

All around the table, all the castle residents were happily passing their time around the room. It was a peculiar moment, one of those more unique and rare as both Mei and Mai weren't in their maid clothes... no, it may be more accurate to say that they aren't in their maid persona... in fact...

"Hey Hey Hey! Another cup! Hey Mai, you have to drink too! You cannot think about yourself as a woman unless you drank at least ten beers!"

"Onee-chan *hiccup*, don't stand atop the table! What if you fall and gremlins-*hiccup*-will start to tear your jawbone and force you to do tongue twister for days or years?! What are you going to do?!?!?!"


It was really funny for Luke... two maids that were completely immersed in their work are now pissed drunk... one being loud and another being ...nonsensical... maybe weird? For a moment Luke wanted to question why gremlins and tongue twisters, but held back... while he hadn't any experience with drunken fellows; internet and the TV filled with the impossibility of talking with alcohol-filled women.

Still, while those 2 were completely out of it, no one else had more than red cheeks... or maybe not... Fergus was red, but while he was swigging entire barrels, he had not a change in his personality, and Cú was only drinking and instigating the two for 'more'...

He gulped down a few cups, but nothing different from a little redness... but next to him was seated his shishou...

His shishou, that drunk beer for a worth about three times her size, and nonetheless having her face, albeit with a tiny smile adorned on it, completely normal, like she was gulping down water...

Honestly, if he hadn't enough admiration towards his perfect shishou, then this was another reason do adore her more...

Maybe feeling his gaze wandering towards her, she moved down her cup and stared him a bit with a questioning look, while licking her lips...

Luke gulped, finding that action to be seductive... and shaking his head more to clean his head for impure and disrespectful fantasies that were passing his thoughts. He now was wondering if this was caused by the alcohol that was pumping on him.

Not receiving a response, Scáthach started with an unusual tinge of emotion in her words "What's wrong? Not immersed in the feast?"

Luckily, those words cleared his mind a bit... "N-No, it's not that..." and while speculating an answer, a single drop of liquid, untouched from her tongue, made her way until her chin... and going down a bit more... passed her neck, and reached her bountiful... chest...

He gulped another time, as he subconsciously watched it following its path, and gulped one more time, this time more audible... and when he saw a small smile on her lips, clearly because she was amused by his actions, he started heating up...

A redness like he never had... completely embarrassed for this that he covered his face with his hands, unable to come up with an explanation...

'F*cking alcohol', he thought inwardly...

And while he was desperate, he didn't notice a shift on the two warriors face, completely amused for the little spectacle in front of their eyes, so they made their way...

"So, it seems that our little boy here was watching the famous Queen of Shadows' alcohol drinking mode... and you sure watched really intensely... right?"

Luke was so red at those words that another assault came... from the unexpected duo that magically appeared in front of him.

"Hey Hey Hey! Mai come here! This is a real man! He drunk so much that his face has no trace of pink! Men, you sure are a man, men!"

"Onee-chan, he is a tomato guy! He is a real tomato guy! Hey mister tomato, it's real that you fought with the Onion monster?! It could indeed make others cry hard?!"

With comments about his embarrassment, and others strange question that while complete nonsense expressed his redness like he never had, and spotting Cú with a smirk that promised nothing other than eternal suffering and infinite teasing, an idea came in mind like a thunderbolt.

"Hey, big brother Fergus, didn't you promised me that you'll show me your full power?! Why don't you show us now?!"

"Hahaha, I certainly could, but right now-"

"Now that I remember, I don't think you recently made great progress... perfect, prepare yourself to show your full might"

While Fergus was going to postpone that, surprisingly shishou rebutted, and as a magic spell, everyone froze... Mei and Mai too, like she had never drunk...

"Hmm, what are you waiting for? Come, let's not delay anymore"

Luke was grateful for the help that came from her, and without losing much time, he hurriedly went behind her.

Fergus had not expected interference while he was teasing him, but now he was breaking in a cold sweat... No one could refute the Queen of Shadows words... And suddenly a hand made its way in his shoulder, and he could see Cú smiling at him with a face full of pity...


Before showing off, Fergus stood upright with her peculiar sword stabbed on the ground in front of him... he was meditating, calming his breath and preparing for his full display. In front of him, there was a mountain and the sun that was moving down, with its now orange color that was spreading in the sky...

Ten meters behind him, all the group was staring at him with a different gaze...

Cú was serious, and he was internally praying for his father to help him to not suffer too much under shishou unfulfilled expectations.

Scáthach was in full teaching mode, observing his movements, and speculating his results... and the way to train him more... just in case...

Mei and Mai were watching with half-asleep eyes... probably because of the beer... and they sat under a tree, as sometimes their eyes started to close for more than 5 seconds...

Only Luke was excited. The embarrassing moment passed, and now his eyes were sparkling a little as never before he could personally see the might of any of those legendary figures...

And in an instant, Fergus's eyes shoot open, and he grasped his sword... and it started to spin.

"Spiral, ready!"

With those words, a rainbow light started to diffuse from the sword and illuminate the red-colored trees.

"Let me show you the true rainbow..."

He started to move the sword, but not to slash the mountain, but he was stabbing the ground, and with that, the speed of the spinning blade and the light erupted...


While at that exact moment nothing happened, and that confused Luke, after only two seconds, the heart started to vibrate, like it was an earthquake...

Suddenly, from where the mountain was light erupted once more, but that was so bright that he was forced to protect his eyes...

When he opened the once more, he was speechless...

"So Luke, what do you think of my full power?"

Fergus had a smug smile on him, Scáthach was nodding at herself, probably because she did not found anything faulty within that attack... Cú was laughing and Mei and Mai were now with their eyes fully opened, without any sigh of drowsiness...

But that was normal...

"A... Amazing..."

As in front of them, the mountain was cleanly cut in half, with an immense hole in the middle of the destruction, and the sun that was now in the middle of the two remaining parts...