
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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133 Chs


I excused myself from the room, stepping next door and knocking on Alexis' door. She opened the door quickly, and I stepped inside. I walked across the room sitting down in one of the two chairs near the window. She got back into the bed, leaning back against the headboard. She was wearing a very short, red silk robe that stopped about mid thigh. She started telling me about how much fun she had with Ashley, the two of them really hit it off well. I told her Ashley had just told me the exact same thing just seconds ago.

"So you gonna sit way over there all night, or you going to come over here and hold me ?", she asked softly.

I didn't have to be asked twice, much less once. I got up and quickly found myself wrapped in Alexis' arms. Her soft lips were against mine, sending that familiar tingling feeling up my spine. I slid my hand down her side until I was holding the back of her thigh in my hand. I slowly inched my hand up her leg until I could feel the satin smooth fabric of her panties. I felt her hand move down my body, her hand soon inside of my shorts, squeezing my growing erection. I pulled my lips from hers, looked down and untied the silk belt of her robe, the fabric falling away to reveal her amazing body. She was wearing a pair of white silk panties that were cut very high up on the leg. I leaned down softly kissing her breast, my tongue flicking across the hardening nipple. I slowly eased one hand inside of her panties, my fingers gently stroking the lips of her pussy.

I slowly kissed her smooth, flat stomach as I gently eased her panties off of her legs, tossing them to the floor. I positioned myself between her long, firm legs, extending my tongue. I slowly ran my tongue up her pussy, pressing the flat portion hard against her, her sighs signaling her approval. As I pushed the tip of my tongue inside of her,

I softly caressed her thighs with my hands. Her fluids were already pouring from her, coating my lips and tongue, her hips being to move in unison with my tongue.

Once again I had this beautiful woman balanced on the end of my tongue, her desire mounting to a fever pitch. I slowly took her clit between my lips, nibbling and sucking on it, then flicking my tongue across it rapidly. Within a matter of moments she had moved both of her hands down to my head, holding me firmly against her, both eyes closed in ecstasy.

Suddenly without any warning, she exploded into orgasm, my mouth not able to swallow the torrent of fluids that ran from her. She cried out in pleasure, as her body shook, her hands holding my head firmly. She slowly relaxed, her breathing became normal, as I continued to softly and gently lick and kiss her hard clit. I pulled my mouth from her, easing myself back up the bed, until I was lying next to her. I leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips, my tongue brushing her upper lip.

"My God Brian, I'm sorry, I just can't hold out very long when you're down there. It feels so damn good.", she whispered.

"It's ok Alexis, I love to make you feel good.", I answered, kissing her cheek.

She leaned over and kissed me again, her tongue slipping inside of my mouth. She kissed me passionately as her hands explored my body. She finally lifted her lips from mine, a serious look on her face.

"Brian, I want to take you inside of my mouth….. But I uh…well I have never done that before…..I don't want to…., she started.

"Alexis, it's ok. You don't have to do anything you feel uneasy about.", I whispered.

"No, that's not what I am saying…..I mean I don't want you to be disappointed, if I'm bad at it.", she said, somewhat embarrassed.

"Alexis, I seriously doubt you could be bad at anything in bed.", I softly laughed.

"Don't say that yet.", she smiled, as she softly kissed my chest.

The anticipation was absolutely intense, although it probably wasn't more than ten seconds at the most. I could feel her warm breath on my thighs, as her hand was wrapped around the base of my rigid cock. I let out a long slow groan as I felt her lips circle my head, then ease down until half of my cock was inside of her wet, warm mouth. I could feel her tongue softly caressing my shaft, her hands lovingly stroking my thigh. In less than a minute she had me on the verge of orgasm, I wanted to warn her.

"Alexis, I'm gonna cum if you don't stop.", I warned.

She pulled her mouth from me gently, her eyes looking up in my direction, a smile on her lips.

"Already ?", she whispered.

"Uh huh.", I nodded.

