
A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess?

A spin-off from another perspective: "A Voyage Of The Unlucky Anomalous Mage Across The Boundless Realities." I recommend reading a few chapters of the Voyage novel before reading this spin-off... Liana Graves, a hopeless girl who had never had an ounce of affection received from her family and lived a life of understanding next to nothing about what her feelings were, even after destroying her own family through their bank account and leaving them behind on her 18th birthday where she ghosted them to head to Colorado and to enjoy the sea life out there away from them all... Sometime later, still hiding away in a random apartment by herself, she decided to forge a degree in Marine Biology... That was where she met a guy who was familiar to her from the past in the location where she was officially operating in Colorado... This person was a change for her as he had asked her out in such a clumsy manner, and she, for the first time in a while, in all of her anti-social personality, gave dating him a try. The more she got to know him, the more she became obsessed with Luis... Years went by, and that obsession had turned to a point where she had to wear a mask. She had never felt this way before, and she was afraid that her obsession would lead Luis to leave her. On September 13, 2023, it had been seven years since the two had been together, and she had a feeling that his little Luis was going to do something. She was oh so very stoked about tomorrow. But that tomorrow had led to a path of misery for her and Luis as a group of people dragged her off. An unknown time later, Liana, whose clothes were ripped, her face unrecognizable with all of her teeth missing, all bruised and battered, was slowly dying, filled with regrets. Her dying wish as her body was beyond broken was 'I⃞ w⃞i⃞s⃞h⃞ t⃞o⃞ s⃞t⃞a⃞y⃞ c⃞o⃞n⃞n⃞e⃞c⃞t⃞e⃞d⃞ t⃞o⃞ t⃞h⃞e⃞ L⃞o⃞v⃞e⃞ o⃞f⃞ m⃞y⃞ l⃞i⃞f⃞e⃞.⃞.⃞.⃞ F⃞o⃞r⃞e⃞v⃞e⃞r⃞.⃞.⃞.⃞' But from the void and beyond, a smiled upon Liana and said, "§µrê Lïåñå~ ¥ðµr wï§h wïll ßê gråñ†êÐ~" The voice that sounded just like her own said. And with that... Her wish was granted, right? This was the beginning of the tale of a girl forced into a body, not of her own, now that of Anafabulas, and with the only thing keeping her any sense of sanity was a connection she had so desperately desired. Will she find that connection or become a mindless killing machine that will go after narrative after narrative to find that connection? (A/n: Make sure to read and write a review.}

Saptarasura · Anime & Comics
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pain… So close yet so far… An Indirect Savior


'Where am I? Oh yeah… I was granted a wish. Why do I still feel pain?' The constant thoughts that ran through Liana's mind were slowly forming as she felt an immense tiredness overcoming her and a feeling of pain that could only be felt from freezing temperatures.

And yet that pain of hers was only the beginning of what was to come. All she could see was darkness.

All she could do was look into that darkness without the ability to move at all.

She was just a prisoner waiting for whatever was residing within this void to interrupt her thoughts.

A voice similar to hers began to echo across this dark space. {^Hello child~ you were desperate enough to wish upon a star, and luckily for you, I can grant your wish as long as you do just ONE thing for me, darling~^}

Liana, who was just a soul at this point, glowed a bit with excitement and spoke like a child, {What is it?!?! I'll do whatever!!! Please just grant me my wish!!!}

A dark silhouette began to form into a pale woman in a one-piece dress; she was completely faceless as she strode toward Liana with a false sense of warmth as a pretense that calmed her down.

When the pale, faceless woman was close enough, both of her hands wrapped around Liana's face, which was of a humanoid soul, and she said with deep-seated malice and a twisted joy that would make anyone feel sick.

{^Why don't you become me? Wouldn't that be swell for the both of us love 🖤~? You will take in everything of myself in its entirety, ]including all of my forms, all of what I am!!! And if you do just that~ your wish shall be granted by your very own genie right here~^} Liana couldn't have possibly believed the words of whatever this thing was, but she looked familiar. Her curiosity drove her to ask.

{Are you that SCP that my boyfriend talked about for a bit? You went by scp-2747, Anafabula, right?} Liana's question made the being in front of her nod her head.

{^The one and only~ but will you do that one thing for me? You and I both know that your options are… Quite limited^} Anafabula's words caused a certain part of Liana's mind to go into turmoil.

Anafabula, seeing through her emotions, spoke in a nicer tone, {^Hey, Hey, hey!!! Liana, there's no need to be stressed!! Don't you see you're blessed!! Won't you take my hand so that WE can have your wish granted~^} Anafabula held out her hand.

