
A Gamer's Wish

Enjun Lestari is a teenager who has alot of family problems, and to cope with it he plays games on his computer for a long period of time. But his problems catch him to the point of suicide, in this place he meets a god who grants him his long time wish, to play a game as he is tasked to go to other world and save it if he so likes He takes the challenge and lives as Sakuto Komori, will this adventurer be able to defeat the evil or become one himself?

Sebastian_Derlos · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Rouge Prophet

I stood in front of a wooden door, besides me are pillars with torches which are covered with glass. I looked at the sign being held up with chains, "Nevak, Adventure Guild" Is what was written. I could hear so much noise just from outside the door, laughter, whinging, shouting, and banter are just some of the few things I could make out from it. I held the handle tightly as I take in a deep breath and opened the door.

What met me are people of different classes and races communicating with eachother, there are some loners as well, one of them is an old man, who looks like he's in his mid-sixties with a bunch of bottles on the table he was sitting in, he wore a suit of armor which gives him the typically-retired-hero look and I won't even be shocked if I was right because even though he looks to be drunk he has a sharp and cautious look on his face that contrast his body's posture.

But overall it seems like it was the typical guild, there's even a red carpet leading to a receptionist here which is just a single woman with a bell. I walked up to her and asked

"Hello there, can I join the guild" I asked politely

"Of course you may, please just sign here as well as your other party members" She said with a smile and gave me a clipboard with 4 slots

"Oh, no, sorry but I'm only going solo" I exclaimed

"Well sir, that's not allowed especially at your level. We encourage people to strive to be the best of themselves and to help others along the way, and not only are you a newbie, you are also under-prepared. If you want to venture then I can set you up with a team that has more experience and power." She said as she takes back the clip board that she placed down

"Yes, please do so"

"Okay then just write your name and sign here" She said as she replaced the clipboard with another one with more papers under it, it also had more than 4 slots as well as 7 people who already signed it

I wrote my name and placed my signature, there was also 2 other questions that I left blank and that being Which academy did you study at?, and How many teams have you had? And some of wrote just three letters for the schools like there's ADH, MRA, AYC, and there also just Kazuha for some reason. And there's also the teams with most being just 3 or 2 but one person has had 9 teams, which is just crazy to think about, I'll remember this person named "Yugami".

"Ok then please take a seat as we will announce your assigned team in a short notice" she said politely and pointed to a seat with an open palm

I sat in the chair waiting for her to assign me my team. Time passes by for a bit while I watch as people went and go, going to the board to grab a quest with their lil squad, drinking and having fun.

"Hey, have a drink" He said as he placed a bottle full of wine next to me. It was the old man from earlier, he came up from behind

"No thanks, I'm fine"

"Trust me, you should take a drink because your going to be waiting for a while, and I already know not everyone is as patient as me" He chuckled as he drinks a whole cup in one go and then proceeds to pour me a cup as well

I looked at the cup and thought for a bit. Its just red wine but could this body take it, I need to take account that I am a child even if just a few years younger from my original age. I really don't know jackshit about Sakuto even though I was the one that wrote him, from what I remember, I just made him an adventurer that was an orphan who was struggling to get by, which is literally any other basic bitch MC.

With all of that added, I think I shouldn't do so. I rejected the offer from the man and kept waiting, he just said "alright then, let's talk again when you take a sip" And he left. More time passes by

And more

And more

It's like nothing has changed, I hate being here with my thoughts....Wait, since this is a game, is this like a trigger event? do I actually have to take a sip? I look at the ominous glass cup that stayed the exact same. I looked at it and while it being an inanimate object, I could just feel that it had stared back, every action in the room I could not only see it but feel it but not literally, just in a weird way I guess... and every passing moment feeling slower and slower like each second that had passed is lowering it own value after every new one made and used.

I gave in, just lifted the glass and chugged it all. Memories, strange.... I was never fond of wine yet I have so much memories of me drinking it that I can't remember, that in itself is weird, right? having remember thing I haven't. The smell of wine, coming from my hair and the taste of wine accompanied by the taste of someone's skin.

Who even was that, I wondered. Was it mine or Sakuto's because I'm not into wine for those memories to be made and I'm sure that a poor child with debt to pay would not indulge himself to be swimming in wine. But my self-questioning was quickly broken fast by the old man

"You finally took the shot, I guess it's time for you to become a man" He says in a playful manner

"Rather not be this early to be honest" I chuckled nervously. Remembering what happened at the data bank all of a sudden

"Huh? You just wanted to go solo just a moment ago, where did you drop the confidence?" He asked with the same playful manner as he sat next to me

"I didn't even know that I needed to have a team, also why were you listening on me?"

