
A Garden Of Roses

Professor_Jelly0_0 · Urban
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7 Chs

Morning Dew

The trip down the hall was a brisk walk to room 286-B. The sleek, wooden door to the room was prompt open which made an easy entry. Once I walked in I could see the sleep deprived faces of my classmates, each bit bothering with anyone else in the class. On the opposite wall to the door sat a large window that allowed the natural sunlight to flood in through the plastic blinds.

The teachers desk sat on the right side of the window, huddled into a corner along a small, metal cabinet to hold folders. On the wall, facing the rest of the classroom was a large, electric whiteboard that projected the image of a blank, blue screen.

The teacher sat in there black office chair, reading whatever was on his laptops screen. I walk in further into the room as others start to flood the almost empty class. I decided to sit in the few remaining seats in the back so I wouldn't have to bother with anyone behind me.

A girl sat infront of me, sending her blue braided hair fluttering as she flicked it away with her fair hand. Her violet eyes met my e/c ones sending a shiver of mixed signals up my spine. She smiled at me before holding out her hand.

"Mia's the name, second year and my zodiac is Aries." On her arm a slim sterling silver bracelet dangled. I shake her hand out of politeness, making me wonder how she has such a bold energy radiating off of her.

"Y/N, this is my first year here." My wary, limp handshake is grabbed firmly and shaken with a strong arm.

Her smile doesn't fade, only growing brighter as she continues.

"A freshmen in a sophomore class, must have some brain in there then." Her words remained blunt but not holding any animosity in them. "Hey, why don't we be friends, you and I? You seem like a nice girl with her head on her shoulders."

With that I am left baffled. Her cheery mood seems blinding in the morning light, not to mention she was the only person willing to talk in the room.

I laugh to myself as I think back to Ronnie, and how my expression now must be similar to his when I suggested being friends.

"Sure, why not? You seem like the life of the party Mia." My words were relaxed and optimistic as we both laugh. Though our productive conversation was cut short as the bell sounded off, indicating that class is now starting.

The teacher slumps up and sighs as he pushes up his blonde hair over his forehead before standing up to close the door. Though he pauses, looking at his watch and tapped his foot as he held the door open. Those who were awake didn't seem to pay any mind to this almost as if it was normal.

The halls were now less crowded but I could hear the distant sound of shoes squeaking against the floor. The teacher roles his hazel eyes as a fair-haired boy suddenly ran into the classroom.

The boy skids across the floor causing his body to jerk backwards in an awkward motion. The bag around his left arm shot forward before being pulled back by the brown leather strap. His cornflower eyes  scans across the classroom before landing on Mia. He cheeks were dust pink as he fixed his posture.

"Sorry Mr. Hendricks," The boy coughs but the teacher just rolls his eyes. "I'll seat myself." The boy shuffled his body to the open seat on Mia's right side.

"First day back and you still manage to run late, Andrew." The teacher signs heavily before walking to his desk to collect papers.

The fair-haired boy, Andrew, glances in my direction before Mia steals his attention. "Still making a fashionable entrance as usual." Mia whispers in a joking manner.

Andrew mutters a small nervous chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck. The navy blue blazer was unbuttoned and his white button up shirt was barely tucked in, forming messy wrinkles. Though despite all this he still has his tie fixed sharply around his collar and his black slip on dress shoes was unscuffed.

The teacher proceeds through a small introduction to the class along with the assignment of locker key cards. The lockers at the school were electric and the use of key cards ensured only one student had access to the locker. This could be linked to the rumored incident that happened last year.

As my thoughts take a dark turn down the leaked gossip a firm tap against my head brings be back to the class. Mia is standing out of her seat, holding a card in her hand.

"You drop this." she laughs as I take the card. The smile on her face doesn't fade as she looks back to Andrew who is now slipping his bag over his shoulder. "Y/N, this is Andrew, a second year like me." Mia introduces us both and in return Andrew and I exchanged a nod.

"You already snagged a new friend. But I shouldn't be too surprised, Mia." Andrew beams a warm smile as he laughs to himself. Mia huffs in annoyance causing me to break my eye contact and see everyone is already leaving.

"Wait...class is Over!?" My shock comes out of my mouth in a pitched voice. I start to grab my things, keeping in mind my locker card. While I rushed to gather my things Mia and Andrew waited.

"Hey Y/N, when's your lunch?" Mia asks as I think back to my schedule.

"It should be after the next class I have." My answer sends both beaming with delight.

"We have first lunch too!" Mia smiles warmly. "Let's try and find each other at lunch, alright?" Mia and Andrew start to walk away as I rush behind them, having an eerie feeling fallow me as I do.

"Wait, do one of you know we're room 146-A is?" I match my pace with there's as we walk down the hall.

Andrew scratches his head and squints one eye. "Oh, Mrs. Brooks class? That's on the other side of the school, first floor still. It should be near the stairwell." His face fixes itself as he reassures me I could make it if I don't take the main hall. "Just cut through the court yard. A door should be located at the end of this hall that you could use. Remember to walk passed the goose statue and to the grey door."

With that I wave to both Andrew and Mia and I start to briskly make my way down the hall. "Ah-Thank you! I guess I will see you at lunch then!" They both nod and smile as I make my way past them.

