
A Forge In The Sky

The [Mud] was everywhere. Everything it touched wasn’t simply consumed but corrupted. Creatures made of [Malice] rained down hell upon everything with a pulse while laughing with demons. Bright blue beams of corrupted ancient energies flew out from giant mechanical beasts causing cursed fires to break out everywhere, strangely twisting the space around it. Those unlucky enough to come into the slightest contact ceased to be themselves as the flames didn’t just burn physically but ate away at their very spirit over time. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Looking at the red moon, a young man heard one of his predecessors speak, “That’s hell you’re walking into.” After some time, he responded. “I know.” ------------------------------------------------ Slow Updates, being rewritten

NightLights · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

where I’ve been.

Idk what's wrong with my immune system. my doctor is confused too. Been in and out of the hospital and im still beeping red on the temperature monitors whatever tf they're called. I can't think straight I just do what I feel like doing. Todays a good day my temperature is 101.8 on my head and 101.7 everywhere else. Will I write? Yes, but slowly it helps me take my mind off how much everything hurts. Stay safe, wear a mask, take your vitamins, and all that good stuff. I'll be back, probably.
