Losing everything because of a overpowered goddess with daddy issues isn’t the best, but Kuro dragged himself from the bottom once before And really, where better to grow than Marvel?
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.
Beta'd by morde24, OoalGown, and TheDonFluffles
The Gamers Guide to Conquest
Chapter 01: Father of the Year
"Okay, I'll admit it. This one is on me," Shiro admitted, shrugging slightly as he stared at the recovered soul of his player two.
You don't say. I warned you Lucille was dangerous, but as always you listen to nobody but yourself.
"Pft, I did listen. I made sure she wouldn't be able to hurt any of my girls or cause trouble in any of my worlds. How was I supposed to know she'd simply bypass me entirely and con Kuro into fighting me," Shiro said with a sigh.
As always, your arrogance has cost you. Or in this case, cost Kuro.
"It's fine, honestly this works out in a way. Isis is almost ready and now is as good a time as any to give Kuro his own system," Shiro said after a moment of thought.
I don't suppose I can convince you that this is an equally bad idea, can I? You do realise that without me limiting him, Kuro might actually end up as strong as you, or stronger. I can place restrictions on ISIS, but any good system would be able to remove them eventually.
"No," was Shiro's reply, a quiet finality in his words "you can't."
Very well. Do what you want, not like you listen to me anyway. So, once he has his new body and system, then what?
"Well, I could put him back in DxD, right where he left off. Or…" Shiro trailed off as his attention flickered to the screen in front of him as he opened up the world builder tab.
Has anyone told you that you're an asshole today?
"Oddly enough, yes," Shiro said, chuckling to himself. "It's fine; I saved all of Kuro's data, his girls are right where he left them. I'm just giving him a chance to grow, to get used to his new system, like the helpful Player One I am."
You're so full of shit even I can smell it, and I don't have an olfactory system.
Waking up, it's immediately apparent how much has changed, my old body was that of a lich. Undead, endlessly regenerating, and very very strong. My new body is decidedly less powerful.
I feel incredibly weak—not baseline human weak—but far weaker compared to what I am used to.
"Hey Player Two, sorry about all that. Don't worry, Lucille has been dragged home, spanked, and locked in her room. She's grounded for the foreseeable future, and I can foresee a lot." Shiro's eternally smug voice announces. Turning around, the first thing I see is his infuriatingly arrogant face grinning at me.
So I do the natural thing to do when you hear the voice of the person who just got you killed, I turned around and decked him. As my fist makes contact with his face, I wince in pain. Whatever I just hit was entirely too hard to be flesh.
"For instance; I foresaw that you'd be a tad miffed and try to punch me, so I thought it'd be a learning moment if I sent a hard light hologram in my place, a very hard light hologram. Tut tut, really Kuro, losing your temper like that?" Shiro continues, entirely unaffected by my glare. "You're lucky, if you actually hit me, I'd be honour bound to hit you back, and I'm not sure you'd survive the experience."
"Game, status," I say, ignoring him entirely.
ISIS System booting up.
"Don't worry, all your girls are fine, but I've decided to give you a gift as my apology for Lucille's actions. Your very own system, aren't I the greatest?" Shiro said, making me turn back to him. "Oh, but the Game is being an asshole and wouldn't transfer your data over, so you're kinda gonna have to start again. To make up for it I'm sending you on a little detour before you return home, so you can power up. I custom designed this world just for you. And people say I'm not nice. Have fun, try not to die again!"
Start again?
Wait, like back to level one start again?
Oh you motherfucker. I have to start all over because your pullout game is weak?!
As the hologram fades, I'm left standing alone in a void that feels entirely too familiar.
ISIS System, online.
Greetings Master!
The bright voice catches me off guard and I flinch a little. The Game doesn't have a voice, it's all text, but it just talked. And in a distinctly young and feminine voice at that.
Isis, right?
That's correct Master! I am Isis, your new system. I'm sorry to say your fears are correct, with the installation of a new system, your old data has been lost.
I have more news, master. Some good, some bad.
Start with the bad, I want to know what kind of mess I've been dropped into.
Your 'Player One' has already input all your character creation choices. Your start has already been locked in, and even I can't change that. Also, you can't return to DxD until you have met certain requirements that I can't reveal.
Fun, fun, fun. But things are as I left them, right?
