
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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133 Chs


I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. I looked over at the clock, it was almost eight in the morning. I sat up in my bed, suddenly the night's previous conversation came rushing back to me. It was going to be very awkward to be around Ashley from this point on, that was for sure. I got up and made my way to the kitchen, I could smell the coffee brewing. Ashley was already seated at the table when I walked in, she was still in the short robe from the night before. She was sitting with her legs crossed, her entire thigh visible to me, I had to quickly look away.

"Hey Brian, how did you sleep last night ?", she asked, barely looking up from the paper.

"Ok, I guess.", I answered, pouring a cup of coffee.

Just about the time I sat down, I heard my cell phone ring from my room. I jumped up, ran down the hall and answered it. It was Courtney on the other end.

"Hi Brian, whatcha doing ?", she asked.

"Just woke up, getting some coffee. Are you feeling better ?", I asked.

"Oh, I feel great. It must have been a twenty four hour bug or something, I don't know. I am sorry about last night, I wanted to see you badly.", she said, apologetically.

"It's ok Court, as long as you feel better now.", I answered.

"Well I have some good news anyway. My mom just called, they are staying over another night, we can have the house to ourselves tonight if that's ok with you.", she stated.

"Sure, that sounds great. I will come by after six o'clock., I replied.

"Sounds great, see you then.", she said.

I went back to the kitchen and sat down, taking a sip of my coffee. Ashley was still reading the paper, paying me no notice whatsoever. I finished my coffee, cleaned up and got dressed leaving for the gym. I had received a phone call from Carl telling me that Coach Jerry Williams wanted to meet me a day early, and get an assessment of where I was so he could lay out a training ritual based on my current needs. I arrived at the gym at the designated time, both Carl and Coach Williams were waiting in his office.

"This is the young man I was telling you about Jerry.", Carl said, looking at the other man.

Coach Williams was a tall but slender man, I would guess in his forties, some graying in his jet black hair. He immediately looked me up and down, his eyes assessing his future project with great detail. He extended his hand to me quickly.

"Hello Brian, I'm Coach Jerry, it's a pleasure to meet you. Carl speaks very highly of you, which is rare. He seldom approves of anyone's efforts, so I know you must be special.", he said.

"Thank you Coach.", I replied, shaking his hand.

"I have to say Brian, I am quite impressed with you. You're about six foot seven, three hundred pounds ?" he asked, looking me over quickly.

"I'm 6' 6 ½", I weigh right at 290 pounds Coach." I replied.

"Carl tells me you want to retain as much mass as possible, keep your strength up, but gain quickness and speed ?", he inquired.

"Yes sir, that pretty much sums it up.", I answered.

"OK, be here at seven in the morning, Carl will put you through the weights, then you and I will hit the track.", he stated.

"I'll be here Coach.", I answered.

I did a light workout, took a shower then left for home. It was after lunch by the time I arrived, Ashley was not home. I made some lunch, ate then cleaned up the kitchen. I was watching TV when Ashley came in about three that afternoon. I watched TV until about five, then I took a long, hot shower, dressed and left for Courtney's. I arrived at Courtney's a few minutes after six o'clock. She answered the door quickly, she was all smiles. She jumped into my arms and gave me a big kiss holding on tightly. She made our way to the family room and sat down on the large sectional sofa. We talked for a while, mostly small talk, it was getting close to seven.

"You want to get something to eat ?", she asked.

Sure, what do you want ?", I asked.

"How about you go get some burgers and fries, then come back here ?", she asked.

"Ok, I'll be right back.", I answered.

I drove into town and picked up Courtney's phone order. I was back at her house in less than forty five minutes. She was waiting at the door, I saw she had changed clothes while I was gone. She was now wearing a very tiny pair of pink terry cloth shorts and a pink tee shirt. She looked incredibly sexy, every curve of her tight body visible through the soft materials. She led me into the kitchen where we sat down and ate our dinner, once again resuming our conversation. We cleaned up the wrappers, disposed of the trash and made our way back to the sofa. She turned on the TV, lowered the sound, then turned to me, leaning in close. She wasted no time in pulling me in for a soft, very sensual kiss. I responded in kind, by pulling her close to me, my arms holding her tight. She parted her lips and I could feel the tip of her tongue licking my upper lip. I slid my hand down her back, my hand coming to rest on her hip. After several minutes, I finally pulled my lips from hers, I needed some air.

"Mmmmmmm, I have been waiting for you all day.", she whispered.

"You have ?', I asked.

"Uh-Huh.", she replied.

I reached over and once again pulled her towards me, kissing her firmly on the lips as my arms circled her firm, lean body. I moved my right hand from her back and placed it on her stomach, just above the waistband of her shorts. She moaned gently in my mouth, her signal to let me know she wanted me to continue. I moved my hand down inside her shorts, and quickly found her opening, my finger easing inside of her. I pushed my index finger deep inside of her, then slowly slid it out, taking her juices with it, rubbing them into her hardening clit. Courtney had this way of holding onto you when you made her feel good, it was so intense. I could sense immediately she was extremely aroused, her tongue plunging into my mouth. I pulled my mouth from hers, easing her shoulders back with my hands. I gently guided her onto her back, as I knelt on the sofa above her. I reached down with both hands, hooking my thumbs inside of her shorts, then sliding them down her long, firm legs. I could see her pussy was wet, glistening in juices, waiting for my touch. I pushed her legs open so that one leg was hanging off of the sofa. I knelt down between her legs, my tongue quickly finding her wet, engorged pussy lips. She groaned loudly as my tongue entered her for the first time. I reached over and took her legs, placing one on each of my shoulders, my hands sliding under her, pulling her into my hungry mouth.

