
a floating orb

a story about an orb traveling world's and making contracts most canons will not change much contact and follow me at https://www.instagram.com/pancake90909090?igsh=Nm10dGV6NWh1ZDUx

Eric_0230 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


[ name: void goldenstar

Level 1 0/10 exp

Hp 90/100%

Mp 90000/100%

Str 4

Wis 10

Lke 90

Agl 5

(Intelligence)Ing 9

Dex 10


(Create contract with rimuru tempest

(Travel to New world


•create contract

• void resonate

• float

•creat world(low) (sealed)

•endless nightmare(sealed)

'OK that is a lot of thing system what di my skills do'

[Create contract allows you to make absolutely binding contracts float let's you float and create world makes a miniature world inside you endless nightmare tortures targets before killing them both are sealed due to their power

'Wow I am going to be op now let's find rimuru'

3rd person pov:

Void floats around for a few hours hunting and gaining exp

[ +7 exp


[ name: void goldenstar

Level 1 7/10 exp

Hp 90/100%

Mp 90000/100%

Str 4

Wis 10

Lke 90

Agl 5

(Intelligence)Ing 9

Dex 10


(Create contract with rimuru tempest

(Travel to New world


•mind crush (new

•create contract

• void resonate

• float

•creat world(low) (sealed)

•endless nightmare(sealed)

'Yes all it took was hitting animals while visualizeing their corpse '

As he "said" that he stumbled upon a group of playing goblin children thinking they would lead him to rimuru he followed them but on the way he felt something inside the forest was calling him and he responded by flying straight to it what he encountered shocked him it was a grand cherry blossom tree that spoke to him

Child of contracts would you accept my gift

His response no the only response his mind could make was yes and as he said it

[ creat world (low) unsealed unveiled into creat inner world (low)

'What how did yo..ahhh'

he exclaimed in agony as his gaze turned inward and he watched as a plain of mountains seas and forest of cherry blossoms spring into existence followed by a pink sun who's light shines on a mystical black world tree

[New skill unlocked magic generator

I just realized void resonate does not show (hidden) but I am not gonna fix it

[Summary he finds rimuru in his goblin village and makes a contract ]

(he then learns the magic generator skill from a cherry blossom tree that unlocks his inner world and makes a world tree and many other cherry blossoms inside with a pink sun)

the two grouped text are what I was gonna make for this chapter but I got carried away and only did the () one but next chapter I will do the rimuru village and contract

the Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Eric_0230creators' thoughts