
A Fool's Change of Heart

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything besides the name of the protagonist. Persona belongs to whoever created it. Also, the No One 17 and Under Admitted is because of the excessive swearing, dark themes and not for the possible (but unlikely) lemons. Shin Yuuta, who unknowingly had caused world devastation in another timeline, had been sent to the sea of souls to cleanse the influence a malevolent entity, composed from humanity's evil thoughts, had over him. Wielding the gifts he had received from his body's previous host and a certain mask-wearing being, it is up for our protagonist to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. P.S: The pic I used for cover isn't mine either.

RealSam11 · Video Games
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124 Chs


The next day.

Shin was just casually eating his lunch on the rooftop, together with Ryuji, Ann and Shiho, when suddenly, Makoto Niijima appeared.

She looked out of breath, as if she ran up the stairs till there. The girl looked around the rooftop, searching for something, until her sights zeroed in on Shin.

"We need to talk." she said, not even bothering to wait for Shin to stand up opting to pull the teen by the arm.

Shin wasn't really bothered by her forcefully dragging him, rather, he was sad he didn't have time to finish his lunch.

"What the hell was that?" asked Ryuji, confused.

"I don't know." said Ann. "But I have a bad feeling about it..."

Meanwhile, Makoto had dragged Shin far enough so that there wasn't anyone within earshot.

"Alright, so what did you want to talk about?" asked the boy.

"You... did something to me, didn't you?"

Shin frowned.

"What makes you say that?"

"A few days ago, my sister said something very interesting. She said that I invited you over, for some reason. The thing is, I don't recall inviting you over. Sadly, you left before I could question you." said the brown-haired girl.


"And I also seem to have reoccurring dreams about you."

"Miss, if you were enchanted by my appearance, that's not my fault." said Shin, smiling.

The girl frowned.

"Can't you take this seriously?" said Makoto, placing her hands on the wall behind Shin, so that he was surrounded.

"How scary! But I can see you have no experience with threatening people." said the teen, looking at Makoto's arms.

He poked her arms in different places and said.

"First, your target mustn't have such a wide space remaining. With less space, the target will subconsciously feel they're inferior to you. Of course, this might not work on very prideful people, only making them feel annoyed."

The boy showed one finger.

"Second, you must try to make your target as uncomfortable as possible. Use whatever you can think of."

A second finger was raised.

The teen placed his stretched out arms on Makoto's shoulders and proceeded to swiftly move her against the wall, reversing the situation on the girl.

"And third, if you're not tough enough for this, your target may just take advantage of you."

The boy leaned forward, placing his forehead against Makoto's.

"Like this."

Makoto looked like she wanted to say something, but Shin interrupted her.

"Tut tut. I already warned you, didn't I? You shouldn't ask so many questions. It seems I have to pluck those ripened lips."

He moved his mouth forward, only to pause at the last moment.

"But, a first kiss should be taken in a more special place. Oh well, I'll have to satisfy my crude desire with something else."

Quickly placing a little peck on Makoto's forehead, the teen let his hands drop down from the wall.

"What to do... what to do..."

'I could go check on Saki.'

The second line was, of course, only in his head. It is rude to speak of another woman in front of a lady, after all.

Not that Makoto would've heard Shin. She was too busy dazedly rubbing the spot where Shin's lips met her forehead.

On his way to Saki's classroom, Shin saw something strange.

The door to a 1st year classroom was open, so he decided to take a look inside. He could see the entirety of the students in the classroom were standing around a small girl who was seated at a desk.

Unlike the predictable and cliche scene of a bullied girl by the entire class, it looked as if this one was being revered by them.

"Say the thing again, Mae!" said a boy with a larger-than-average nose and dark blue hair.

"N-Nya~..." muttered the girl, awkwardly.

Despite the low volume, Shin and the rest of the class could hear her, though.

As if possessed, everyone in the class, save for the girl named Mae, started cheering.

"Whoa!" boys and girls alike started shouting.

Shin slowly distanced himself from the door and silently closed it behind him, so no other student would fall victim to Mae's "Nya~!", and marked that classroom as a no-go zone in his mind.


Morgana's Japanese VA is the one, the only, the living legend... Ikue Otani! Madlass is the voice behind Konohamaru, Chopper, and mfking Pikachu!

Cassandra Lee Morris, Morgana's English VA voiced Suguha Kirigaya and Taiga Aisaka. One is very thicc, the other is a loli. How curious.



Igor (The Fool) - Rank 2

Morgana (The Magician) - Rank 3

Takuto Maruki (The Councillor) - Rank 1

Makoto Niijima (The Priestess) - Rank 2

Sojiro Sakura (The Hierophant) - Rank 3

Ann Takamaki (The Lovers) - Rank 7

Ryuji Sakamoto (The Chariot) - Rank 6

Tae Takemi (The Death) - Rank 4

Saki Yoshiko (The Moon) - Rank 2

Sae Niijima (The Judgement) - Rank 1

Shiho Suzui (The Hope) - Rank 7

You can check my discord here: https://discord.gg/kU7mAuw

P.S: You can check out Shiho's Phantom Thief outfit on my discord.

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