"Oh God baby, eat that pussy...…", she moaned, as she ran her hands through her hair.

I reached up with my hands, my fingers spreading the lips of her vagina, exposing her hard, swollen clit from its hood. I placed my lips around her clit, gently sucking it into my mouth. She arched her back sharply in response to my mouth, I could taste the change in her fluids, they were becoming thicker as they flooded my open mouth. I knew she was extremely close to an orgasm. I released her clit from my lips and began to rapidly flick my tongue across it, all the while holding her lips open with my fingers. It took less than half a minute before she reached down and frantically grabbed the top of my head, pulling my face into her throbbing pussy.

"Ohhhhhhh yesssssssssss, yessssssssssss...", she cried out.

Her body was thrashing under my tongue, her legs stiff and rigid around my head, her juices coating my face. It took close to a minute before I felt her body beginning to relax, her hands releasing its grip from my head. As her hands began to slowly stroke through my short hair, I quickly took her clit between my lips once more and began to gently suck on it. I took my index finger and began to push it inside of her pussy, as I continued to work on her clit. Soon I was pumping my finger in and out of her quickly as my tongue flicked across her once again hardening clit. She reached down and began to push my face off of her vagina.

"Wait baby, please, not yet.", she cried out.

She sat up quickly and pulled her tee shirt off, revealing her small, firm breasts, throwing her shirt to the floor. She reached over and unbuttoned my pants, sliding the zipper down quickly. I stood up, kicked my shoes off, then pushed my pants and shorts down my body, stepping out of them. I threw my tee shirt off quickly, moving back down to the sofa with Courtney. This was the first time the both of us were ever completely naked together, I had to admit, the feeling was incredible. She reached down and took my swollen cock in her small hand and began to stroke me gently, her hand squeezing me softly. She pushed me down on my back and climbed on top of me, her hips over mine, her soaking wet pussy grinding into my hard cock. I reached around and grabbed her firm ass with both hands, as she rubbed her clit against my raging erection. Her face was only inches from mine, her eyes gazing deep into mine, as her hips worked back and forth feverishly.

"I'm gonna cum all over your hard cock baby.", she whispered.

I could see by the look in her eyes, she was really close. I had noticed that Courtney liked a lot of visual stimulation just before orgasm. She also likes for you to talk her through it, she seemed to cum harder when I did. I licked my lips, never taking my eye's off hers.

"If you cum on my cock, you're gonna have to lick it off baby.", I answered, in a soft voice.

That was all it took, she placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed herself up to a seat position as her second orgasm began, her hips furiously rocking on my cock. She looked down at me as she rose wave after wave of intense pleasure, her eyes wide, her nostrils flared.

"That.... feels...so....fucking....good....", she stuttered, each word deliberately broken from the rest.

I desperately wanted to lift her up with both hands and slide my raging erection deep inside of her stomach. I wanted to feel the velvet, wet walls of her vagina around my cock so badly, it hurt. But I knew I couldn't take the chance. I had no choice but to reach up and gently push Courtney off of me. I sat up and pulled her close, pressing my lips to hers, my tongue probing her mouth gently. She pulled away, her eyes finding mine quickly.

"God Brian, you can make me cum over and over, baby. It's incredible.", she whispered, "Now let me suck my cum off of your cock like I promised."

She pushed me back on the sofa, then lowered her head into my lap. She quickly took my cock into her warm, wet mouth, her hands cupping my balls gently. She began to move her head quickly up and down, her mouth sucking gently on my swollen, purple cock. She moved her hand around the base of my cock and began to pump me into her mouth, as if she was urging me to explode in her mouth. I raised my head and looked down, causing her to look up in my direction. She opened her eyes wide as my gaze met hers, she removed her lips from my cock, a thin stream of saliva hung from her lips to the tip of my cock.

"I want you to rub your pussy for me baby. I want to watch you.", I begged.

She had me sit up, my back against the sofa, as she laid down her head in my lap. She turned so that she was facing the back of the sofa as well, giving me a clear view of her entire body. With her left hand she reached down and grabbed my cock, pulling it into her eager mouth. With her right hand she reached down between her legs and began to stroke her clit in a gentle back and forth motion.

"Hmmmmm, just like that baby. I like that.", I whispered softly, my eyes fixed on her right hand.

I ran my hand through her silky soft hair as her tongue was swirling around the head of my cock, her hand pumping me slowly up and down. She was already pumping her hips against her right hand, I sensed perhaps she had another orgasm pending. I decided to try to urge her on.

"Cum for me baby, cum all over that pretty little hand.", I whispered, with encouragement.

"MmmmmHmmmmm...", she moaned , her mouth full of my cock.

Watching this beautiful girl masterbate right in front of me was an incredible sight. Suddenly without warning, she clamped her thighs around her hand, her body convulsing in yet another orgasm. I couldn't hold out any longer, the cum racing up my cock. The first stream of cum erupted in her mouth, catching her completely off guard. She released my cock from her lips, cum running from her lips. Three more ropes of cum jetted from my cock landing on her breasts as she continued to pump my cock furiously. By now she was squeezing the last few drops of semen from my penis, her tongue licking it from the tip. I laid back exhausted as she continued to gently suck and lick my cock, her hand gently stroking her clit as her orgasm subsided. It was very late that night when I got home, I didn't want to leave Courtney's that night.