She moved her body back over mine, until she was straddling me, her long silky hair dangling in my face. I felt her hand reach down and grasp my cock, guiding it to her warm, wet pussy. She eased herself down onto me slowly, until I was deep inside of her. I could tell from the look on her face she was extremely aroused again, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

She began to move her hips back and forth, her hands on my chest, supporting her upper body. I reached down and grabbed her hips, gripping them firmly as she swayed back and forth. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls, I was ready to explode. I urged her to increase her pace with my hands, which she immediately did. It didn't take very long, maybe thirty seconds, until we both exploded into a mutual orgasm. She fell on top of me exhausted, I held her close, kissing her neck and cheeks softly, my hands stroking up and down her back.

I could have laid there all night, unfortunately I was already fifteen minutes late for bed check, something I knew I would be fined for. I got up, dressed, then headed back up to my floor. As soon as I exited the elevator, I ran into one of the assistant coaches, I was busted.

"Stevens, why the fuck aren't you in your room ?", he asked.

"Sorry Coach, I was downstairs with my girlfriend and family.", I replied.

"Yea well, that'll cost you fifteen hundred bucks, you're on report.", he growled.

I went back to my room, I wasn't worried, this was the first time I had ever violated a single team policy, plus I was still in the hotel. I showered and got into bed falling asleep quickly. I was woken early the next morning by a pounding on the door. I looked at the clock, it was just after seven in the morning. I got up and walked slowly to the door, arriving just as the knock was repeated. I opened the door to find Coach Reed standing there, a scowl on his face.

"I was told you violated curfew last night ?", he stated.

"Yes, I was about fifteen minutes late, I was down on the sixth floor with my girlfriend and family.", I answered.

"They don't have clocks on the sixth floor ?", he inquired.

"Sorry Coach, I fucked up.", I answered.

He turned and walked away without saying a word, I knew I was in the dog house. That afternoon at practice, Billy Huber took reps with the starting offense, something everyone noticed immediately. I must have been asked a couple of dozen times what was going on, I just simply shrugged it off, saying I had no idea.

I explained what had happened to Alexis and Ashley, deciding to stay on my own floor for the duration of the trip, I could not afford another screw up. At our final offensive situational meeting Saturday night, Coach Cullen announced the starting lineup, I wasn't in it. Josh immediately stood up, he wasn't very happy.

"Coach, what the fuck is going on ? This is bullshit and you know it.", he said, loudly.

"You just throw the ball Henson, I'll tell you who to throw it to.", he said, never looking up from his chart.

"Fuck that, I'm here to win. I need that kid in the lineup, no offense to Billy.", he said, pointing at me.

"Well if the kid would follow rules, he would be starting.", he said, calmly.

"Fucking fifteen minutes late, for Christ's sake he was in the fucking hotel.", Josh growled.

Coach Cullen had heard just about enough of Josh's excuses, he slammed his folder of papers on the table, the room got deathly quiet.

"I don't give a fuck if he was in the chapel next to his room, he wasn't where he was supposed to be, so it's over.", he screamed at Josh.

Josh stood there for a moment, sizing up his offensive coordinator, this was the first time this had ever occurred. There was an awkward pause for close to fifteen seconds, then Josh reached down, picked up his books, then turned for the door of the meeting room.

"You can fucking start somebody in my place too, if we're not here to win this fucking thing, I'm out.", he shouted, storming out of the room.

I could tell he caught everyone by surprise, especially Coach Cullen, who for the first time since I had met him, seemed unsure of himself.

He looked over at me with a look that could have killed, apparently my violation was starting to have a snowball effect on the team. Without saying a word, I got up and headed out of the room, I had to talk some sense into Josh. I caught up with him at the elevators, he was still out of control.

"Hey man, I appreciate the support, but let it go. You can win without me out there, we can't win without you.", I said calmly, my hand on his shoulder.

"Fuck Reed, and fuck Cullen. This is bullshit and they know it. They want to reprimand you, that's fine, do it with money, something else when we get back, just not now.", he shouted.

"It's ok Josh, let it go. It will work itself out.", I urged.

By the next morning, the news was all over the hotel, in fact apparently the media had gotten a hold of it as well. As these things usually do, the story seems to get more outrageous every time it is told. By Saturday night, I was hearing at least a half dozen starters were out for the game due to curfew violations. I give the coaches a lot of credit, they held everything together, nothing much was made of it.

I was in my room Saturday night, my cell phone rang, it was close to ten o'clock. It was Mr. Timmons telling me he had arrived in town a few hours ago, he would see me at the game tomorrow.