
A Future Never Meant to Be

In an alternate reality, Lucius exiles Asta, Yuno, and Noelle before they can pose a threat to his plans. Stranded in Earthland, a world brimming with magic, the trio must choose: adapt to this foreign land or find a way home, if one exists. With their futures rewritten, they now face a new challenge in a world they were never meant to be part of.

hmak27230 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Focus On The Present

Yuno POV

"Mister Yuno, look! We're here!"

Huh? I snapped out of my daze, lifting my head from the gravel road. Wendy was nudging my shoulder, her eyes sparkling as she pointed ahead. Following her gaze, I saw it too: the bustling commercial city sprawled before us.

Tekka. A city south of Ermina, connected to some train line running north to Drasil—whatever a 'train' even is.

"I see... Thanks, Wendy." I forced a smile. Judging by the awkward grin she shot back, she could tell it wasn't genuine.

I didn't need a mirror to confirm I wasn't exactly looking my best right now. One glance at Noelle and Asta, with their dark bags and slumped shoulders—especially Asta, who never looks like this—was all the reflection I needed. None of us had slept well after last night's disastrous meeting.

The negotiations ended badly, yet somehow, we'd still chosen to work with the Fairies. Why? Well, we couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't a quest we could finish on our own. Noelle and even Mercphobia himself made it clear: he'd only been able to tap into 10% of his power. That wasn't going to cut it. We needed their help if we wanted to succeed in sealing the others and do it quickly.

Lately, it hit us how much was at stake. With Asta and me out of the picture, The Sinner—whoever he is—was free to wreak havoc back home. We couldn't afford to return too late, only to find we had no home left to return to. Time was ticking, and we needed to get back. Fast.

As for the wish? Well, we'd deal with that when we got there. Aside from Wendy's, none of the others' wishes seemed all that extravagant. So, even though this decision might come back to bite us, we decided to have faith. Maybe, just maybe, along the way, the Fairies would encounter something—or someone—that could help them with their problems.

For now, we pushed all the unpleasant thoughts aside and pressed forward with our new allies. Who knows? Maybe we'll be the ones to find an alternative solution. Hopefully.

Lucy Heartfilia POV

I trailed behind the group, watching our new 'friends' as we trudged toward the train station in awkward silence. Honestly, the whole journey felt weird—even Natsu was unusually quiet, and that just didn't feel right. But something told me it wasn't just because we'd turned down our new companions' request.

I winced, guilt gnawing at me as I replayed the vision from last night's dream. I could still see the color draining from their eyes, their wishes clearly meaning the world to them. Rejecting them felt like tearing away their last hope. But that wasn't what was weighing on Natsu's mind.

No, I could sense his thoughts were more tangled up with our run-in with the Fire Dragon God, Ignia. My suspicions grew after talking to Wendy—she mentioned that Ignia smelled like Igneel. It seemed like Natsu's family tree had just gotten even more complicated.

I even tried bribing Happy with a fish to spill some secrets, but no luck. That dumb cat wasn't budging, though his drooling almost made me laugh. If I'd offered more fish, I'm sure he would've cracked, but I didn't push it. I'm confident Natsu will tell me what's going on when he's ready. And if not, I'll figure it out as we go.

Our group of seven—wait, no, it's ten now. Thirteen if you count the familiars living in Asta's, Yuno's, and Noelle's grimoires. What's that like, anyway? Do they live in a separate dimension, or do they just become ink on the pages? Weird.

Anyway, as our group of ten (let's keep it simple) made its way through the cobblestone streets of Tekka, we were suddenly swarmed by a crowd—well, Erza was.

"Oh my god! It's Elkis!"

"Elkis, can I have your autograph?"

"Elkis, marry me!"

"Elkis, I want to have your baby!"

Wait, what? We all froze, jaws dropping as the crowd pressed Erza into a corner like she was some kind of celebrity, shouting some... seriously weird stuff.

"Um… isn't her name Erza?" I glanced over to see Noelle scratching her cheek in confusion.