More or less. The Overlord World has been changed significantly, and you should be able to access it sooner rather than later.
And the good news?
You won't be starting from scratch. The world you're being sent to is pretty dangerous, after all.
Well, that's something at least. How dangerous are we talking?
…I believe it will be better for you to see for yourself, I believe you'll recognise it quickly enough.
Fine, time to rip off the bandage. Let's get this started.
Yes Master!
Oh, you might want to brace yourself.
As I feel myself being forcibly teleported, the answer becomes immediately apparent as a fist collides with my face, making me stumble back as I blink rapidly to clear my vision.
Shiro thought you'd have some aggression to work off.
Looking around, I sigh as I realise I'm standing in the middle of a small ring surrounded by metal railings, and a lot of cheering people.
Some kind of fight club?
Memories come flooding back and confirm that yes, this is, in fact, an underground fight club. And apparently one where I make a decent chunk of money.
As my opponent—an older man with bloodshot eyes—charges towards me, I ready myself, sinking into a familiar stance as the skills gained from my new memories come rushing to the forefront of my mind. I step forward and a little to the left, causing his wild haymaker to miss entirely, and slam my right fist straight into his kidney. He doubles over in pain, and I take the opportunity to step behind him and drive my foot into the back of his knee, forcing him to the ground. I could end it here with a chokehold or a knee to the back of the neck, but the audience wants to see blood, and who am I to deny them?
Okay fine, I get paid more if I put on a show before I beat the other guy to the ground.
Stepping back around in front of the dazed man, I grab the back of his head and yank it down, bringing his nose into my rising knee. A sickening crunch sounds from the impact, and I proceed to reintroduce his face to my knee several more times before finally letting him drop to the ground, his face a bloody wreck. This place has only one real rule, don't kill your opponent if you can help it.
I have to hold back my strength throughout all of this, my body's memories informing me that if I didn't, he probably wouldn't have survived.
Somehow he manages to stagger to his feet, swaying somewhat, and raises his fists. I'm honestly impressed with his ability to keep fighting.
Not that it will last much longer. This time, I take the offensive; I step forward, not even bothering with a faint, and drive an uppercut into his stomach. He hits the ground once more, and the crowd goes quiet for a moment, until I unleash a heavy kick into his prone form, sending tumbling several feet back, and making it becomes apparent that he isn't getting back up.
"And Kuro maintains his unbelievable winning streak!" The announcer says as I walk over to the railing, grabbing my t-shirt and putting it back on.
The crowd either cheers or groans, depending on who they bet on, but I ignore all that as I head to the bookie to receive the envelope of cash.
"Same time next week?" he asks, making me grunt slightly.
"We'll see," I say by way of reply. Truthfully, I have no idea what my plans are going forward. Heading for the exit I keep my head down ignoring happy gamblers and pissed off hecklers.
As I exit the club I close my eyes and turn my face to the sky, taking a deep breath of refreshing spring air. Much better than in the club. But really, pretty much any air is better than the stale and sweat-laced stuff in the club. Opening my eyes, I utilize a significant amount of willpower to not double-take at the sight before me.
In big white letters, the answer to several of my questions is staring down at me.
As in, Stark Tower, owned by Tony Stark.
I'm a bit of a nerd, and its mere existence tells me a lot.
It's lit up but still says Stark instead of having the Avengers logo, which puts me in the first Avenger movie, timeline-wise. How long until the Battle for New York, I don't know.
Shaking my head, I head towards my apartment, following my new memories, and despite New York's crime rate, especially Marvel's New York, I get home safely enough.
Not that it would have mattered much if someone had tried to mug me.
[Dhampir Physiology]
As a Dhampir, your Vampiric lineage grants you many of the abilities of Vampires themselves, including super-strength, enhanced speed and endurance, supernatural senses, and a regenerative factor. While you do still have a need to drink blood, you don't have many of the weaknesses of other Vampires, including the traditional weakness to sunlight.
I'm a Dhampir, which is why I've been so blasé about fighting in underground fight clubs, I'm stronger than any baseline human.
Faster too, even if I've hidden it well.
And Isis wasn't kidding about me not starting from scratch, because better yet I have magic as well.
Class - Archmage
[Light Magic Manipulation] - Magic
You have the power to use Light Magic, manipulating your mana into weapons made of solid light, or using it to heal or shield.
