
A Gamer in Multiverse

A young man named Arthur was given an opportunity to have a cheat like the power he desires and a chance to travel the multiverse if he accept a task from an unknown entity. It's a gamer fanfic. as you read on the title. I'll write it mostly for my own amusement and practicing english .

Ragdin · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 20: Second Companion

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


AuthorNote: I didn't have the chance to edit this chapter as I'm dealing with my midterms and some other assignments I didn't do before that will affect my grade so if there is a part that I couldn't explain properly in this chapter or some grammar mistakes let me know in comments.


Seeing Helen's life through her eyes made a huge impact on Arthur. He saw that regardless of what kind of relationship you have with people as long as there are enough benefits they will disregard these bonds' for the sake of power and influence, just like Helen's cousin Ariel slay her own family and Helen's to get the throne of the spirit realm and became empress.

The memory exchange on Helen's part wasn't limited to the part that she can remember. When their memory connections established Arthur also saw the parts that Ariel erase from Helen's memory just to come back later to torment her once more.

Those vile things Ariel did, filled Arthur's hearts with an endless fury against her. This fury even manifested beyond his body and create a thin red aura around his eyes and even create a skill out of it.

[ Due to your unending wrath and desire to kill the being who cause your anger, you gain the skill " Bloodlust " ]

↳ Enemies that failed to resist will have a 10% reduction on all of their stats.

↳ Weaker enemies enter the state " Paralyzed "

Arthur didn't bother the check the notification and directly faced Helen and asked. " Helen, Do you want to have your revenge? or do you want to forget your vendetta and live a peaceful life from now on. "

Helen speaks without hesitation " I was thrown into a hell that will keep torturing for eternity. Only with help of the beacon you sent to the void I was able to escape from my fate, Through your memories, I saw, I decided to dedicate my life to you, my master. "

Suprised with her answer Arthur asks once again " Are you sure about this Helen? You don't need to feel obligated towards me.. Honestly, just like you saw in my memories I didn't send that beacon to help you. I was just trying to find a companion that could help me and I already found Ashena. You saw how I lived in my first life. I wasn't on the road to becoming a saint or a demon. I think I stand neutral on that scale...

If helping someone in need would cost me nothing, I would do what I can, but I mean if an ass*ole were trying to mess with me, instead of explaining why what he is doing is wrong I would just punch him in the throat and get done with him." said Arthur while trying to explain his point but failing miserably.

Thinking that just because of his unconscious actions would end up causing a person that already suffered massively to bound him eternally so she can escape from another eternal prison didn't sit right with Arthur.

"If you wish I can break this bond right now, and if think you owe me, your debt can be paid with a little training session. You are a great fighter that can teach me a lot of things and as you saw in my memories I have an ability to help me learn things at extreme speeds. Your so-called debt can be closed in a week. It's all good for me and please for the love of god please stop calling me master. Arthur is just fine."

Hearing Arthur speaks about breaking their bond she shakes her head hastily and reach Arthur's hands and hold them tightly before speaking "Please don't master!!!... I mean Lord Arthu.. no Arthur. I wish to pledge my life to you. Through your memories of your past life, I saw that you avoid committing evil deeds not because there is a god watching you from above or how the society would view you if they find out a crime you committed.

"You didn't care about your reputation. You simply stay away from the evil just because you find it beneath you and not just that. You actually didn't become a slave to your own honor and pride. Claiming to do things for the greater good and ignore those who suffer for sake of the so-called greater good. You follow your heart and try to stick with the side of justice as long as you can, and you tried to stay true to your path as long as you have the ability to do what you deemed fair."

Squeezing Arthur's hand a little harder Helen continued speaking "You saw my actions, even if I was manipulated for the empress entertainment, multiple times trough out my life I choose to create chaos just to get under the empress's skin and anger her. My actions cause many mayhems and take many innocent lives, and caused the destruction of countless families just like what happened to mine. I wish to follow you and repent on my former actions. Please don't deny me from this." said Helen

"That sounds a bit embarrassing when you say it like that but I was only doing what I want and trying to be a decent person. It's not as hard as people think. I'm glad that you choose to stay with me but you didn't answer my first question. Do you want revenge, Helen? " Arthur asks while his cheeks still a little red and feeling a bit embarrassed by Helen's sudden praise as he was truly just trying to be a decent person, not an over-glorified hero or someone his deceased parents embarrassed to call their son, nothing more.

Helen answered, "I don't wish to burden you but I don't think I can just let go of my hatred anytime soon but of course I'm aware of my responsibilities as your servant (companion), and I won't do anything that brings my cousin attention to you and Ashena."

Hearing her concerns about them Arthur smiled a little thinking that Helen care about him and Ashena but calling herself his servant was troubling for him.

"Then, we are going to deal with your cousin when we are capable of and utterly destroy her. until then we will train and travel differents universes to our heart's content."

Looking at Helen's surprised face Arthur continued " You don't need to be surprised about it. From now on three of us will possibly be companions throughout eternity. While Ashena looks like just sleeping behind you, she just giving us an opportunity to talk uninterrupted."

Hearing that her acting wasn't good enough to fool Arthur, Ashena starts waggling her tail and gets up from where she sleeps and getting close to Arthur and she starts to snuggle on his chest and licking his face.

"Ashena might unable to talk like us for now but she quite intelligent and have a quite playful nature, I hope you two would get along," said Arthur while petting Ashena's head gently.

Turning his attention to Helen," As for your cousin, I honestly hate her through the deepest part of my soul, even if you desire to forget your revenge, I might not able to do the same, so let's give her what she deserves when we get the opportunity. A fate far worse than death."


9-A: Small Building level

Characters capable of destroying rooms or entire small constructions such as houses or smaller buildings.

Ragdincreators' thoughts