"I'm the Guild Manager after all, I got to take like half of the people here like children" He commented

"I had the feeling"

He laid back on the table, putting his elbows on top of it and faced me as he explained "Yeah, not really the type to be in the shadows and stuff. Rather just like, enjoy the moments in the guild like everyone else with everyone else"

"Hey, how long have you been a knight?" I curiously asked

"While not exactly but in a sense it's probably my whole life when I think about it, and that's because almost my entire life is devoted on orders and battle"

"I kinda see... were you born in like a knight family?"

He laughed for a bit and then added "Yeah, I guess in a sense. I was born just like many to serve and protect our kingdom and it's glory, and for my loyalty he gave me love and strength"

"Wow, I bet you fought so many people"

"Not something to be proud of, son. I would rather not have to fight anyone than to horrible memories and tragic moments for me and them"

"Your really inspirational but I wonder, how did you get through life like that? Being born with an obligation and placed into a battlefield" I said, my words spilling out like it's out of my control. Dialouges of Sakuto in a way

"Well maybe the cards I've been dealt with is bad, even I can admit that as optimistic as I can be but we can't get a new set, can we now? We are forced to play whether we like it or not, so remember these simple words, It is what it is"

that.... Feels familiar

"It is what it is...?"

"Yeah and I promise you, that those simple words will lift you in your adventures and more after. It just means to accept reality as real and keep moving forward. I think you would know that much, you were an orphan without a cent to your name, yet even with debt your still here living and becoming better. Believe me when I tell you that you are a much more bigger inspiration to everyone than me, if only they could see it"

In that moment, I was really speechless "Wow..... Uhmh thanks, didn't expect that"

"Of course you didn't, to you those pain are just natural. Some of the things I learned after my duty had ended was finding a dream is difficult yet you had one that was the driving force that kept you alive, so don't let anything stop you and keep moving or your effort will die by the hands of your hesitation"

"I can't, I can only hope things go well" I said hesitant voice

"It will and I'll be there to cheer at you.....what's your name again?"

"I'm Sakuto"

"Alright then Sakuto, I'm Oztow Uinek, but people usually call me Ozzy. I'll end the conversation here, good luck on the journey and I hope you are happy of our service" He says as he leaves the table and walks away

That conversation just now, I wanted to ask him more but it seems like there are moments where I don't have control over myself, those were some lame ass questions, It better to know about this world first, rather than it's people. And backstory should be my last priority when it comes to information gathering, but still that conversation was somewhat useful... But now that I recall it, how the hell did he know about my debt?!

I looked behind me which was the general direction he had gone to but he was nowhere to be found, my eyes wondered and yet again, nothing, he vanished within an instant, so much for not being a behind the shadows type character.

"Sakuto Komori! May the person named Sakuto Komori please come forward to the reception" The receptionist said out loud

I had stood up and walked up to the reception like she said

"Since you are new, we decided to team you up with people who are more experienced and more powerful so be sure to follow their lead and cooperate well"

"I will ma'am"

"Ok so, Melanie Wuslon!! Please come forward to the reception" The receptionist shouted

a tall dark-skinned woman had walked up and stood beside me to my right, she had short white hair and a grayish jacket and white inner clothing which also acted as a skirt since it hid her lower half, she also has a little rectangular bag beside her which looks like it could hold a dagger

I introduced myself to her to get on friendly terms

"Hey there, My names Sakuto Komori"



Damn that was awkward as hell, I don't even know if it was a good first impression. the receptionist looked at her clipboard and shouted "Fiwan Blacona!! Please come forward to the reception"

a woman with cat ears walked up and stood besides me to my left, she had long black hair, with a sleeveless white sweater and she had stretchable black pants kind of looks like stockings and for some reason she still has a skirt on.

I was hesitant at first since the last one didn't go well but I still got myself straight and greeted her with a smile

"Hey there, I'm Sa-"

"Sakuto Komori, yes I know, the receptionist already told us eachothers names out loud so save the full introduction later when we are all together"

a moment of silence again as my smile fades into a frown, I go on all fours as i Iook into the ground defeated. that was much more awkward, instead of looking like a caring extrovert, I just looked like a fucking dork. No wonder the other girl only said Hi, It was like saying "how's the weather" while taking a walk with someone outside or asking what the time is with a functioning watch on your wrist, I'm such a moron.

