
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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133 Chs


We drove back to my apartment, and made ourselves comfortable. I put out a large bottle of soda and two glasses at the kitchen table. We both sat down, pen and tablet in hand, beginning to outline what we wanted to accomplish. One of the things Jenny touched on that I found interesting was the sheer boredom the children encountered during the day. While most of them had family visit them in the evenings, the days were filled with long hours of nothing to do but watch TV. I asked Jenny what she felt could be done to help alleviate the boredom during those hours.

She mentioned that the fourth floor had been renovated just two years prior. They had added one lounge for the parents and visitors who sometimes stayed overnight. It was extremely large and was never full to capacity. Just down the hall was a second smaller waiting room that was only being used to store a variety of medical supplies. She felt that this room could perhaps be turned into an arts and crafts center for the children. For the children who were able to be placed in a wheelchair, it could be a place where they could draw, paint, read books or watch videos. It sounded like a great idea, Jenny said she would ask the hospital CEO if we could renovate the room for that purpose.

"I know kids like to play video games, what if we buy a few dozen game consoles, some games that are suitable for all ages, make the units mobile so they can be taken from room to room ?", I asked.

"Oh that would be a huge hit, especially with the boys.", she laughed.

"What about some laptop computers with educational programs on them ? I know the kids have to miss quite a bit of school.", I added.

"That's a great idea too, in fact my best friend is a teacher, she could help us with that.", she answered.

After about an hour, we both have several pages full of notes and an excellent direction to proceed with. I suggested we take a break and sit on the sofa to relax. For the next hour, I basically told Jenny everything that had brought me to this point in my life, the loss of my Dad, my early career in high school, and in college, being drafted and most recently the loss of Courtney.

Jenny then began recounting her early years, she had been a high school cheerleader, then went to college to be a nurse. She had one serious relationship that ended one night when he came home drunk and struck her in the face several times. From what I gathered, that was quite recent, she had mentioned that he still called her from time to time, trying to make amends. She had been a nurse at the hospital for a little over two years now, she loved her work.

Jenny reminded me so much of Courtney, she was so easy to talk to. After just a few hours, I felt I had known her for years. She made no pretense of being someone she was not, she was generous and outgoing. Before I knew it, it was well after midnight, we had both completely lost track of time.

"Oh geez, Jenny it's going on one o'clock, I better drive you home.", I told her.

"It's that late already ?", she asked, genuinely surprised.

I got up off the sofa, walking to the kitchen to get my wallet and keys. I was about to head towards the front door, when I noticed Jenny had not yet gotten up from the sofa.

"Brian, I hate to make you drive me all the way home, then have to drive back. It will be well after two o'clock by the time you get back here. Let me call a cab, save you the trip.", she offered.

"No way, I don't mind taking you home. It's no big deal, really.", I replied.

"No Brian, I insist on calling a cab, I can't let you do that.", she countered.

I stood there looking at her for a moment, she appeared firm in standing her ground. It was far too late to be arguing about transportation problems, especially after we had such a nice evening.

"Ok then, how about you spend the night, I'll take you home in the morning ?", I asked.

I could tell immediately, she took my intentions the wrong way. Before she could even offer an objection, I cut her off.

"No Jenny, what I mean is, I have a guest room that has never been used, it's no problem at all. I certainly didn't mean to imply that..., I started.

"Brian, I know you didn't. That sounds like a wonderful idea, if you don't mind.", she laughed softly.

"No not at all, let me show you the guest room.", I said, pointing down the hall.

She followed me to the first door on the left, I reached in and flipped on the light. No one had been in this room, since Alexis and Paige had put out the bedding and curtains, it looked immaculate.

"Oh wow, this is very nice.", she said, following me in.

"Make yourself at home Jenny. The bathroom is right across the hall, there are towels under the sink, I am sure everything you need is in the vanity, just help yourself.", I offered, turning to walk out.

"Um Brian ?", she said.

"Um, you think you might have an old tee shirt or something I could sleep in ?", she asked.

"Oh sure, be right back.", I told her.

I went to my room and opened one of the dresser drawers, looking through the layers of shirts. I chose one of the dry fit compression shirts with the team's logo on the front, they were smaller than the average shirt I wore. They were meant to be almost skin tight, which even on Jenny, would probably still look like a dress. I walked back into the room, she was sitting on the bed.

"Here, this is probably the smallest thing I own.", I said, tossing the shirt to her.

"Thanks, it will be fine.", she said, "If you don't mind, I am going to take a shower."

