
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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133 Chs


I was beginning to come into my own, all the extra work with Josh was paying off in huge dividends. I had become one of his favorite receivers, especially in clutch situations. The more I spent time studying with him, the more my thoughts meshed with his. I had scored eight touchdowns on a total of fifty nine receptions thus far. Finally our bye week arrived, it was well needed. Several players needed the extra time to heal up, everybody was battered and bruised. We watched film that Monday, had a light workout on Tuesday, then we were dismissed until the following Monday morning. Since I had close to a week off, I decided to fly home for a couple of days and surprise Ashley. I caught the red eye out of LAX on Tuesday night, I would get in early Wednesday morning. I slept pretty well on the plane, until shortly before we arrived on the ground. I had only packed a small carry on bag, so I made my way straight to the car rental counter and inquired about a car. Being the Thanksgiving holiday and with no reservation, the only thing they had were high end expensive cars left. The only thing they had ready was a Mercedes E350, I had to take it. They brought me to the car lot, handed me my keys and paperwork, I hit the highway.

I arrived at my house, sometime around nine that morning, Ashley's SUV was in the driveway. I walked around to the front door, ringing the bell, which I knew would catch her off guard. I heard someone scurrying behind the door, then the door opened just a crack, Ashley peering out carefully.

"Oh my God, Briannnnnnnnnnnnn.", she said, flinging the door open, jumping into my arms.

"Hey Ash.God it's good to see you.", I whispered in her ear.

I set her back down on the floor, as she straightened her short robe on her body. It was obvious she hadn't been up long, but nonetheless, she was still adorable.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming ?", she screamed, excitedly.

"It was a last minute thing, we have the next five days off.", I replied.

"Well come on in, I'm glad you're here.", she said, grabbing my hand.

I went in, went to my old room and tossed my bag on the bed. I went back to the family room and sat down with Ashley, she had a million questions. We lost track of time, before we knew it , the clock read twelve thirty. I was rather hungry, so I suggested we go out and get a bite to eat. She quickly went into her room and dressed, she was back in a flash. As we exited the back door, she saw the rental car parked behind her SUV.

"Whoa hotshot, you living large huh ?", she laughed.

"They didn't have much left, it was all they had other than a town car, they were both the same price.", I told her.

We drove over to the diner, had a quick lunch, then headed back home. I dropped Ashley off at home then drove over to the gym to say hello to Carl, it had been well over a year since I had visited him. We talked for a while, catching up, then thanked me for stopping by. On the way back through town, I happened to pass the local bank, and I pulled over into the parking lot. I was wondering, if perhaps Jasmin was still working in the bank, or perhaps she had moved on. I decided to pop in and check, it had been years since we had seen each other. I walked through the large glass double doors into the lobby area of the bank. I noticed a woman sitting at a desk in the middle of the lobby, the plate on her desk read "Customer Service", I figured she could help me. She noticed me as I was walking towards her.

"Yes sir, how can I help you today ?", she asked, smiling politely.

'`Does Jasmine Thomas still work here mam ?", I asked.

"Yes sir, she does, she works in the financing department. She has an office upstairs. Do you have an appointment with her ?", she asked.

"Oh, no mam. I went to high school with her, I am back in town, I just wanted to say hello, no big deal.", I replied.

"Let me ring her, whom should I say is here ?", she asked.

"Brian Stevens", I answered.

She looked back up at me like she had been hit by a bolt of electricity, then reached over and pressed one of the many buttons on her large phone. After a few seconds, she spoke into the receiver.

"Ms. Thomas, there is a Brian Stevens here to see you.", she said, softly.

She hung up the phone, then looked back at me, a smile on her face.

"Ms. Thomas will be right down.", she told me.

"Thank you mam.", I responded.

"You're the Brian Stevens from here, the pro football player ?", she asked.

"Yes mam, I am.", I answered.

Just then, when I opened the door on the other side of the room, a beautiful young woman walked out. I could immediately tell it was Jasmin, but how she had grown. The once very pretty teenager had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. She was dressed in a business suit, her hair had been cut a lot shorter than I had remembered it. She ran the last few steps jumping into my arms.