[Illusion Magic Manipulation] - Magic
You have learnt to twist your magic into lifelike illusions, tricking your opponent's senses and deceiving your victims.
[Enchantment] - Crafting
You have learnt to imbue items with magic, granting power to the item and those that wield them.
[Blood Mana] - Perk
As long as you draw breath, you have enough mana to cast your spells. When your mana pools run low, you can convert your very life essence into mana to power your spells, a technique that comes with great risks.
…it's not exactly Necromancy, but I'll work with what I've been given. I don't have the luxury to be picky after all.
Finally, I have one last power.
[X-Gene - Nullification]
Your X-Gene gives you the power to nullify other X-Gene powers, creating an occlusion zone around you that prevents other X-Gene powers from actively affecting anything inside.
So, I'm a Dhampir Mutant Mage. Thanks, Shiro, I'm sure that won't attract any attention.
As I head to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, I sigh at the pair of blood-red eyes staring back at me.
I think I'm in my late teens, at a guess, with pale skin and messy black hair. Kuro Tepes, and if my memories are correct, the son of Vlad Tepes, better known as Dracula.
…heh, Dadula.
Damn you, Shiro, damn you to hell.
Getting changed, I head towards the bedroom.
So, I'm stuck in Marvel for the foreseeable future, and with an impending alien invasion to boot?
Face planting into my bed, I curse Shiro and his psychotic daughter, making a mental note to be a good father to my own kids in the distant—or perhaps not so distant given my proclivities—future.
I'm realistic, I know the chances of me getting someone pregnant again are pretty high.
I just don't want my relationship with my future kids to be like the one Shiro apparently has.
Both for my safety and because as much as I hate responsibility, shitty parents suck.
But that's for the future, for now I just need to get some sleep, I'm mentally exhausted.
I'll need to plan out what the hell I'm going to do next when I wake up. Marvel isn't a safe world and I don't plan to get snapped, so just hiding away and hoping I'm part of the lucky 50% isn't going to fly.
It's fine, I have time and I can plan my next move in the morning. It'll be fine.
--Next Morning--
Waking up to the sounds of screams and explosions, I open my eyes and take a deep breath as I calmly get out of bed, walking up to the windows and pulling the curtains open.
Watching a giant serpentine monster fly past my window, covered in metal armour, I close the curtain and sigh.
Because of course it's the Battle of New York already, why wouldn't it be?
Peeking out of the window, I spot the vaguely reptilian cyborg assholes that Loki used in his invasion: the Chitauri.
Which means the Avengers are either here fighting them, or should be soon enough.
Also, it means there's probably going to be a nuke headed my way soon enough.
If everything goes like it did in canon, New York will be saved by the Avengers, but I can't rely on that. The MCU doesn't have Mutants or Dracula (I think).
I have two choices, as far as I can tell.
I run, call on my full Dhampir speed and get the hell out of New York and hopefully the blast zone of a fucking nuke.
Or I can not be a coward and see if I can tilt the odds ever so slightly in the Avengers favour.
I need power, Lucille taught me that, and right now those Chitauri are looking an awful lot like free exp.
Technically, your new system doesn't use exp master! That said, your current class quest is to cast spells and defeat enemies with magic, so go wild!
Glad we are in agreement.
Running doesn't suit me, I'm lazy but I'm not a coward.
Getting dressed in a hoodie and jeans I pull the hood over my head and call on my magic for the first time. Accessing my memories of practicing illusion magic I shroud my face with shifting shadows and head out.
Time to try my luck against some creepy lizard aliens.
Maybe I'll just picture them all as Shiro and his murderous daughter. Hell, I can even see the resemblance.
--Steve Rogers (Captain America)--
Tossing his shield at one of the invaders, he watched it bounce from alien to alien, before ricochetting back towards him, the barest hint of a smile growing on his face despite the serious situation.
It always felt good to do that.
But for every invader he took down, three more took their place, and they were hilariously outnumbered at this point.
"Got another big guy headed your way, Cap," Hawkeye's voice said, coming from his earpiece.
"Understood," he replied, frowning. His shield was useful, but he didn't have the firepower to take down any of the larger flying enemies.
