
Chapter 44-[Mother of Dragons]

[T/N: YEAH!! You did it! Also here's a spoiler for chapter 54, the title of the chapter is "Hic sunt dracones"]

Jon looked annoyed at Viserys's screams, while he was tied up in the middle of the trial.

The boy couldn't take it anymore and looked at his wife, who looked at Viserys coldly.

Arya had captured and brought back the Dragon eggs.

"Infidels! Traitor! Your bitch is the worst!" the Targaryen shouted.

"God shut your mouth," the king said, annoyed.

"And you bastard! you're going to die! I will kill you! I will rape your sister! I will kill all your allies! " The beggar king shouted.

[T/N: Always with the rape! Does no one have honor, just kill the bitch!]

Jon sighed tiredly and quickly summoned a snake.

"Scare him," he said.

"Yes, my love," he heard the animal.

Viserys was scared when he saw the animal appear and crawl towards him. The beggar king turned pale, screamed like a little girl, and crawled backwards.

Two guards were holding him.

"He seems to have calmed down," he muttered.

His Queen looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" Viserys Targaryen, you are accused of attacking the free cities of the kingdom of Valyria, enslaving people, threats against the royalty of Valyria " Jon clarified.

"Also being a false dragon," Danny said next to him.

Jon tried not to laugh.

"Fake! Fake! The only fake one is your bitch! Do you want to wake up the dragon?! " exclaimed the beggar king.

But Danny looked at him with boredom, her brother had fallen even lower, he was no longer a Targaryen according to her.

"Are you finished? " she asked.

The beggar king blushed with fury, and tried to get closer when he was hit in the stomach by a guard.

"Leading or paying an army to attack Valyria is already a crime of execution, yours is even worse," Jon said.

"Your blood, you are willing to kill your own blood, for your selfish desires," Danny said, looking at him furiously.

The beggar king turned pale when he saw her, he had never seen Daenerys like this.

"Therefore you will die," Jon said.

"No! You can't, I'm your wife's brother! " Viserys shouted.

Daenerys rose from the throne in a fury.

"And yet you attacked us, as much as I hate you, I would have given you a place in Valyria...But not now, you are a false dragon, but do not fear brother, I will use this to improve the Targaryen house" said the girl.

Jon sighed he knew what was coming.

"You will be burned at the stake...Do not fear, your blood will be used as a ritual. While you burn, I will bring back the Dragons," she ordered.

He turned pale.

"No! you can't! I'm your brother! Danny! "DAnny!" Viserys shouted as he was dragged out of the room.

The guards brought another person, this one came more calm, or resigned.

"Did you understand how the bear got in now? " Jon asked.

Jorah looked at him with some amusement.

"Jorah Mormont, you understand your charges...You are accused of attacking the free cities of the kingdom of Valyria, joining a band of wildlings, and supporting an attack on Meeren," he said.

Jorah nodded.

"I have no excuse, Your Majesty. I'm a mercenary, they hire me to follow orders, and that's what I did," he said.

Jon nodded.

"Yes, you are a mercenary, they were your orders, not your wishes," he said.

Jorah looked at him curiously.

"But a punishment must be given, usually execution... But I have not forgotten that you have helped and protected my wife, in her time in Pentos," he said.

Danny stood up, and Jorah looked at how beautiful she had become. Although her eyes looked at him coldly.

"My wish was to execute you...Because of your attacks, demanding that you be hired, you knew very well what would happen when Viserys caught me, you knew what would happen to the people of Meeren if the Dothrakis entered the city" she said.

Jorah lowered his head

It was true.

"But my husband, he must also reward your protection of me in the past, even though I don't believe that you are worthy of a reward," she finished.

Jon got up.

"You will be in Meeren prison for a period of ten years," Jon condemned.


"His majesty," the boy heard and saw a man enter.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"The valley has reached Winterfell," he said.

"What?" he muttered.

"Looks like they made a decision," Dacey said.

"Why?" Robb muttered.

His aunt was the lady of the valley, so he always thought that she would support him in his war.

But he now knew she joined the Boltons.

"How many?" he asked.

"They outnumber us three to one," said the man.

"Damn," he muttered.

"There is something else, his majesty," said Davos.

The boy looked at him.

"The priestess left, she said she would return soon and she disappeared"

[T/N: Dah, she was there for Stannis.]


The boy looked coldly and quickly got into the bird's mind.

He flew through places he would never have believed existed.

He felt what the crow felt.

His hunger.


His wishes.