"No help yourself, I am going to do the same, then watch a bit of TV, I can't sleep unless I watch TV at least for a few minutes.", I replied, closing her door.

I went into the master bathroom, took a quick shower, put on some shorts and a tee shirt, then carefully made my way back down the hall. I noticed Jenny was still in the hall bathroom, so I continued on to the living room. I flipped on the TV , turned to the sports channel, then grabbed a soda from the fridge. I had been watching TV for about fifteen minutes, when I heard Jenny exit the bathroom, then close the door to the guest room. I was just about to call it a night, when I heard a door open again in the hall. Seconds later, Jenny walked into the living room, stopping at the edge of the sofa, her arms folded across her chest.

"Hey, is it ok if I watch a little TV with you, I'm not really sleepy either.", she asked, gingerly.

I couldn't control myself, I just had to laugh at the sight. The compression shirt that I had given her, even though it was only a double extra large, extra long, swallowed her. The sleeves came down past her elbows, the bottom hem of the shirt, just a few inches above her knees.

"Sure you can and may I say, that shirt was just made for you.", I laughed.

"Oh hush you.", she said, sitting down to right, folding her legs under her.

We sat there for a couple of minutes, watching the highlights on the sports channel, it was awkwardly quiet.

"Brian, how often do you work out ?", she asked.

"Just about everyday, why ?", I replied.

"I uh…just never have been around a guy ... .that has…..uh, I mean as big as you are.", she stuttered.

"Jenny, there are guys on the team that make me look small.", I laughed.

"That's hard to believe," she answered.

Again we hit a moment of awkward silence, I felt like I was a teenager again, back in my little home town. I thought this might be a good time to call it a night.

"Here you can watch whatever you like, I think I am going to go to bed.", I said, handing her the remote.

As I started to get up off the sofa, she reached across with her arm, her small soft hand grabbing my wrist. I looked over at her, her eyes were bright and wide.

"You know you don't have to go to bed alone, unless of course, that's what you want to do.", she said, a very different tone in her voice.

I was taken back for a second, after the way she reacted to my offering her the guest room, this was not at all what I expected.

"Jenny, I… "Well, do you think it's a good idea ?", I asked.

"What do you mean ?", she inquired.

"Jenny, I like you a lot. I have really enjoyed working with you today, I don't want to mess anything up.", I answered.

"How would sleeping together mess anything up ?", she asked, "Unless of course, you're not sexually attracted to me ?"

"No Jenny that's not it, I find you very attractive, I just don't want to ruin our friendship with sex.", I responded.

She stood up, moved in front of me and reached down, holding out her open palm to me.

"You won't ruin anything, I promise, now take me to bed.", she whispered.

I reached up and took her hand, standing up as she pulled me down the hallway towards the master bedroom. While I had to admit, I was extremely attracted to Jenny, I had been in this exact situation with Alexis not long before. I had already pulled the bedding down, so she easily slipped into the bed, pulling me along with her. We were laying there, facing each other, our faces just a few inches apart.

"Brian, I am not asking you to marry me. I find you very attractive, it's been a really long time since I have had sex. Just make me feel good, please that's all I am asking.", she whispered.

I reached over and placed my hand on her lower back, pulling her gently towards me. My lips met hers, softly with absolutely no urgency at all. Her lips were extremely soft and moist, her tongue brushed my lips quickly, causing me to shiver noticeably. I opened my lips, my tongue found hers quickly, our kiss becoming a bit more urgent. I reached down and found the hem of the shirt, then lifted it, my hand coming to rest on the back of her satin panties. She took her right leg and lifted it gently, laying it across my left. I softly caressed her ass, my hand running up her smooth back occasionally, causing her upper body to move slightly forward.

We kissed like that for several minutes, the heat building between us. I slid my hand from her back, over her right hip and down to her flat smooth stomach. As I inched down, I finally came to the waistband of her panties, easing my fingers just inside. She pulled her leg back off of mine, allowing me easier access, her hips shifting slightly. I continued to inch my hand down into her satin panties, until I felt just a whisper of soft hair tangled between my fingers.

She moved her right hand from between us, placing it palm down on my stomach, her fingers spread wide apart. I eased my fingers down just a bit further, my middle finger finding her opening, which was hot and extremely moist. As I eased my fingertip down between the lips of her pussy, she moaned softly, breaking our kiss.

"Oh God, it's been so long.", she whispered to me, her eyes locked on mine.