Hearing a scream, he ran towards it, taking down a few more that had gotten in his path as he headed into one of the buildings, seeing several of the creatures preparing to fire down at the civilians that had taken cover inside, trying to get away from the chaos.
Growling, he tossed his shield again, charging forwards at the closest one with a scowl as his shield struck the furthest and started to ping off the alien near it.
There wasn't much that could anger him more than targeting innocents.
Punching the closest alien soldier in the face, he caught his returning shield and turned, eyes widening as he saw one of the aliens prepping what seemed to be some kind of a grenade, a foul grin on his face as he looked down at the crowd.
He already knew his shield wouldn't make it in time, his enhanced intelligence almost a curse as he tried to figure out a way to stop the alien grenade as it flew towards the crowd of innocents.
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve spotted him before he'd acted, the hood moving back enough to show the completely shrouded face as he raised a hand, an arrow of light firing from it and hitting the Chitauri in the exposed flesh between it's cybernetic armour.
His other hand raised quickly, causing a golden orb to form around the grenade, stopping it midflight as the field flew into the air, the explosion mostly contained by the shining light.
Huh, he hadn't heard anything about this.
The hooded man promptly displayed even more abilities as he easily leapt up and grabbed onto the solid pillar, jumping again he easily made it to the floor Steve was on, landing a few feet away from him.
"I don't suppose you're with S.H.I.E.L.D?" Steve asked, making the figure pause as he stood up straight, chuckling with a strange tone.
"No, I am not," the figure replied, his voice a mixture of a dozen different voices. The only reason Steve was calling him a 'him' is because of the way he moved, and his flat chest.
It could be a she, but he doubted it.
"Then I'll settle for a friend, thanks for the assist," Steve said. Holding his hand out, he watched the figure look down at it for a second before he reached out and grabbed it, shaking it with an unnaturally strong grasp.
"It was nothing, I didn't particularly want to get blown up either," the figure replied, amusement noticeable even with his bizarre voice.
"Perhaps, but I'm sure you could have kept yourself safe all the same," Steve said, making the figure shrug. "If you don't mind, what are you doing here?"
"Oddly enough, I live here. I woke up, opened my curtains and saw a giant space lizard fly past my window," the figure replied calmly.
"Fair enough, I'll take whatever help I can get," Steve said, patting the figure on the shoulder. Now that they were on the same level, it became clearer that whoever was behind those shadows was probably younger than him, his ice nap aside.
From his height he'd guess the figure was still in his teens, and a part of him wanted to try and send him to safety, but the realist in him knew he couldn't send away any help.
"Not sure how much help I'll be, I'm pretty new to this," the figure admitted.
"We all start somewhere," Steve said simply as he headed back towards the street, spotting the massive creature that Barton had mentioned heading towards them.
"This is not how I saw today going," the figure muttered, looking towards it himself.
"I don't suppose you have anything that could hurt that thing?" Steve asked, making the figure glance at him with a laugh.
"I wasn't even sure if my attacks would hurt the little guys, but I'll see what I can do, Cap."
--Kuro Tepes--
I'm helping Captain America.
I almost forgive Shiro for dropping me straight into this mess, because this is pretty fucking cool.
Okay, maybe I'm a bit of a fanboy, but it's Captain America!
Now, how the fuck do you take down a Chitauri Leviathan?
My light magic is powerful, but I'm not sure I can deal enough damage to take down that thing.
Creating a javelin of light, I toss the golden weapon forwards with surprising accuracy and frown as it glances off the creature's skull, barely stabbing into the thick skin.
"I have a plan, but it's a shit one," I admit, staring at the rapidly approaching giant.
"Lang- I mean, it's probably better than what I have," Captain America says, making me chuckle.
"Oh I doubt it," I admit as I run towards it, my body shrinking and shifting into the form of a bat, flying towards the Leviathan, barely managing to fly above it as I shift back, landing on its head. Dhampirs can do most of what Vampires can do after all.
Seeing the spot where my spear hit, I call on my magic again and shape my mana into a dozen light spears, slamming each into the exact same spot before they vanish into shards of light.
I saw Hulk and Thor do something like this, so it should theoretically work. And as I manage to pierce through the thick skin, my spears start to stab into the brain and cybernetics inside the head of this beast, making it roar in pain and start to descend, crashing into the ground with enough force to throw me off, sending me tumbling across the street.