Just like Andrew said there was a door leading to the court yard, one full of green trees and coral pink flowers blooming from bushes. The sky was bright with the clouds gently grazing the blue in a tranquil manner. In the center of the lush court yard I could hear the sounds of water splashing. Bleached-white wooden benches line the concrete paths and in a few of them I could see people spending there free period laying on the shaded benches. I walk towards the sounds of splashing water and find a grand fountain, where Ethan stood next to a group of boys.

I briskly walk past them, him not noticing at all. They converse loudly to one another about there summer and the freshmen. "Damn, summer is gone and now we're here." Someone voice complained dejected as another pulled his bright red hair playfully. "At least we can see the girls in cute shorts a year~!" The all laugh as someone else walks by them.

The poor girls just ignores the group as well as everyone else around them. It seems that everyone agreed upon one thing, the group didn't match the atmosphere of the court yard.

As I make my way around the fountain and away from the noisy bunch I come across a small swan statue in the bushes with bright white flowers. The floral scent drifted in to my nose as the wind blows my hair. I could loose myself here if I didn't have to get to class. That was until the shouting baboons remind me of another reason why I shouldn't stay.

I locate the grey door that Andrew has mentioned before. Behind a large bush I could fallow a small concrete path leading to a secluded nook. Im briefly covered by shade as it drapes over my body. The refreshing chilled air of an air conditioned school brushes my skin as I opened the door.

I walk into a less crowded hallway and locate the classroom by the stairwell. I briefly fly past the sturdy wooden door with the number 146-A placard above on a small sign. The room didn't have a window and seemed smaller in comparison to the classroom I was in before. The back wall was covered by a large corkboard that was decorated with colorful paper. In the front of the room sat a large electric whiteboard as well as some filing cabinets and fancy storage compartments. In the back corner of the room laid the teacher desks that was littered in messy piles of paper.

The teacher stood by a podium that sat next to the door. Her expressive red curly hair was tucked behind a messy bun and adorned with colorful hair clips. Her wide smoky eyes were exquisite pairing with her wide grin that stretched ear to ear. Her blue blazer was decorated with different metal button pins, making her seem more of a student than a teacher.

She smiled as a piece of paper was passed from her hand to mine, directing me to an assigned seat. I look around to see how busy the classroom was. Everyone seemed more alive and expressive, especially with the group of girls giggling and chatting around a desk that sat in the middle of the room. To my dismay my desk was on the left of the group that was currently being used as a chair.

I didn't mind all that much as I just sat my things down and waited for them to move. In the meantime I scrolled through any new notifications I might have gotten on my phone. Though my harmless action seemed to draw animosity from the girl sitting on my desk.

"Excuse me," Her voice was sour and rolled off of a high pitched tone. "This is my seat." Her purple eyes narrowed as they met mine. Her plump lips were stained a taffy pink and her long fake fingernails clenched tight in her balled hand. Her uniform was snug around her waist but her plump chest popped out as an obvious push up bra hid underneath and improperly button white shirt.  Her blonde hair carried a swirl of strawberry dyed reds that were made even more obvious as she brushed them off her shoulder.

I could feel the cold sweat start to prickle on the back of my neck. I didn't like to start petty dramas over stupid things yet here I was already causing a problem. Though the fact she had the nerve to call this her seat eats away at rising annoyance.

"Ok, but I have a paper telling me to sit here." My words linger in the air as if they were sowing even more discord.  This, without a doubt could have been handled better. But I didn't let my nerves show as I just continue to hold the paper in my hand and stare back hopelessly.

Anger sparked in her eyes as her attitude towards me became even more furious. "So what? I sat here first and I have my bag here." She points her witch like finger to a small bubblegum pink bookbag that was only big enough to carry makeup supplies.

I just rolled my eyes at the sight and pick up my bag. "Fine. I don't mind moving, just tell me what seat you had before deciding this was a good spot." I wasn't about to start a fight over something like this. It was most likely she had someone special sitting there like her bestie or boyfriend and I was not about to be hated over something as small as that.

She pointed to the corner of the room, farthest away from here. "Over there."  With that her friend group starts to giggle and egged this on.

I smiled an annoyed smile. "Cool. Good joke. But uh..were is your actual seat number. I'll just switch papers with you. It is no big deal." I bite back the urge to say something smart as I hand her my paper. She scoffs in annoyance and rolls her eyes. "Whatever."

We both come to an agreement as she hands me her paper and I see the seat is only back two spaces than were I originally was going to be seated. As I sit down I finally notice how tense to atmosphere has gotten and how the room seemed much quieter. I look around the room and see nothing particularly off.

Class starts by the sound of the tardy bell and the door closes gently. That's when I notice the swift glances at me. That's when I finally understood that they weren't infact looking at me but the person to my left. There sat a boy with short periwinkle hair poking out behind a school issued hoodie. Their nose and mouth were covered by a black mask leaving his lilac eyes alone on his pale face. His figure was slim almost sickly as his pale skin was covered by his long sleeve uniform and trousers.

Though the faint whisper of one of my classmates perks up my ears. "Tao Mandel! She willingly went and sat next to him!?"