Bran looked at everything with the sight of the raven.

"Excellent" the boy heard.

He quickly snapped out of the crow's mind.

"You're done," he said.

"Are they already here?" He asked.

The three-eyed crow looked at him with amusement.

"Mh? Not exactly," he said.

Bran rolled his eyes at him.

"So?" he asked.

"You finished what I can show you. Now you are your own teacher, Brandon, you must prepare yourself. They are close. Don't forget, decisions Bran, Decisions " said the crow.

Bran felt a gleam in his eyes and looked to see that he was in the white room.

The boy reached the computer.

{Congratulations, you have leveled up two times!

You have six skill points to spend.

Congratulations, you have obtained a title!

You have obtained the Greenseer title.

Every title you receive increases the amount of skill points you earn per level.

Name: Brandon Stark

Level: 11

Skill Points 6

Exp: 0/770


Greenseer (1+ skill points)

Affected state: Medium paralysis

Medium paralysis: Everything below the player's lower waist is paralyzed.


Water Magic Level: 4

Wind Magic Level: 3}

Bran looked at his title in surprise and quickly touched the Wind Magic skill.

{The player has selected the Wind Magic Skill.

Do you want to get to level the Wind Magic skill to level 4?}

The boy pressed yes.

{Wind Magic Level: 4 acquired}

Bran felt an electric current hit him, the air felt cold, icy, but now he resisted it better than before.

He looked at the computer.

Wind Magic Level: 4

cost: 80 mana per spell

Wind Shield: Create a wall of wind wherever you point it. Lasts 2 minutes.

Lighting Sword: Create an electric sword. Lasts 5 minutes

Repel: You launch a hurricane wind around you that pushes enemies.}

The boy smiled and left the place.

The crow looked at him and then paled.

"What's happening? " Bran asked.

"They are very close. Go quickly," he said.

Bran looked at him.

"Thank you for everything," he whispered before levitating himself to the gardens.

"Bran?" Meera asked.

"They're coming, we have to go now," he ordered.

"I'm going for the others," he said.

"Brandon," Leaf said next to him.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"We are leaving too, orders from the greenseer. We will use the tree tunnels, they are old, and they lead to the east of the continent," she said.

"The east. But it's hundreds of miles away," said the surprised man.

"Don't underestimate trees, Brandon, some are as old as the world," she said.


Danny approached the bonfire, a few hours ago she was the one who set fire to her brother, who burned quickly.

The girl felt strange.

Jon tried to console her or support her.

But she honestly didn't feel anything.

Nothing for her brother, he was cruel to her.

Even so.

His death brought her no sadness or pleasure.

A movement was felt and the girl watched carefully as the dragon eggs began to open.

"It worked," she whispered in wonder.

She approached them and the three eggs broke, letting three reptiles emerge from it.

The girl felt her eyes shine and she closed her eyes to reach the white room.

She smiled and walked over to the computer.

{Congratulations, you have leveled two times!

You have two skill points to spend.

Congratulations, you have obtained a title.

The player has obtained the title, Mother of Dragons.

Titles increase the amount of skill points obtained per level.

Name: Daenerys Targaryen (Snow)

Level: 3


Mother of Dragons (+1 skill points)

Skill Points 2

Exp: 0/130

Fire Magic Level: 1}

The girl looked curious before pressing on the Fire Magic skill.

{The player has selected the Fire Magic skill.

Does the player wish to acquire the second level of the Fire Magic skill?}

Danny pressed yes

{Fire magic Level: 2 acquired}

Her body became hot. She felt a terrible burning in her chest and stomach. Then everything calmed down.

{Fire Magic Level: 2

Cost: 20 mana per spell

Fire Arrow: You shoot a fire arrow from your hands.

Ghost Fire: Create a floating ball of fire

[T/N: ...ok, I would have just called it fireball.]

Flame Sword: Create a flaming sword.

Resist Fire: Makes you immune to fire for 10 minutes.

She nodded when she saw this and left the place.


The three-eyed raven looked at the night king when he arrived with the white walkers.

They both looked at each other for a second.

"You're late, old friend," the crow told him before the king of the night pierced him with a spear of ice.

"I leave this challenge in your hands, Brandon"

[T/N: YEAH!!! This was a "GREAT" chapter! Well...we finally got the dragons, even if Jon didn't get it, hopefully, he'll get it by level 10. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi. It's well over 20+ chapters ahead!]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


[p@treon.com/PuddingLord]-replace "@" with "a"