Huh, so I could do enough damage to that thing to kill it. Cool.
Getting to my feet, I immediately call up a golden shield, blocking the shots of a Chitauri soldier, my other hand sending a light arrow straight through its chest.
Those things are fast, and I'm a block away from Cap already, which isn't great, but calling on my illusion magic I disappear from view. Invisibility is one hell of a neat trick.
Another scream makes me sigh, how did I, the Overlord, end up playing hero?
Well, a good reputation isn't a bad thing and killing more Chitauri sounds therapeutic right now. So with a sigh I start heading towards the source with my enhanced speed, not wasting any time as I forge a sword out of light and leap towards a Chitauri aiming its weapon at an attractive older woman standing in front of a downed man and a teenage boy, stabbing it through the chest as I reappear, making the woman and the boy gasp in shock.
Pulling my blade out of the chest of the Chitauri, I look over at them, my senses picking up the smell of blood as I look at the downed man.
Damn, shot straight in the chest.
The woman moves between us defensively, but I dismiss my sword and hold my hands out soothingly.
"I might be able to help him, and he'll die if his wound isn't seen to, so unless you think any hospitals are still running…" I say, making her pause before she gently steps aside.
"P-please, if you can," she says and as I see the teenage boy something in me clicks.
That's Tom Holland, or to be more precise… Spider-Man. Or it will be in the future. Which makes the man Uncle Ben?
Wait, Peter Parker should be much younger by MCU standards.
Welp, I'm sure this won't change that much, but fuck it. Too late to stop now.
Kneeling down, I place a hand on the gaping wound and call on my magic again, engulfing him in a soothing golden light.
Luckily, the shot didn't hit anything that critical, and while it would have killed him sooner rather than later, it would have been the blood loss that killed him and it isn't that hard to heal the wound and close it up.
He gasps in shock as he sits up straight, touching the healed flesh.
"Get to cover, it's not safe in the streets," I ordered, making him nod quickly.
"Thank you," May Parker shouts as I turn to leave, Peter quickly saying the same as I give them a nod.
Going invisible again, I head into the city looking for more prey. I'm sure what just happened won't have any long term consequences at all.
--Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)--
She really felt under-equipped for the situation, because her pistols and widow sting weren't really doing the job. As she fired at another Chitauri, hitting it in the head, dead center of course, she couldn't help but lament her lack of any real firepower.
Well at least she wasn't fighting high-tech aliens with a bow.
Her career had prepared her for a lot of weird things, but an alien invasion was a bit much even for her.
As a thick cloud of mist covered the sky, she tilted her head in curiosity as she prepared for the next threat, watching a tall man with white hair tied back in a ponytail, striding forwards without a care, a jagged sword in his grasp.
If that wasn't enough to tell her he wasn't some larping civilian, the red plated armour and flowing black cape would have, and as an alien turned towards him, he simply scoffed, blurring forwards as he closed the distance and cleaved the alien's head from his shoulders.
Turning to her, he stared at her with glowing red eyes as she raised her pistols in preparation, making him laugh.
"A warrior? Hmm, you are an exceptional beauty, had I more time I would have put you in your place and made you one of my brides." the man said with an accented voice, maybe Hungarian?
Wait, bride?
"But I have no time to waste with pleasantries, lower your mortal weapons, they couldn't harm me anyway," He said with a smirk, his lips parting to reveal a piece of sharp fangs. "I seek my child, have you seen a black haired boy with eyes the colour of your mortal blood?"
"I can't say I have, I'm a bit distracted at the moment," Natasha replied calmly, watching him lick the blueish Chitauri blood from his blade before grimacing.
"Then you are no use to me, wench. Begone from my sight, and know you are one of the few mortals to meet Dracula and live to tell of it," Vlad said as she blinked.
He couldn't be serious, right?
Watching the self-proclaimed Dracula turn to one of the giant flying aliens, she stared in shock as he ran towards it, leaping into the air and easily landing on its head, stabbing his blade straight into its brain with a maniacal cackle.
"Child! Where are you! Do not die before we can fight to the death!" Dracula shouted at the top of his voice, jumping from the dead monster into another group of aliens, slaughtering them all in less than a second.