"I didn't know you guys were this popular." Asta's eye twitched, though a sly smile was slowly creeping onto his face.

"Haha, believe it or not, we're just as confused as you are," I replied, just as puzzled and definitely sweating a little.

"Um... excuse me?"

We all turned to see... Erza?! But she was wearing a long, conservative sweater and glasses? Well, not the strangest outfit she's worn, but how did she get behind us so fast—and why the wardrobe change?

I glanced back at the crowd, only to stop dead in my tracks, my pupils comically dilating. Erza was still there, blushing as the crowd practically smothered her.

My friends mirrored my shock, shaking their heads in disbelief. Two Erza's?! If she's over there, who's this?! Did she learn some clone magic or something?

As if reading my mind, Asta and Yuno spoke up.

"Elkis?" Asta said, sounding more like a statement than a question, tentatively seeking confirmation. "You look alike, but your Ki is totally different."

Ki? Some kind of technique from the Eastern continent, maybe?

"Not to mention, you have no magic," Yuno added, a bit more clearly. That, at least, made sense.

I focused for a second and realized he was right—this wasn't our Erza. No magic, no familiar aura. Just a look-alike. Great. This was feeling like Edolas all over again. I sighed. Well, at least this Erza wasn't trying to stab us on sight.

"Why don't you come with me, and I'll explain?" the second Erza—Elkis, I guess—asked nervously. It was almost... cute, seeing an Erza look-alike act so shy. I couldn't help but smile. Even if she's not our Erza, this girlish version stirred up some pretty amusing thoughts.

Short Skip

Yuno POV

As our new friends headed into Fairy Nail to mingle with their doppelgangers—which was weird, to say the least—the three of us broke off and went our own way, agreeing to meet up at the train station in a few hours.

None of us wanted to talk about it, but the tension between our two groups was impossible to ignore. Not hostile, just... uncomfortable. They'd rejected our plea, and we'd asked for more than we should have. It left an awkward gap between us, so we quietly decided to give each other some space. A little time apart to calm down and clear our heads, so we could work together without any lingering resentment.

As my brother, Noelle, and I wandered through a bustling bazaar filled with roadside shops and vendors, I couldn't help but notice Noelle's not-so-subtle glances in Asta's direction. Well, not-so-subtle to everyone but him. She kept looking between him and various "couple-only" events, treats, games, and even restaurants. Meanwhile, he just seemed... oblivious. Or was he?

I narrowed my eyes, suspicious. Having grown up with Asta, I know him better than anyone. People often label him as an idiot because of his loud, brash personality, but I've seen firsthand how much sharper and more observant he really is. Sure, he can be reckless, and sometimes the label fits, but he often uses that misconception to his advantage. After all, he's been fighting an uphill battle his entire life, dismissed by people who don't even bother to understand him. Eventually, he stopped trying to prove them wrong and just let them think he's a simpleton. It's easier that way.

Now, the question is: is this one of those times? Is he purposely avoiding Noelle's hints, or does he not want to confront her feelings? Don't tell me he's still hung up on Sister Lily.

I sighed, feeling a mix of exasperation and amusement. Playing matchmaker for Asta wasn't exactly on my agenda today, but maybe it was time. Worst case, if I misstep, he can take it as payback for that punch he threw my way.

I stepped in front of them, catching them both off guard—well, mostly Noelle. Asta's slight narrowing of his brows told me he was already onto me. His perception is annoyingly sharp sometimes. Ki really is overpowered. Ignoring that, I said flatly, "I'm going to scout around for information on Drasil and Aldoron. You two look terrible—you should get something to eat."

"W-wait, Yuno!" Noelle's screech followed me as I turned on my heel, quickly vanishing into the crowd. I picked up the pace, using subtle bursts of wind to disappear before she could catch up.

Noelle POV

"W-wait, Yuno!" I called after him, my hand outstretched, looking every bit the picture of someone scandalized. Key word: looking.