"There, There" The cat girl said as she hits my head lightly with the palm of her hands.... Wait a sec am I getting headpatted right now?! this feels so weird, maybe because I'm older or I don't even get genuine affection from my older sister but this is kind of nice and uncomfortable at the same time

The receptionist looks at the clipboard again and her expression changes from calm and collected to genuine concern

"Wow...It seems its your lucky day, you get to have one of the most experienced and a very powerful man in your team" she said in a shaky voice and ended the sentence with an nervous fake laugh

"Wait, why are you acting like that? who's joining our team?" the dark-skinned woman said

"yugami kaikei, please just get in front of here" the receptionist said with a tired voice

the non-stop chattering stopped at an instant as soon as the name was spoken, my body frozen just from the aura that filled the room and it seems like I wasn't the only one with this affect on them, the sound of clanking metals echoed throughout the room

and just then, I heard a familiar voice

"everyone knows who he is, but no one knows what he is. at the age of 8, he was born in a family of aristocrats, they were horrible and corrupt but he knows none of that as he was ignorant and kept in the dark. he lived a beautiful life until someone came to visit, the demon of wrath herself destroy not only the illusion but everything he had"

every step from him getting louder aswell as the clanking

"but then that moment happened, the single moment where the validity of his own humanity is put into question which will never be answered, the moment he took the deal from the sealed creature"

I got to somewhat move and turn my head and I saw him, the man with his hands behind his head and the clanking sound coming from the phantom-like shackles with a broken chain, his outfit looked cheap and old as the end of his pants are torn, and at his side is a scabbard hiding a wooden sword from what I can tell, maybe I got it wrong because why would he bring a toy like that

"he was called a demon, a monster, a wild animal. aswell he was given titles such as The Soulless Slave, The Cursed Child, and The Devil's Deal. but even with all of that, he only has one true name and a single one only"


"That name being, Yugami Kaikei"

he then stopped walking as he stood still next to Melanie, and said

"I'm here ma'am" he said in a cheeky tone and held a smirk to his face

"Ok then this will be your new team"

"I have a request" Yugami said

"Go ahead"

"Can I leave the team and make my own"

all the other party members just looked at him while the receptionist had a look of confusion

"No guys, don't be offended, I'm not leaving because I hate you guys or think you guys are weak. It's because I wanna be in a 2-party team with my super very duper bestie, Thoma Arumaji"

A guy who looked like a royal prince, which is an absolute contrast to Yugami, raised his hand saying "I have a question"


"How can I get the guild's version of a restraining order on someone" he asked

"HEY!" Yugami said

I could feel something above my head again, it's a hand and she's rubbing my hair in a circular motion as she playfully chuckles

"We don't have that but if I were you, I'd just file a normal restraining order on Yugami" the receptionist answered

"Noone needs your second open, recepto woman"

"I have a name you know"

I could feel something again, but its not a hand nor fingers but it is some part of the skin... and its going in a circular motion again... WAIT WHY IS SHE RUBBING THE TIP OF HER NOSE AT THE TOP OF MY HEAD AND INHALING LIKE MY HAIR IS AN AEROSOL MASK, WHY IS SHE SO OBSESSED WITH MY HAIR?!?!

"Yeah, and probably something lame like Dianne or Kathryn, old ass hag"

"Well, I have you know I'm in my early-30s and my name is Minerva"

noone spoke for a good 15 seconds

"Fucking dork" Yugami said

"Shut up, I already told you this before and you said the same thing" Minerva said

"yeah, I know your name, I just wanted to remind you how god damn dorky it sounds" He said as he snickered

"OH YOU- THATS IT, I'M ENDING YOU" she says as she grabs a baton from underneath, she wants to rush at Yugami but Ozzy stops her before she even tries

"bleeeeeeeh" Yugami said as he sticks his tongue out and pulls on under his eye

"Let me go, I'm exacting vengeance" she said

"Don't mind her to much, she's really just a feisty woman" Ozzy said as she held her back

"Hey, don't treat me like a child throwing a tantrum and let me beat him" she said

I don't even know what to focus on, the fact that Ozzy came out of nowhere again like actual teleportation, Yugami wanting to leave because he's not teammates with his BFF, or the fact that I'm the victim of Fiwan's hair fetish