"Err, command. We have a new enhanced on the field, wearing old red armour and wielding a sword. He called himself Dracula and claimed to be looking for his son," Natasha reported, shaking her head and getting back to her job.
"Dracula? Of course, today wasn't complicated enough," Fury replied, not doubting her as she blinked.
Wait, was that really Dracula? And Fury knew him?
Apparently, she knew less about the world than she thought. Today was definitely complicated.
"CHILD! Where are you! Do not feed on these reptilian abominations, they taste as foul as they look!"
--Kuro Tepes--
Spitting out globs of blue blood, I immediately realise that biting down on the Chitauri was a bad idea.
Either way, pulling my sword out of the Chitauri's back, it's still dead. Vampire mages can replenish their mana by feeding, and my head is starting to ache, a sign of my impending mana exhaustion.
But Chitauri blood isn't doing it for me, and I'm starting to run dry.
I've killed more than a few Chitauri so far, but I've apparently become an annoyance as more keep coming after me, and I can only block so many shots with my rapidly emptying mana pools.
Thankfully, I'm still very fast and I've basically given up using light arrows, relying on my light sword plus my speed and strength to carry me through.
Quickly moving out of the way of another barrage of shots, I go to dash towards them when a heavily armoured figure lands behind them, killing three of them with a single swing of his sword.
"Child! I have found you!" he shouts as I pause, before running forwards and stabbing another one through the chest.
"I had that" I reply calmly, making him laugh.
"As you should have, these reptilian fools are no match for one carrying the blood of the Dragon," Dracula shouts, flicking his blade to get the blood off.
"So, what brings you here? I thought you were back in Romania," I ask, dismissing my light sword.
"I came to visit to see if you were ready for our battle to the death, I see that you are not. Thankfully, I have not wasted my trip and I have plenty of prey to hunt while I am here. Now come, boy, let us show these… whatever they are, the power of the Dragon!"
My dad, ladies and gentlemen. We don't exactly have a normal family dynamic.
Also he won't tell me who my mother is, just calling her 'the dark harlot' or worse depending on his mood.
But I can worry about that later, for now I have some Chitauri to kill and a reliable partner to watch my back.
Because he won't let me die until I'm strong enough to fight him to the death. Not exactly father of the year but he's useful all the same.
The battle is over, the Avengers saved the day, the Chitauri are defeated, Loki and the Tesseract are probably back in Asgard already.
I didn't really play a big part in the battle, but I definitely saved a few lives and got some experience using my magic, so it's not the end of the world.
I do have one slight issue though.
There's a dead Chitauri Leviathan where my apartment used to be.
That's just fucking unfair.
All my stuff was in there, like my… clothes? Oh, my pc! And my TV! Not to mention all my money, I don't keep much in the bank so people don't question where it's all coming from.
Also my bed, which is where I want to be right now.
My dad has gone… somewhere else, and I find it better not to ask too many questions about where he goes or what he's doing.
But where the hell am I going to sleep now?
Don't worry, Master! I don't believe that will be a problem.
You still have a very nice home, after all.
As I ask, a new skill enters my mind. The ability to open a portal to a separate dimension, one I know quite well.
Heh, thanks Isis.
You're welcome, Master!
Finding a quiet alleyway, away from any cameras, I call on my new ability and open a purple void, stepping through it with a smile as I come out in a volcanic wasteland.
With a giant spiky tower sitting in the middle thing of it, surrounded by a moat of lava.
Home sweet home, it might have been moved from where I left it, but I'd recognise my Dark Tower anywhere.
Heading towards the bridge over the lava moat, I walk towards the giant tower with a smile.
Looks like I haven't lost everything.
The doors open for me, recognising their master has come home, and even as a small horde of minions holding improvised weaponry come charging towards me, I give them a raised eyebrow.
"You've picked the wrong tower to plunder, human!" the high pitched voice of Gnarl, my head minion shouts as I chuckle, looking towards him as he holds his walking stick with two hands, ready to clober me.
"Gnarl, put that down before you hurt yourself you old fool," I order, seeing my gauntlet sitting on my throne.
"M-Master?" Gnarl whispers, the minions looking between themselves in confusion and hope as I reach out, my gauntlet flying towards me and slipping onto my hand, the Tower Heart humming happily as it acknowledges me as its returning Master.