Liana didn't want to take her hand, but she felt like she had no choice. Liana slowly raised her colorless hand to her to the pale white entity.

Anafabula grasped Liana's hand and said as the entity's face morphed into a dreaded black smile with sunken black eyes.

{Well then~ before I leave to grant that wish of yours~} Anafabula's other arm stabbed into Liana's chest, which felt like burning ice, making Liana grit her teeth in pain as she tightly closed her eyes, trying her best not to utter any sound.

Anafabula's hand finally pulled for what felt like hours for Liana. It held a string made of pure honey-yellow, the same color as her eyes.

{I'll be taking this to your little "lover" for that wish, and again… This realm isn't of 2747s but my true form of 6747… I wasn't joking about you taking my everything. And you'll be in so much pain to the point you'd wish to be dead, Liana… And I will enjoy every second of that pain of yours~ too-da-loo 🎶} Anafabula disappeared.

Liana's soul began to contort and transform into something inhuman, and howls of pain could be heard as her voice morphed into something different.

{GHK!!! GARAAKHGH!!!!!! RERAHHACH BLURGHEDBOK!!!! PLEARAASE!!!! STAROOOP IERT!!!! IGT HUWOKURTS!!!} Her change was only the beginning, as nightmare-fueled creatures were now encircling her like a predator.

And they've instantly lunged forward to begin the ⛧ P̷r̴o̷c̴e̸s̶s̸.







(POV: Anafabula: Original)

'Well, now, I finally found the perfect human that could perfectly adapt to me… I'm going to see how much mischief I can cause toward that lover of hers.' Anafabula, who had Liana's golden string, was trying to find someone.

'I think this was the hospital the guy was at… I think Liana called him Luis?' Anafabula used her ability to manipulate reality to the point of teleporting to the injured patient, and there that patient was, in an extreme coma; with a malicious smile, she floated to Luis's bed and tried to touch him, but as she did that, her mind turned blank.

Anafabula immediately pulled her hand away and went to the side as she puked violently.


Her body was shaking, and when she turned her head back, she looked at the patient in disbelief and actual pity at all things from her entire existence.

{W-WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH WOULD USE THIS KIND OF CURSE!!!! AND WHY IS HE STILL ALIVE!!!} Anafabula proclaimed in shock, staring at the sleeping Luis, yet even with that curse, she cooked up another idea as she looked at the string in her hand.

{Well then~ if I can't touch you, then I'll try Liana's soul!!!} She held the string and placed it on his chest.

When she tried to manipulate the string, she suddenly felt a violent pain all over her body.

{Aghhh!!! FUCK!!!!} Anafabula let go of the string, but the pain didn't stop at all.

She was on the ground convulsing, confused as to why she was even in pain in the first place. And a mysterious voice was standing next to Anafabula.

"Well, now? You Weren't expecting this at all huh? Honestly, that plan of yours of finding a human being that was perfect for you and evolving yourself into something similar to Sam Howell and beyond would've come to fruition… But sadly, you had to play with the wrong human…" Anafabula gasped in pain as she yelled in confusion.

{Who the FUCK are you!!!???} the man with emerald eyes shrugged his shoulders.

"Just somebody who made a mistake in placing a curse of mine… If it was the him before then he would deserve it… But this child didn't deserve any of it…

But if it's Luis then he could probably turn that curse into a blessing… But enough about him!!

You ruined your own plan by placing that string on him and his essence connected to Liana's protecting her in completely becoming like you…

Right now you're getting erased by your own power as of now… And Liana will replace you as the new Constant because unlike you, Liana is entirely sentient, and you can only mimic that sentience with all of those you've devoured and erased in your pitiful life… Any last words?" Anafabula clawed the floor creating scratch marks out of frustration, and said to the man with her hollowed voice.

{She will still end up just like me… And also, what about that seal I've been guarding?} The man smiled.

"Incorrect, she'll most definitely be a 'better you,' and even then, she was a human before then; as unlike you, she can truly learn and grow in ways that you envy... And that seal, though? It's not much of a problem with all the free time you have just to capture a human girl similar to you in a far-off random place. Am I wrong, Princess?" Those words pissed her off as she tried to attack, but before so, her avatar was erased alongside all of the personalities with her from different narratives.

The man sighed and said to the sleeping patient, "I'm still sorry, Luis… And I do hope we'll meet again." The emerald eyed man disappeared, leaving only Luis alone.