It took a few hours but finally we are all calmer and Yugami just wanted to tease Thomas or whoever his bff was

I had gone to the bathroom and called for that god


"Why we're you in my head just spewing random lore about my teammate"

"because I'm the only one who can narrate, It's not like you can see the text from your POV"

"So your just going to info dump whenever-"

"the story want to, yes... or if I want to"

"Alright I see"

"and since your at the early section of this little game, I'm here to help"

"Help? in what way"

"By giving you information and maybe even rewards if you do some specific stuff for me"

"Okay so I can ask you some question"

"Yes but only if I feel I can appropriately answer without ruining my own fun or hardwork"

"Okay then, I think I have somewhat of an idea. Hey God, Here's for my first and maybe second question"


"Oh I see, that's a very interesting question. the answer is first, No, after his sacrifice and the sealing, it's name was practically erased in that world"

"and that name, the name is H*****s"

"I see, that'll be useful in the future"

"Hmm, okay, you really are entertaining"

I left the bathroom and had gone back, everyone was at the table just waiting for me.

"HEY, NEWBIE. SIT HERE WITH ME" Yugami said as he moves to the side and makes room for me

I sat down and another moment of silence before I break the ice

"so why don't we talk about ourselves starting from Yugami"

"Hey, why not you?" Yugami countered

"I'd rather not" I said

"Just be the first one to introduce yourself, he's probably shy and you have more experience" Melanie said

"Fineee, I'm Yugami, everyone already knows that. I'm the one who can basically gain buffs because of the devil, yada yada yada, I attract powerful enemies so basically Minerva gave you a death sentence, Seburo"

"It's Sakuto, wait wait wait, whats that about attracting powerful enemies"

"so the rumors were true" Fiwan said in a frightened look

"Unfortunately so, Missy" Yugami said playfully

"What rumors??"

"Seems you aren't from around here, I'll tell you, the reason why 24 of my teammates have died was because of the aura I have which was linked to my contracts or connections with the devil. that is the rumors that I now confirmed into facts" he answered then smirked

"You said you can buff, does that include us"

"unfortunately not, I could only buff myself. If i have to describe my ability in two words then those two words would be One-man-army and Jack-of-all-Trades"

"That's seven, dumbass" Melanie said

"not unless you combine the words into one" he retorted playfully

"Uhh...So what buffs does it give you"

"Varies, some give me more power, some give me more speed, and some give me more Jiluwa"

"Huh? Whats Jilu-" I was about to say before someone in my head yelled at me

"NOPE, SHUT UP, DON'T COMPLETE THAT DAMN SENTENCE" the boy from the void screamed to me

"Wait, why?" I said in my head

"Because Jiluwa is like the basic thing in this world, and I don't want you embarrassing yourself in front of the people you need to work with, just imagine going to a wealthy and healthy city then some kid is asking what is a phone or electricity to you, that's what it feels like from their perspective"

"Ok ok, I somewhat understand, so what is jiluwa" I asked in my head

"Jiluwa is the energy inside our bodies which is generated by our soul's will to live, It minimizes damage taken to you and the more you have, the less damage you receive"

wait, this sounds like a familiar description, it is a metric that minimizes damage someone takes... WAIT


"yep, because this makes more sense than someone having 20 defense by cheap pieces of cloth"

"Fair, Ok so is that all I need to know?"

"Nope, there is so much more new bullshit I made just for you"


"Hey we're you going to ask something" Fiwan said to me

I snapped back to reality

"don't worry, It was nothing"

"Hey, Pussy-Woman. what's your skills?" Yugami vulgarly said

"I'm Fiwan Blacona, Thank you for askin" she said in an annoyed tone

she continued "I'm the older sister of my half-brother, I'm a Feline-type of Temisar, and I can-"

Yugami groaned and said "just say what you can provide for the team"

"Fine, I am a Dodam type as what they call it"

"Seems like it's my time to shine again" The boy said in my head

"Dodam is not much of a class but more of a style of fighting, and yes, there is a difference. so Dodam is a style that chips away at the enemies health very fast and consistently. but they are usually reliant on a wall to protect them which is the tanky one or a healer that just makes them immortal, the difference between Dodams and an Assasin is that one is more on burst and instant while the other is overtime and poke with the added benefits of debuffs. Best examples of Dodams are the Theif class which are usually rely on Dodam style to be effective, and second best is the Playboy/Charmer class but the style is more optional" he ranted

"That is... alot" I said

"But did you get all of that" he said

"kind of" I replied unsurely

"then its fine I guess"

"I can create flashbangs under my skirt"

It took me a while to process what she said, and then it loaded in. THERE ARE FLASHBANGS IN THIS FANTASY WORLD

"Yep and theres also automatic guns. just because this place is some medieval bullshit doesn't mean every place is unadvance like that"

"Ok but first we let's go back to her ability, so God tell me, Why?"