"Correct, don't mind the change in appearance. One of my enemies killed me, but it didn't last," I say as I walk through the cheering minions, sitting down on my Dark Throne.
"Ahh, typical do-gooders, can't even kill right!" Gnarl cackles as he approaches me, wringing his hands together. "Still master, there has been a slight… incident."
"Explain," I order, looking down at my minion master.
"Well, it's your mistresses. They disappeared when the tower was teleported, nobody remains here but us minions. Thankfully, this wasteland seems empty enough, we haven't been attacked once yet!" Gnarl says as I take a deep breath.
I was told all my girls were safe, which is the only reason I'm keeping my temper in check. I will have to find them, but as long as they're safe I can come back from this.
Looking down at my gauntlet, I realise that I can't exactly wear it in Marvel, and responding to my whims it glows a malevolent red for a moment before it shifts, a black ring with a red gem in the center sitting in its place.
"Very well, is the tower still functional?" I ask, making Gnarl nod rapidly.
"Indeed master, the Tower seems perfectly fine, I'd say the new surroundings suit it even better! The lava moat is delightful, and we've only lost seven minions to it so far!" Gnarl adds happily. "But what is the plan, Oh Dark One?"
"We have been taken to a new world, and this one is… far harder to conquer. Its heroes are far stronger than any we have faced before, and its peasants are far more headstrong," I say, making Gnarl frown for a moment before he grins.
"Irrelevant, Master! Heroes are made to be defeated, and Evil always finds a way!"
"Well right now… Evil needs a nap. I just killed a lot of things," I say, making him nod seriously.
"Killing is serious business, Master," Gnarl agrees, watching me stand up and head towards the stairs.
Heading all the way to the top of the tower, I enter my extravagant bedroom and collapse onto my bed, my suit of armour in its display case.
What the actual fuck am I going to do?
Class Quest complete!
[Eromancy Manipulation]
You have learnt to use the most important branch of magic of all: Sex Magic. This prestigious art enhances both the pleasure of the caster and their partners, and is able to utilise the energies produced during the act.
[Mana Sense]
You have used magic so much that you have an innate ability to sense magic in your surroundings. You can even sense the buildup of magic caused when someone is about to cast a spell, giving you a brief warning.
Okay, that's not how my magic worked before.
Allow me to explain Master!
You simply need to pick a class, and it will give you a quest. Upon completing the quest, you'll be given skills or perks related to that class. If you pick a new class it will also give you the starter skills to help you out!
The skills are far more useful than the old system, where it would give you a single spell.
Hm, so if I want to get as many skills as possible I should keep picking new classes?
Looking over my choices, I smile as I spot one particular option, marked as a 'special class' and apparently unlocked by my past actions.
Selecting it, I feel a surge of power.
Class Selected - Dark Lord
[Negative Emotion Manipulation] - Magic
As a Master of Darkness, you have the ability to sense and harness the negative emotions of other people and yourself. Hatred is your sword, disgust your shield.
[Curse Manipulation] - Magic
You specialise in spreading misery and crafting curses to inflict upon your enemies. Your curses are varied, with thousands of ways of harming those who have crossed you.
[Warfare Mastery] - Skills
You lead from the front, and your skills show it. You are talented in a great many styles of weaponry, and are comfortable in any type of armour.
[Intimidating Stature] - Perk
You are the Lord of Darkness, the Master of Evil, and people instinctively know it. Your enemies will be subconsciously fearful of you, and your allies invigorated by your dark presence.
[Dark Lord Class Quest]
Slay your enemies (0/100)
Corrupt do-gooders (0/10)
Acquire a Dark General (0/1)
Acquire a Mistress (0/1)
Well, this should be interesting if nothing else.
Now that I think about it, Marvel has some extremely attractive women… time to get to work.
After my nap, of course.
--Bonus Scene - Nick Fury--
The day was won, and for the Avengers that meant time to relax, to take a deep breath and rest.
For him, it meant dealing with the consequences because he didn't have time to rest. New York was currently covered in Alien tech, he needed to plan for the next time an alien race decided to invade Earth, not to mention make plans to deal with the hundreds of other threats that existed on Earth alone.
All while the council was breathing down his neck for defying them, but he knew where too many skeletons were buried to actually be fired.
