
In a Society...

"Say sorry. Now!" The angry, tall teen said. I try to say sorry but when I tried it made my throat sore very much.

"You won't say sorry, huh?" He asks angrily and balls his fist up. He steps closer to me and raise his hand. Someone grabs him. "Hey, why are you messing with the new kid?" A nice-looking girl said. "Rose, why are you here of all times?" The tall boy said. "I'm here because I don't like seeing someone get bullied on their first day, Derrick. Do you seriously have to mess with everyone?" Rose said bravely.

While they chit-chat I went about my way and went to class. A few steps left to the door, someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see a girl with blond hair. "Hey, I'm Rose. Sorry for Derrick. He's cruel to anyone for some reason. I just look at her. It's not like I can tell her my name. "Uh, why aren't you talking?" She asks. I point to my mouth and shake my head trying to tell her that I can't talk. "You can't talk... Wait! Brown wavy hair, green eyes, 5'6, a green rose tattoo on your right arm.. You're Mattias Fiore!" She yells excitingly. "One question: Do Fiore mean flower in Italian?" She asked looking dead in my eye. I nod as an answer. "Okay. Now let's get to class, we're already late."

When I walk into class everyone stares at me and they whisper. "Settle down, students. This is our new student Mattias Fiore. Everyone be nice he's new and mute..." The teacher said looking around making sure no one laugh. I really didn't care if people knew that I'm mute or if they made fun of it, so I just walk to an empty desk not giving a care.


After fourth period it's lunch. I look around searching for an empty table, but someone called out my name. "Mattias! Come over here." She yelled out. Since I didn't have any where else to go I sat with Rose and her friends. I sat on the left side of Rose since she was the only person there I knew.

"Okay, do you wanna join the Secret Society of Roses? She says quietly. She looks at me then pull paper and a pen out of her purse. I write 'What is the society about?'

"It's about-" Rose get's cut off. "Hey, Rose." Julian says. He sit down right next me. "Hey, Mattias. You left your hoodie in my car." He chuckles. Rose look at the both of and a mischievous grin appears on her face. "Hmm. Actually, Julian is apart of the society. I can't tell you all about the society but I can tell you this. Everyone in the society has a name and it's regarding to the rose they choose. I would tell you more but this is not the right place." Rose says. "Yeah, but we have a meeting today. And when I mean "we" I mean this whole table. We are the six members of the society. By the way I'm the Coral Rose. But my real name is Sam." Sam says before stuffing his face in. "So will you be our newest member, Green Rose?" Julian asks purposely bumping my shoulder. I smile then nod.


It's after school and my mom text me.

"How's your day?"

"It was good. I made some friends.

"Well, that's wonderful! Do you want me to pick you up or will you walk?"

I'll walk. See you at home.

"See you."

"Hey, Mattias. Do you, uh" He chuckles nervously. "Do you wanna watch me go to football practice?" He asks nervously rubbing his neck and looking around. "And we have to go to the meeting anyway and I can take you home after." He asks fidgeting with his fingers. I can tell he was nervous. And I feel like he was forced to do this. But I didn't care 'cause I was blushing. I nod my head and follow him to the field.

It was an hour and practice was over. I don't usually watch sports, but this time I did. I got bored and ended up going to sleep about ten minutes before the game was over.

"Hey! Wake up. It's time to go." Julian said rather aggressively. He was mad, I can tell. I stood with my backpack then me and him started walking down from the bleachers.

We're at the hill of Hollywood and we park by some familiar cars. "Come on, did you forget about the meeting. The society's bunker is by the Hollywood sign. It's kinda fitting for a bunch of rich kids if you ask me. " Julian says chuckling.

We climb up the hill towards the Hollywood sign and walk some inches behind the 'H' of the sign. Then he open a door to the bunker. "You first." Julian says politely. I go first since he said it so nicely. He follows behind me. When we both climb down there are three hallways. "The middle is where we do, well, you'll see. One on right is kitchen and on left is where we hang out." Julian explained. We walked down the middle hallway and I heard chanting. Rose and the other members were chanting my name.

Julian leaves my side and grabs a white cloak with a burgundy rose on it. He puts it on the join the circle the others are in. They stop chanting. "Matias Fiore, will you make an oath to full out the purpose of the society? And share your true identity with us?" She says. I nod hesitantly because I don't know what I got myself into. "Now then. Step onto the center of the room. The Rainbow Rose is what represents all of us. Here's the key to the bunker and the paper on what we do." She takes out her hood and so do the others. The leader of the society is Rose... "Everyone, welcome our new member Green Rose!" Everyone cheers. "Finally, it's time for a tour!" Sam says cheerfully.

We been here for about thirty minutes and we're now on our second round of Uno. "I'm wining this one." Julian said with confidence. "Don't be so sure." Clair said smiling. We all froze because of a phone ringing. "Um, I'll be right back" He steps away from us and answer the phone. "Sooo. Hehe. Do you like Julian?" Rose ask curiously. I quickly shook my head 'no'. Sam and the others laughed. I could tell they were enjoying this. "You know we would be very happy if you would show your true feelings and tell him you like him." Clair said. "Who likes who?" Julian says. "Just Rose saying how much I like her." Sam says smiling at Rose. "Wait. You two are still dating?" Julian asked. "I literally put 'Samuel + Rose = Ramuel' in the group chat before school started." Sam said annoyed. "He's just messing with you, babe." Rose says before kissing him. "Haha. Um, my dad want's me home so I'm gone. You coming, Mattias?" I look at the others and they're giving signals telling me to 'go ahead'. So I nod.

"Hey, Mattias, where's your house? Now that I think of it I never picked you up from your house." Julian says. I text him where I live and he puts it on the GPS and drive there. He stops at a red light and looks at me and flicks something off my t-shirt. I start to look like I'm laughing because I am. "Oh! A tickle spot, huh?" A grin appears on his face and he starts tickling me. He was tickling me for a good thirty seconds. "Haha. Stop Julian" I said in a very deep voice. Julian stops tickling me and he looks at me shocked. "Did you just talk?"