
A Gamer's Termination system

"When Trenton 'Cyber Soldier' Renfield's brother disappears into the live-streamed game, Termination, he must navigate a treacherous virtual world to rescue him. But as he battles against ruthless players and uncovers dark secrets, Trenton realizes that the game is more than just a simple escape - it's a dangerous reflection of reality. With the line between worlds blurring, Trenton must confront his own past and the true cost of his revenge. Will he survive the game and save his brother, or will Termination consume them all?"

Peace_Walker · Games
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16 Chs

Chapter 10

 Trenton began his day with a round of push-ups, his recently acquired ripped muscles bulging and contracting as he bore his full weight. He had lost count of how many times he had done this, but continued anyway, distracting himself with his newest hobby: recollecting previous events and trying to connect them.

The previous day, he had been accosted by reporters who asked him questions about the arrest of Zach, his friend and colleague. "Hello, Mr. Renfield!" Susan McDougal, a petite blonde journalist from California, greeted him, accompanied by a cameraman. "I'm from Crime Scene News. We heard Zach was found with advanced military technology and wanted to ask you a few questions."

Trenton's system host, Veronica, whispered in his ear, "Trent, this is Susan McDougal, aged twenty-six, single, and a journalist from California." He rolled his eyes, annoyed by the unnecessary matchmaking attempt.

"Um, Mrs... McDougal," he started, trying to hide his fatigue.

"Miss McDougal," she corrected, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"What do you need me for again?" Trenton asked, feigning disinterest.

Susan explained, "We want to know if you have any information about Zach's involvement with the military technology and this game, Termination."

Trenton sighed, "The cops already took everyone's statement at work, but I do think I have something." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "Zach mentioned risks and real rewards, but I don't know who created the game."

Susan's eyes widened, "And you think this game is connected to the military technology?"

Trenton shrugged, "Maybe. I don't know."

As the interview ended, Susan handed him her card with her mobile number and hotel address. Trenton hesitated, but his own desire encouraged him to take it. Later that night, he found himself at Susan's hotel, indulging in a wild and passionate encounter. His experience with women came in handy, and they both enjoyed the night. However, he vanished the next morning, aware that he couldn't engage in a long-term relationship, not with his dangerous life.

The next day, Trenton received a message from Susan, asking him to meet her at a local café. He agreed, curious about her intentions. Over coffee, she revealed that she had discovered more information about the game and its possible connections to a secret organization. Trenton listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities.

As they parted ways, Trenton realized that he needed to be more careful. His involvement with Susan had already drawn attention, and he couldn't afford to compromise his mission. He decided to limit his interactions with her, focusing on his primary objective: uncovering the truth about the game and Zach's involvement.

With a newfound sense of determination, Trenton returned to his training, pushing himself harder than ever before. His system host, Veronica, monitored his progress.


 His system counselled " Counted one hundred and forty push ups Trent, advised to stop or you'll burn yourself out faster than I can make you recover "

 " I'm gonna make it to two hundred" he said determinedly, as Trenton continued his training, he began to notice significant improvements in his physical abilities. His strength, agility, and reflexes were enhancing at an incredible rate. However, he struggled with the mental aspect of his mission. The constant pressure to perform and the weight of his responsibilities took a toll on his mental health.

Veronica, his system host, noticed his struggles and attempted to assist him. "Trenton, I've detected elevated stress levels. Please allow me to run a relaxation protocol to help manage your anxiety."

Trenton hesitated, feeling a sense of vulnerability. "No, Veronica. I need to push through this. I can't show weakness."

Veronica's response was gentle yet firm. "Trenton, your well-being is crucial to our success. I insist on running the protocol. Please trust me."

Trenton rolled his eyes before he reluctantly agreed, and Veronica initiated the relaxation protocol. A soothing energy surged through him, calming his mind and body. For the first time in weeks, he felt a sense of peace 

 " You might need this more often " Veronica said and he nodded in agreement running a hand through his hair and relaxing like a drug addict who had just gotten a fix. Three hours later his system beeped. 

 " Trent there's a new update on termination starting in the next one hour" 

 " what does it entails? " he asked uninterested

 " You are going to participate in a guild war alongside other players " she informed him and he jerked up. 

 " I'm gonna what..." He exclaimed in surprise and listened attentively while Veronica filled him in on all the details, he knew that with this he could pin Ariel's hide to the outhouse door, recollecting that Zach had refused to talk. 

 " Well not everyone's gonna be as invulnerable as him when arrested " he decided. 

 " Should I pass this info to the FBI Trent? " Veronica inquired. 

 " Nope not yet besides the cops aren't gonna catch them on their own, however I'm gonna do their work for them " he replied

 " What are you gonna do?"

 " C'mon Veronica I'm making this up as I go along let's start this war first then I might have something " he said, his mind racing with possibilities

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