
Chapter Two

Nya walks back into the kitchen just as the event is about to start. The smell of freshly baked bread and roasted meats fills the kitchen and makes her mouth water. She quickly sneaks a roll without her mother looking before following the rest of the serving staff into the hall to be given their orders for the evening. The head of the house, Lyle gives them all the areas in which they are in charge. Nya crosses her fingers and hopes she has one of the easier. As Lyle approaches he looks at her and says you are working on the knights table. Nya breathes a sigh of relief although it isn't the easiest placement, it is not as serious or important as the distinguished guest table.

They all break off and enter the dining hall where they approach their table. Nya sees a few friendly faces at the table including the head of the Dukes armed guard, Nicholas, Lady Knight Evelyn and Nya's best friend Sebastien who is currently the squire of Lady Evelyn. Sebastien's presence at the palace is one of the few highlights of having to move from the farm for Nya. She met Sebastien when they were at grade school and became fast friends going on crazy adventures, telling each other their deepest secrets and being their for each other when it mattered most.

"Good evening, knights, ladies and squires. My name is Nya and I will be your server for this evening". Nya then went around the table and poured a glass of mead into each of their tankards before standing back against the wall whilst the Duke gave his opening address. "Welcome everyone to this glorious evening where we not only celebrate the recent victory of the winning the War but we also hold in our hearts the cost that it took on our city". Nya feels the tears begin to well in her eyes and pinches the inside of her palms so she distracts herself from crying. "I would also like to welcome home my son, Elijah who has just finished signing another peace deal with our neighbouring city". The Duke turns to face his son who is seated next to him. Elijah has sandy blonde hair and deep brown eyes. He looks at the dining hall and raises his glass "Thankyou to my father for overseeing the safety of our beautiful home, and I would like to propose a toast to all those who we lost for the sake of our freedom". Nya looks down at her feet why she composes herself. Both the Duke and his son sit down and she walks out to the kitchen ready to serve the first course.

Nya finds her Mum in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the first course. Odette looks up and sees the look of pain on her daughters face. She pulls her aside and gives her a quick hug. "I'm sorry Nya, your Dad would be so proud". Nya wipes her eyes and then grabs the first trays and begins serving. The night progresses smoothly with little trouble and the occasional banter from the Knights at the table. Just before dessert Sebastien hands Nya a note which she slips into her pocket to read later on.

At the end of the evening Nya helped the other staff clean up and then went out into the castle grounds. There she began climbing up one of the old watch towers that was no longer used. When she reached the top she looked out over the beautiful calm ocean which the moonlight reflected into. Nya settled into the window nook and pulled out Sebastien's note to read "Meet me at the stables, midnight on Friday. Love Seb". Nya was confused but excited. The limited time she got to spend with Sebastien now because of his busy schedule made the time they had together even more special.

Nya sat looking out over the ocean when she suddenly heard footsteps walking up the stairs. She sat as quiet as possible hoping they would turn away. The footsteps got closer until in the moonlight stood Elijah. Nya instantly jumped up and bowed before apologising "I'm so sorry your highness, please forgive me". Elijah puts up his hand to stop her " No issue at all, I didn't realise anyone else knew of this hideout. I was just wanting some fresh air". Nya is embarrassed and unsure what to say. Elijah continues "So do you have a name?" "Nya, your highness". "It's nice to meet you. I'll leave you to your peace". Nya replies "No your highness I will leave you be, I should be heading back to the kitchen anyway".

Nya begins to walk towards the stairs when Elijah says "You don't have to call me your highness you know, I'm Eli to my friends". Nya pauses and turns around "But are we friends I didn't think someone like you would be interested in someone like me. I'm nothing but a cook's daughter". Elijah looked shocked and slightly offended. "I best be going anyway I need to be up for the morning chores. Good night your highness, enjoy your fresh air". Nya then turns around and walks down the stares with a shocked but curious Elijah staring at where she once stood.