
A Garden Of Roses

Professor_Jelly0_0 · Urban
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7 Chs

The Rot On Spoiled Fruit

"So Ronnie, What where your last two class periods like?" I cheerfully ask Ronnie as I stick my fork into a slice of f/f. I am taken aback by the sudden burst of flavor from it. This was one of the best I had ever eaten. I continue to munch down as I looked to Ronnie.

Ronnie smiles at me as he sips on his water bottle. "I-It was nothing much really, but I was worried. First it was that rude girl, then you sat next to Tao." Ronnie almost grimaced at the thought.

Ronnie stares at me for a while as I try to recall when Ronnie entered the classroom. "Wait, when did you get to class?" I try to cover up the fact that the fact we share classes together slipped my mind.

Ronnie frowns, not particularly happy  with my question. "I was in the class before you. I sat in the left corner of the room." His eyes stare at me for a little while longer before darting to the floor.

"A-anyways, you didn't answer the question. Y/N, are you ok? You seemed so scared in class-" Right as Ronnie tried to ask again a familiar voice was calling my name.

"Y/N! There you are!" Mia waves at me as she walks over with Andrew, Matthew being nowhere in sight. "Ronnie, you have the same lunch as us?" Mia questions Ronnie as she notices him sitting next to me.

Ronnie shakes his head in confirmation. "Y-yeah. It good to see you, Mia." Ronnie gives a little wave and a sheepish smile. The tense atmosphere from before dissipates as the pair sit down.

"Its good to see Ronnie making friends with someone for a change." Mia comments out loud as she sticks her fork into a salad bowl. Andrew gives her a look as he to starts to eat his lunch.

At this point all the items I settled across the table are now piled in a single, empty seat. Ronnie and I seemed to forget about the conversation we had before as the pair infront of us settled down.

"So, Y/N, what do you think of Matthew?" Mia starts another string of conversation, however this causes me to choke on the soup I was drinking. I cough as my throat burns and the suddenness of the question. What made it even worse was Ronnie was sitting next to me.

"W-what!? Mai I literally just met him!" I reach for my napkin and start to wipe at my mouth.

Andrew signs as he takes a bite out of an apple. "Mia...stop trying to find Matthew a girlfriend, he already has one!" Andrew shakes his head as he looks at me. "Don't listen to her, she's like this with every girl she finds." Mia sighs as Andrew brings to light the origin of her question.

"So what if I am? She's way better than that-" Mia takes in a deep breath and sighs as well. "I only want Matthew to be happy," She rubs her forehead in annoyance. "But out of all the girls, he goes for Rebecca."

"Rebecca?" I say the name out loud but it comes out as more of a question. Ronnie and Andrew both look at me with regretful eyes.

"Yeah, Rebecca," Mia starts as she pulls out her phone that dangles a metal charm on it that is shaped as a cherry blossom flower. "This is what she looks like," She shows me a group photo of Matthew, Andrew, Ethan and a girl with strawberry pink streaks dyed in her blonde hair. That girl was the same person from my English class. Matthew and 'Rebecca' stood next to each other as Ethan wrapped his arm around Andrews neck which seems like nothing to Andrew in the photo. On the furthest to the right was an unfamiliar boy with Platinum blonde hair and green eyes. His smile was charming and seductive even just through the photograph.

"Hey, I know her! She's in our English class," My tone was flat and agitated as I recount the memory of our interaction. "She's... something else.." I try to put my words in a polite way but Mia just shoots it down.

"No, she's a b*tch. Always been one and will never change. She's more plastic than barbie and God knows how much bronzer she goes through in a day," She blurted out in an exaggerated tone has she gestures to the crowded table. Mia retracts the phone in her hand and shoved it back into her pocket in annoyance. "She has slept with almost every guy in school, including some of the teachers. But you didn't hear that from me."

Mia's sudden agitation makes everyone fall into an uncomfortable hush. Right as she said that Rebecca came into view causing Mia to bang her head against the table. Her hands were balled into fists as she tried to suppress her rage. Andrew was the one who tried to calm her down first."Mia, come on. It is none of our business. If Matthew wants to be with her, fine. He knew what he was getting into once he got together with that-" Andrew was cut off as Mia shoves a piece of fruit in his mouth.

