they're just up the train."
"I can find it," I said standing and moving to my suitcase.
I flipped open the latches and Nessy slithered out sliding up my arm to wrap around my neck.
"Hey Nessy, can you help me find a toad?" I asked.
"Can I eat it?" she asked back.
Hermione gasped.
"You can speak to snakes? What spell is that? Wait, snakes are not allowed as pets."
I turned to her.
"She's not my pet, she's a snake that happened to crawl into my suitcase. And yes I can speak to snakes, it's not a spell, it's a family thing. Now lets find that toad."