"because It was funni"


"nope, very unseriously as possible. like you should have seen how she found out about her special ability, she was trying to scratch her pubic hair and then baam, a flashbang just falls on the ground under her and activates"

"eew" I comment

"don't you fucking eew you disgusting fuck, its only the two of us communicating and you and I both know you like women with pubic hair"

".....come on man"

"that what I thought, Degeneracy-Denier. You can't gaslight God"

"Hey, Sakuto. I have a question for you" Fiwan said

"alright then, ask away" I said after quicky snapping back

"what's your shampoo"


"don't panic, Sakuto's already answering for you" the boy said

"Oh thank g-" I said in relief, but it seems I might have jinx it a little bit

"Its Dog Shampoo"

"oh....what brand" she said awkwardly

"Any brand that the people in town were willing to give me"

Yugami looked at me in awe

"how many times do you even shower" he asked

"I take a bath with shampoo atleast once every 2 weeks, but I wash my body with water everyday"

"I see, I thought you were a Canis-type temisar in disguise" Fiwan said

"I'm not but I do eat wolf meat"


"why, that's dangerous dude" Fiwan told me

"It's luxury compared to barely surviving of tiny potatoes"

"I feel so bad for you" she says as she goes to hug me

My body...at this pont, Sakuto's body had moved while covering the top of his head with his arms

"I see... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my hair playing and sniffing" she says as she hugs me

"It's fine, I feel like it's okay if its with you, just please, tell me when you are going to play with it" Sakuto replied

"and besides, an older woman did far worse things to me just a moments ago before I met you guys"

Melanie then dropped her cup of wine and spilled it on herself

"Explain what are these worse things, please" she said Interrogatively

I got somewhat control back so I tried to change the topic "Lets go back to that later, so then Melanie, what your-"

"I'm a Plant Infuser, I can manipulate pieces of wood and leaves, things which are besides me at all time" she answered like she did it without thinking, she didn't even give me time

What's an Infuser?? actually no, there's no time

"Yes there is" the boy said

"so the Infu-" the boy before I cut him of

"I'm sorry but I need to respond before they get suspicious on why I keep idling" I reasoned

"Are you stupid, do you not notice when I do this what happened to the world?" the boy said

and finally, I get to see it clearly, my party members, everyone, even the flow of time and action had fully stopped when I'm talking with him

"ok then, after I explain the word, the world will go back to usual where you left it off. do with that information how every you will" he told me

"Infuser is a sub-class to mages, where they infuse their magic into object or things such as Metal and Body being one of the easy ones while Light and Air are the hardest, and Plant Infusion being atleast moderate level" he explained

Why, out of all times, does the shortest explanation come here in this important moment.

"Ok, thats all to know, goodbye"

"NO, WAIT" I pleaded but it was too late, time had begun to continue

"Okay then, its your turn" Melanie said

"Finally, tell us about yourself" Fiwan second

"Yeah but don't lean in the sob backstory to much and tell your value to this team" Yugami said

I didn't want it to come like this, but it seems like I got no choice. It was either I tell them nothing or I tell them everything. But the lack of time for a fake story, the Sakuto's contradicting statement to my untold lies, I only have this final bullet to shoot.

I took a deep breath and said "Okay then"

"I am Sakuto Komori, that is the name of this vessel that I control but in truth, I am someone who's sent here from another world, and I am someone who can and currently does talk to your god"

"What" Melanie, Fiwan, Yugami, and The Boy all simultaneously said


I might be talking out of my ass but I think I want to write again, I didn't like have problems or got bored, I kind of forgot how much fun and interesting the process is. but not going to lie, I need an editor or some kind of second opinion because I am a "meh, this is fine ig" to everything and also this chapter took 5 hours while rereads and editing took an hour and a half (and this still definitely got like misspellings and grammar mistakes)

Sebastian_Derloscreators' thoughts