"Whatever, I was trying to be a good friend, that's all." Mia looks a bitter as she tried away from Andrew, who was now choking on the fruit.

In that moment Rebecca was dangling her arms around a guy with platinum blonde hair, who wasn't that interested. That's when Mia shot out of her seat, marching to confront Rebecca.

Ronnie and I were left with no choice but to try and hold Mia back as she made her charge. At this point I could tell she could only see the thick crimson red over her eyes.

"That b*tch! I oughta teach her a few things!" Mia's mouth foamed in her spitting rage, leaving Andrew to take charge of the situation. Andrew looped his arms through hers and started to take her down stairs, creating a scene as they left.

"No Andrew! I've had enough of this bullsh*t! A year of this and I can't take it!" Mia's voice slowly drifted as the last sight of the pair was of Andrew looking at everyone with apologetic eyes. This left Ronnie and I alone to clean up the mess. We began to wipe down the table with what spare napkins we had but with both our water bottles being spilled it was a lot to clean.

"I should go get more napkins." I suggested and Ronnie nodded in agreement. "O-ok. I should come to, right?" Ronnie looks at me with hope filled eyes as I started to walk away. I paused and look back at the table that was still messy. The treys left behind by the group were still full of food, having some of it spilt by Mia's sudden outburst. There were our items too, left around our seats in a messy fashion, leaving it a prime target to be tampered with or taken.

"I think it's best if one of us stays here and continues cleaning, I don't want-"I stop and look past Ronnie to she the blonde haired boy walking over with a group of girls fallowing behind. When he gets closer to the group I could see how his lime green eyes glint in the light. His skin as clear and taned ever so lightly. His uniform was neatly tucked into place, carrying with it a princely aura. I blush a little as his fears became even clearer to reveal the attractive toned features of the boy.

Ronnie turns to see who I was looking at, causing the atmosphere around him to grow dark. The blonde haired boy smiled as he eyed Ronnie. "Ronnie, is everything alright over here?" His question was gentle and mindful of the crowd. Ronnie didn't answer as he just stood there with his back turned to me to face the boy.

"Lennan, why are you here?" Ronnie didn't studder at a when he talked to the boy and his tone was lined with malice. Ronnie slightly shook as he stood there causing me to walk up and rest my hand on Ronnie's shoulder. "Ronnie." I worriedly called to him before looking to Lennan.

"Sorry, our friend got a bit excited." I smile as I try to break the tension but the dark aura surrounding Ronnie began to grow. I had a chill run up my spine causing me to check Ronnie again. I squeezed his shoulder in reassurance.  "Hey Ronnie.." I whispered to him still hoping I could calm things down. The atmosphere lightened slightly as he looked up at me with trembling eyes full of doubt, fear and something else I could place my finger on. "Are you ok?"

With my whispered question Ronnie shook his head to confirm he was alright now. I had doubt in if that was the truth but that is something for another time. I smiled lightly before turning back to the boy who was eyeing up the messy table.

"I'm friends with Mia too. She got mad over what Rebecca did, didn't she?" Lennan chuckled and shook his head, almost assuring himself that was the case. "Don't worry too much about what's between Rebecca and her, they never gotten along." As he said that I could see Rebecca creeping out of the group of girls flocking Lennan. Rebecca wrapped her arms around Lennans right arm and rested her head against Lennan's shoulder.

She smiled a witches smile as she looked me dead in the eye. Her face scrunched up in a grotesque, inhuman shape due to the not-so-light plastic surgery done to her face. She couldn't be much older than I but was already decked out to the fullest. She turned her head and whispered something in Lennans ear while Lennan continued to smile.

Eventually Lennan left as quickly as he came, as well as the flock of girls behind him. With not so much as a goodbye might I add. As they leave Ronnie volunteered to stay put as I left to grab extra napkins. Upon returning I could see that Ronnie wasn't alone and was talking with a familiar face.

There standing next to Ronnie and helping him with the clean up was Tao. I could feel my nerves coming back to me as I see his purple hair and cold eyes turning to face me. The cold sweat returning to my palms in a familiar fashion.