Inside, I was practically screaming with joy. As soon as Yuno disappeared into the crowd, I remembered the confession I never got to make before that Sinner warped us to Earthland. Everything had happened so fast—Elefseria, Leviathan, Ignia, Mercphobia, the Fairies—that I barely had a moment to breathe, let alone confess my feelings. And by the time I did, my confidence had all but evaporated.

To make matters worse, with each passing day, the dread that getting home would be much harder than we'd thought grew. What kind of idiot confesses their feelings in the middle of that kind of anxiety? Not to mention Asta's own focus on getting home, along with his lingering crush on that nun, Sister Lily. But now, after the lightheartedness of that bizarre Fairy Nail encounter and the lively atmosphere of this street, I felt like the timing was right. Or, at least, better than it had been in a while.

Of course, Bakasta is too oblivious to pick up on hints. That wasn't going to discourage me, though. I'd been trying to catch Yuno's attention to no avail but leave it to him to deliver just when I needed it. Not only did he tactfully separate himself from us, but he even hinted that we should grab something to eat. And with all these romantic restaurants nearby... wasn't that practically a date?! My cheeks warmed at the thought.

I remembered Finral, the so-called date master, mentioning something about assists. Yuno just pulled off the perfect one. If things go well, I'm definitely going to owe him big time. Clutching the money pouch Elefseria gave us (with Mercphobia's generous additions), I decided I'd buy Yuno a little thank-you gift from one of the stalls later.

But first, there was something far more important at hand. Just as I was about to turn to Asta, I froze. A sudden pit of doubt formed in my stomach. What am I doing? Asta still has a crush on Sister Lily, and we have no idea if she's safe in a world where the Sinner can do as he pleases. Confessing my feelings now, when he's still grieving and worrying about home... Wouldn't that make me a horrible person? Like Vanica-level bad?

And then there was the fear. What if Asta agreed to this "date" but stayed completely oblivious to my feelings? Or worse—what if he realized how I felt and just rejected me outright? Unrequited love is so much worse than unspoken love, because at least with unspoken love, you can still hope for something to change. But rejection? That's final.

I've fought beside Asta for nearly two years, and I know he's far more clever than he lets on. Especially since we've arrived in Earthland, he's been sharper, more tactical. That nagging feeling had been growing in the back of my mind: he probably knows how I feel. He just doesn't feel the same. The thought made my stomach churn, and I fought the urge to double over in agony.

Before I could spiral any further, I felt a tap on my shoulder—a gentle tap that seemed out of place given the wide, calloused hands that delivered it. "Noelle..." His voice was soft, sending a chill up my spine.

I felt him turn me around, and after what felt like an eternity, I raised my gaze from his boots to his face. To my surprise, I found him scratching his cheek, a light blush dusting his features.

"W-what would you like to do first?" Asta asked shakily, his tone uncertain as he gingerly took hold of my right hand. It was so unlike him—so careful, so uncharacteristically shy—that I could hardly believe what was happening.

I could feel my heart racing, tears threatening to spill from my eyes as a smile tugged at my lips.

Note to self, Noelle: Yuno deserves a lot more than a trinket.


"Another dead end," I muttered in frustration, crumpling the worn pages I'd found. Every record of Aldoron I managed to dig up dated back to when he was last active—300 years ago. Useless, faded, relics of a forgotten era.

The only reason we were even headed to Drasil was because of a vague hint from Mercphobia, the former Sea Dragon God. He mentioned that Aldoron could be found there, but when pressed for details, he refused to elaborate.

Mercphobia claimed that the five Dragon Gods had an unspoken agreement not to interfere with each other—no invasions, no plotting, no conspiring. With such immense power, any conflict between them could lead to mutual destruction, so they respected each other's sovereignty. After being stripped of most of his power, Mercphobia was even more cautious. He had a responsibility to his people and couldn't risk provoking someone as dangerous as Aldoron. Especially since, according to him, the two had little contact in the past—no reason to make an enemy now.