"Briannnnnnnnnn, Oh My God, what are you doing here ?", she squealed.

"Just came to see how you were doing. I'm in town for a few days, I was passing by the bank, figured I would see if you were here.", I answered.

"I can't believe it, I watch you play every Sunday, at least when we can get the games here on TV. I saw the catch you made in the Kansas City game, my Dad went nuts, he was screaming so loud.", she laughed.

All at once, with nothing being said, our eyes met, I knew we were both thinking the same thing. The joy and exuberance immediately went to sad and somber.She looked down for a second, then back at me.

"Brian, I am so sorry about Courtney. We all loved her, I miss her so much.", she said softly, touching my hand.

"I know Jazzy, me too.", I answered.

We talked for a few more moments, she promised to call me later that evening, maybe we could go out to eat or something, I told her that sounded nice. I left the bank and drove straight back home, Ashley was cleaning house. I went into the family room, sat down and looked around. I guess since being gone for a while, I noticed some things that I maybe had overlooked before. The house was beginning to show its age, it needed some repairs. I knew the house had long since been paid for, but I had no idea of its worth. As I was sitting there thinking, Ashley walked back into the room and sat down.

"It's amazing how dirty the house can get, and it's just me here," she said.

"I was just thinking of the house , it's funny you bring that up .", I answered.

"You thought the house was dirty too ?", she asked, seriously.

"No, I was just thinking of how the house is showing its age.", I laughed.

"Oh, ok.", she answered.

"Ash, what are your long term plans, do you think you will stay in this town ?", I asked.

"Oh I don't know, why do you ask ?", she responded.

"Well first, if you do plan on staying, I want you to have this house. I want to put it in your name.", I told her.

"Oh Brian, I couldn't do that, your father left you this house, it's yours.", she replied.

"Ash, I will never come back here to live, and in the remote chance I do, I wouldn't live here, I would rather be right outside of town, have a lot more land.", I told her.

"Then sell this, I can move.", she offered.

"I don't want to sell it, I want to give it to you, I sure as hell don't need the money.", I responded.

She sat there, I guess somewhat embarrassed that someone so young was offering her something she may be felt she should already have purchased for herself. It was hard to get a read on what she was thinking, so I decided to press her a bit more.

"Look, all I was thinking is, if you really think you will stay here, I will spend a few dollars and fix things up, then sign the house over to you.", I offered.

"Oh no way, if anything gets fixed up, I will pay for it. That's not open for discussion.", she answered.

"Alright, I was just thinking out loud, but seriously Ash, I do want you to have the house. I know that's what my Dad would have wanted as well.", I said.

I let the conversation drop for now, I would handle it in my own time. I turned on the TV and began watching a movie that had just started. Several hours later, my cell phone rang, it was Jasmin.

"Hey Brian, what's up ?", she asked.

"Nothing Jazzy, just watching TV.", I answered.

"You wanna do something tonight ?", she inquired.

"Sure, why not ? What do you have in mind ?", I asked.

"I dunno, I just thought it would be nice to spend a little time catching up.", she stated.

"How about we go to the Italian Gardens Restaurant across town, say maybe seven o'clock ?", I asked.

"That would be great, I would like that.", she answered.

"Would it be ok if I asked Ashley to go with us ?", I asked.

"That would be nice, I haven't seen her in a while.", I responded.

"I'll pick you up at about seven.", I told her, hanging up.

I went towards the back of the house looking for Ashley, she was in her room. I stuck my head in the door, she was sitting on the bed.

"Hey, we are going to dinner tonight at the Italian Gardens, be ready for six thirty. We have to pick up Jasmine Thomas, she will be joining us.", I told her.

"Oh Brian, you kids don't need me hanging around, you go out and have a good time. I'll be fine.", she answered.

"I know you're fine, but you still have to be ready at six thirty.", I laughed, turned and walked down the hall.

"Oh you'll pay for that one buddy.", she quipped back.