I moved my finger back up her slit, then slowly inserted my middle finger inside of her, taking my time not to cause her any discomfort. She responded by pushing her hands into my shorts, her small hand wrapping around my now hard, erect penis. She began to squeeze my shaft gently, then release her grip, only to repeat the same over and over. I eased my hand from her panties, then grasping the waistband, slid them down past her knees. I eased myself up from the bed, moving over her, down to the foot of the mattress. I reached down and removed her panties, which were around her left ankle. I reached down and gently opened her legs, her eyes were locked on mine. I leaned down slowly, never taking my eyes off of her, until my cheeks were brushing her warm, smooth thighs. I extended my tongue out, first touching the bottom of her slit, then slowly moving up in one long slow stroke.

"Oh My God.", she moaned, her back arching off the bed.

I reached up with my right hand, my fingers opening her pussy slightly, my tongue easing between the warm, wet folds. By now the juices were pouring out of her, her hips were writhing beneath me. I gently eased up the pressure slightly, my tongue gently, softly coaxing her clit from its hood. She reached down with both hands, her fingers softly stroking my head in appreciation. I felt her clit beginning to swell under the tip of my tongue, she was lifting her hips up slightly to meet my mouth. As much as I wanted to continue to please her, I sensed her body was aching for release. I eased both of my hands under her ass, pulling her hips toward my mouth. I gently took her hard clit between my lips, gently sucking it, then just for a second, flicking my tongue over it. I would then suck it back between my lips quickly, resuming a slight pressure on her throbbing clit. Without warning, she arched her back, her hands gripping my head, as the orgasm exploded from somewhere deep inside of her.

"Oh…oh…uh..uhhhhhhhhh...fuckkkkkkk...", she wailed, her body spasming under me.

I held her tightly against my mouth, my tongue deep inside of her, her thighs clamped tightly around my face. Her orgasm seemed to go on much longer than I expected, her cries of joy and pleasure resonating in my ears. It took a full minute, maybe longer before I felt her body begin to relax under me. She moved both hands up to her head, pushing her hair back off of her face. I slowly moved up, resuming my spot next to her, my right arm draped over her waist. She was still trying to regain her normal breathing pattern, her face glistening with a light sweat. She turned and looked at me with cloudy eyes, that warm glow all over her face.

"God Brian, that has never happened before. I almost passed out.", she whispered.

"You never had an orgasm before ?", I asked, dumbfounded.

"No, I cum most of the time but you're the first man ever to do what you just did to me.", she replied.

"Really ?", I responded.

"Well you're only my second lover, but he refused to do that for me. He thought it was disgusting.", she admitted, somewhat embarrassed, "Thank you much, that felt incredible."

I pulled her close to me, pressing my lips to hers gently, my hand again on her back. We laid there side by side, my lips inches from hers. I reached up and brushed the hair back from her face, kissing her quickly on the lips. I felt her hand slide down my body once again, this time pushing my shorts down my legs.

Her right hand palmed my cock softly, bringing me back to life quickly, I pulled her close, kissing her passionately once again. She quickly responded to me, her body pressing into mine, her hand softly stroking my cock. She lifted her right leg and laid it across my thighs using her body weight to push me on my back. She quickly straddled me, her wet pussy pressing hard against my cock. She reached down between her legs with her right hand gripping my cock, guiding me to her warm, wet opening. She looked down directly into my eyes as she slowly lowered herself on my throbbing cock, until I was buried deep inside of her womb. She stayed perfectly still for a few moments, her body leaning forward, her hands on the mattress. She began to move slowly up and down, her juices coating my shaft. Within several minutes, it was apparent she was well on her way to her second orgasm. She was now grinding her clit hard against my pubic bone, my cock buried deep in her belly. She was looking down directly into my eyes, I could sense perhaps she was holding back.

"Jenny, it's ok if you cum again.", I whispered.

"But you haven't cum yet.", she replied.

"It doesn't matter Jenny, let it go, cum again for me.", I answered.

I didn't have to do anything more convincing as she began to rock back and forth on my cock, grinding her clit furiously against my body. It took her maybe thirty seconds before she was teetering on the verge of another orgasm. I reached up and grabbed her hips, pulling her down hard on my cock, holding her there firmly. She once again lost control of her body, another orgasm erupting from her core.

"Yes, yes, oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah,", she cried, throwing her head back.

I slowly released the pressure of my grip, allowing her to move slowly up and down on my throbbing cock, enjoying the last few contractions of her orgasm. She fell forward on my chest, her head resting on my left shoulder. I held her gently, allowing her breathing to return to normal, my hand stroking her silky soft hair.

"I've never been with a man who cares about my pleasure more than his own,"she whispered in my ear.