Still, Mercphobia had done us a favor by pointing us in this direction. He also hinted that we'd probably cross paths with the White Mage. When I asked why, he simply said, "Aldoron is in a vulnerable state. If I were the White Mage, after stealing my power, I'd set my sights on Aldoron rather than the more elusive Dragon Gods."

What that state was, he didn't explain. Just more cryptic warnings about running into Diablos and the Dragon Eaters.

With a sigh, I decided to take a break and find something to eat before resuming my search. Just as I was scanning the street for a restaurant, a voice called out to me, "Young man, over here."

I turned to see a small, elderly woman in a witch's robe sitting behind a stall, a crystal ball resting on the table before her. Her sign read, "Fortune Reading: 50 Jewels per reading." I couldn't help but chuckle at the obvious scam. Back in our world, true divination was a rare art, something only masters like the Witch Queen could perform. Peering into the future wasn't something to be taken lightly, let alone for casual profit.

Even if Earthland was different, I doubted this random old woman had any real power. I was about to walk away when her voice, hoarse yet insistent, beckoned me again. "Come, child. As my first customer today, the reading will be free. What do you say?"

I shrugged, not wanting to hurt her feelings, and approached her stall. Her genuine smile was enough to make me feel a little better about humoring her. She raised her hands over the crystal ball, clenching her muscles as though in deep concentration. I didn't bother making snide remarks about the complete lack of magic or illusion—just watched as she sweated and then retracted her hands, acting as though she'd completed some great task.

Instead of speaking, she tore a small piece of paper and scribbled something down before handing it to me with a satisfied grin. I smiled politely and dropped 50 Jewels into her box, despite her surprise, before finding a nearby bench to sit down and read my 'fortune.'

At first, I expected to laugh it off. But as my eyes skimmed the words, my hands tightened around the note, and cold sweat began to bead on my forehead. My heart pounded, and I rubbed my eyes, trying to convince myself that it was all just a trick. But the words stayed the same.

I snapped my head up in panic, looking back toward the stall to demand answers—but the old woman was gone. Her stall had vanished, leaving nothing but an empty alleyway where she had been moments before.

Feeling the curious stares of passersby on me, I slumped back against the bench and read the note again, my heart still racing.

"None of you are of this world. So your patience wears thin as you search for a way back. But rather than fearing the chase home, you should fear home coming for you. Why would you ever think the Sinner's greed would be satisfied with just one world?"

I clenched the paper tighter, feeling a pit of dread form in my stomach.

Ultear Milkovich POV

I walked through Limbo, the Timeless World, where past, present, and future blur together. As I entered this plane, my body, now freed from the constraints of time, reverted to my youthful form—the version of me that exists in my subconscious. Here, I manifest, but only in this lonely, forsaken place between worlds.

Lucius. He is so arrogantly blind, believing he holds dominion over all existence. He thinks he sees everything, feels everything, as if our world—and every world—is merely a chessboard for him to manipulate. He peers through the fabric of time, yet never considers that someone might be looking back at him. Someone like me.

He will come, believing himself to be the divine judge, descending upon us to fulfill his twisted vision as the so-called Wizard Emperor. But I'll leave a small seed of hope. It must be subtle—if I make too bold a move, he'll sense the disturbance in time and prepare his defenses. No, I must be patient, careful.

Yuno... I've seen how this world's ethernano—what they call mana—clings to him, spiraling around him like a lover long lost and finally reunited. He may be our best chance. There's a sharpness to him, an awareness. He will sense the storm coming, and perhaps, find a way to navigate it.

There's too much at stake. Too much I still care about. Gray, Meredy, Jellal... the people I've wronged, the lives I've shattered, the weight of my sins that I must atone for. I can't let this world be devoured. Even if it means I continue to exist like this—trapped in this pitiful, timeless void—I'll keep watching. I'll oppose Lucius, oppose that false god, in any way I can.

Even if it drives me mad, I will fight.