But he needed more assets, and it appeared he'd missed one in his search for enhanced individuals for his team.
He knew about Dracula of course, the immortal was far from subtle with his actions and he'd been active for a long time. Unfortunately he was too hostile to be seen as a potential asset.
But his son?
Watching the video of the hooded figure dashing around at inhuman speeds, cutting down Chitauri, or tossing arrows of light several with a single wave of his hand, he read over the file.
The good Captain seemed impressed with him, and with Dracula's usual subtly, it hadn't even been hard to identify him despite the shadowed face.
How many people in New York had Tepes as a second name? It turned out to be quite a few, but he'd narrowed it down to just one quickly enough.
Kuro Tepes, recently out of high school, was supposedly an orphan as he didn't have any parents on file, and he could tell that the boy's records were faked after a single look.
Plus, black hair, pale skin and red eyes.
"You called for me, Director," Natasha said, making him look up. Clint had headed back to his family, and while he respected the man for keeping a family while living this life, he was glad he wasn't the only one who was straight back to work.
"I have a new target for you. Surveillance for now, but with recruitment into the Avengers being the end goal," Nick said, passing over the file on Kuro Tepes.
"Huh, the son of Dracula? That's a first," Natasha said calmly. "I take it he's Steve's mystery friend?"
"Yes, which means hopefully he's the heroic type. We don't have anywhere near as much on him as I would like" Nick admitted, making her nod. "Also, his registered home was destroyed in the attack, so finding him could be a bit of a challenge, but I trust it won't be a problem for you."
"Of course not, I'll handle it."
And he believed her, she was his most reliable asset after all.
New Skills
[Dhampir Physiology]
As a Dhampir, your Vampiric lineage grants you many of the abilities of Vampires themselves, including super-strength, enhanced speed and endurance, supernatural senses, and a regenerative factor. While you do still have a need to drink blood, you don't have many of the weaknesses of other Vampires, including the traditional weakness to sunlight.
[X-Gene - Nullification]
Your X-Gene gives you the power to nullify other X-Gene powers, creating an occlusion zone around you that prevents other X-Gene powers from actively affecting anything inside.
Class - Archmage
[Light Magic Manipulation] - Magic
You have the power to use Light Magic, manipulating your mana into weapons made of solid light, or using it to heal or shield.
[Illusion Magic Manipulation] - Magic
You have learnt to twist your magic into lifelike illusions, tricking your opponents senses and deceiving your victims.
[Eromancy Manipulation]
You have learnt to use the most important branch of magic of all: Sex Magic. This prestigious art enhances both the pleasure of the caster and their partners, and is able to utilise the energies produced during the act.
[Enchantment] - Crafting
You have learnt to imbue items with magic, granting power to the item and those that wield them.
[Blood Mana] - Perk
As long as you draw breath, you have enough mana to cast your spells. When your mana pools run low, you can convert your very life essence into mana to power your spells, a technique that comes with great risks.
[Mana Sense] - Perk
You have used magic so much that you have an innate ability to sense magic in your surroundings. You can even sense the build up of magic caused when someone is about to cast a spell, giving you a brief warning.
Class - Dark Lord
[Negative Emotion Manipulation] - Magic
As a Master of Darkness, you have the ability to sense and harness the negative emotions of other people and yourself. Hatred is your sword, disgust your shield.
[Curse Manipulation] - Magic
You specialise in spreading misery and crafting curses to inflict upon your enemies. Your curses are varied, with thousands of ways of harming those who have crossed you.
[Warfare Mastery] - Skills
You lead from the front, and your skills show it. You are talented in a great many styles of weaponry, and are comfortable in any type of armour.
[Intimidating Stature] - Perk
You are the Lord of Darkness, the Master of Evil, and people instinctively know it. Your enemies will be subconsciously fearful of you, and your allies invigorated by your dark presence.
I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord.gg/wd3tUYWVCd
I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: www.patreon.com/TheDarkWolfShiro
Author’s Note: I really can’t help myself. Yes, this means I’m writing two different Kuro fics at the same time. I have a problem, I know.
This also uses the Supervillain system, which means no more numbers, thank Stan Lee.
Yes this means I have a lot of fics, but I’m not worrying about how long it’s been since I’ve updated any of my fics, I’ll get to them when I get to them.