
A Garden Of Roses

Professor_Jelly0_0 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chemistry and Reactions

Ronnie allowed me to awkwardly make my way through the door and into a well-lit, empty classroom. The tables had black counters and a sink in the front of the table. Each table was in a paired group and faced the front of the room with an electric whiteboard. Infront of the board was a large counter space littered with papers, plastic red baskets and different types of rubber bands. The lights were a bright florescent white and the windows being near the back of the room. Luckily we were on the opposite side of the school, making it so the sun won't shine through. The teacher was nowhere to be found which left Ronnie and I to pick out our own seats. It was near the back window and beside the right wall lined in tall, wooden cabinets. We sat on top of the metal stools provided and tried to find something else to talk about.

"What about books? Do you have any favorites, Ronnie?"

I watched the gears turn in Ronnie's mind. It was something small I wanted to ask to break the silence but Ronnie looked like he was defusing a bomb trying to find the answer. He stares off in space for a while, fixing his gaze on a box in the corner.

It was something he prepared himself for in the past when setting up his plan to get closer to Y/N, yet despite thinking of all the ice-breaking questions she might ask, he was drawing a blank. A worried smile creeps across his face and his eyes seem so distant now.

"I-I don't read very much...." Ronnie's eyes finally snap back to mine as if he had finally returned from wherever his mind took him. "B-but do you recommend any books?" His gaze doesn't waver from mine as he patiently waits for an answer.

His unmoving gaze makes answering him a bit awkward. "Yeah..I could recommend a few, we can start with what genre-" my words begin to trail of as I watch Ethan walk into the room. His red hair was plastered against his forehead by sweat while his school uniform was unkept. I could only awkwardly try not to draw any attention to Ronnie and I but it was too late. Our eyes meet as he swiftly surveys the room which lead to his relaxed smile to twist into something more devious.He sat his bag down onto the table infront of Ronnie and I with a thud. The bag separated Ronnie and I down the middle as Ethan leaned over.

"What'cha two lovebirds doing?" He leaned his chin against his fist as he rested his elbow against the table.

Ronnie stiffed as Ethan only glanced back and forth between Ronnie and I.  

"Um hey there...you."

My words were awkward and I didn't really know what to say. I know the last and only time these two were together Ronnie wasn't looking so well, though I can't say for certain I know why.

Just be friendly Y/N. Nothing goes wrong when your just being civil, right?

Ethan only smiled and gave a little chuckle. He then rubbed Ronnie's hair playfully as his smile grew wider.

"I guess birds of a feather flock together, Ron," Ethan just teases Ronnie. Ronnie clearly not liking his hair being touched by Ethan. "It's crazy I finally get to meet her highness in person. Or it shouldn't be with-" Ronnie shoves Ethan hand away causing Ethan's words to be cut off with the sudden show of aggression.

"C-Come on Ethan! Stop!" Ronnie shouted in anger as Ethan stumbled back in surprise. It was only the three of us in the class so luckily Ronnie's yelling didn't attract unwanted attention. Ethan stood down but continued to mess with Ronnie's hair.

"Alright I'll stop squirt, so stop yelling." With this I could tell they have something of a brotherly relationship between them. "Well this year is gonna be fun, isn't that right Ron?" Ethan teased once again before turning his attention to me.

"And you, you take care of him will yah? He needs a friend, yah know?" He ruffled my hair and asked me to be nice.

Why is everyone weird about Ronnie and I being friends?

I ignore the question as it fades to the back of my mind. More people have started to show up now, fun. Two more delinquents came charging in guns blazing. They headlock and wrestle with one another while running into tables.

Ronnie took hold of my attention again as he cleared his throat. "D-Don't listen to Ethan about anything, he's just a bully." Ronnie seemed to pout at the idea of me giving any sort of attention to Ethan.


The bell goes off and starts the class. A  teacher comes in wearing a grey suit and tie. His head started to bald as grey hair lined the sides of his head. A goatee beard is worn on his face as his sucken eyes were magnified by glasses.

"Sit down." The teacher addressed Ethan and the two other delinquents that were being rowdy. Everyone was seated except for the few students trickling in.

"Afternoon class," The teacher greeted as the class became eerily silent. The teacher sat down his laptop and turned on the board. "I am Mr. Richardson, I'm going to be straight with you," the board flicked on revealing a slideshow. "I am a reasonable teacher here. Pay attention, turn in work and study when needed you'll do fine. I don't do pop quizzes, I find them to be stupid. I have a calendar for this class to show you due dates and test days. I expect things to be turned in on time and for you to be ready on test days. I'm not your mother and you are all old enough and smart enough to keep track of your due dates," The teacher started to address the board now. "As you can see here this is the lesson plan for the day, it would be mostly review of past knowledge from your previous course because I know you have probably forgotten it over the summer."

The class was pretty straight forward from there. Review work was handed out and had to be filled out before the end of class the teacher didn't mind us helping one another as long as it wasn't loud. Ronnie was bussing away at work as I did the same till I started to forget stuff.

'Parts of a cell? I can't remember half of that crap. Wasn't there something like rough and smooth ER or something?'

"Hey Ronnie," I tapped his shoulder. "Could you help me out? My brain is still on vacation."

Ronnie stopped writing and beamed. It seems like he was more than happy to help. We went through the paper together, Ronnie helping me when needed and me waiting for the chance to help him, but I doubt he would ask for help at this rate. His foul mood from when Ethan walked into class seemed to have disappeared as well the more we talked and filled out our papers.

"Pisst!" A whisper could be heard snapping my attention away from what Ronnie was saying.

"Oi over here!" Ethan whispered as he tapped the table with his finger again. In some annoyance I look up at him to see what was the matter.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Do you have a pencil or something? I broke my pen." Ethan then proceeded to show his broken pen which was dented and bent at the top and most likely about to explode ink. Inwardly I rolled my eyes and searched for a pen for him to borrow.

"Here use my pencil." Ronnie said flatly as he almost stabbed Ethan as he handed him the pencil. Ronnie had a frown and flared at Ethan before looking through his bag for a new pencil. Ethan turned around and continued talking to his seatmate that was one of the delinquents who came in causing a ruckus. Ronnie shot back up after finding a pencil and continued to work with a scoul on his face. That was until he looked at me, his expression lightened as he looked at my paper seeing that I am still a ways away from being finished.

"I-I can help you if you are still stuck." Ronnie stammered like the shy boy I first met today. It seems that he finally came to his usual? self. The class soon ends causing hell to break loose.

The three delinquents started to tussle as they made their way to to door, handing in crumpled and barely filled in paper. Ronnie was caught up with them as Ethan grabbed the bag on Ronnie's back and started to drag him.

"You are coming with us, Ron!" Ethan beamed as the other two fallowed close behind. "Hey you, we are taking him for some one on one guys talks, so don't wait up." Ethan waved me away dismissively.

"He's got to get to class-" I started only to be cut off.

"And he will, after we talk." Before I could say or do anything else the trio dragged Ronnie into the crowded hall and surfed off into the distance.

I'm sure he'll be alright, right?