
Chapter Four

Nya and Sebastien head off towards the trail. It's a clear night and the moon is shining down on the path. Once they are off palace grounds Nya nudges her horse into a canter and feels the wind in her face. She smiles and enjoys the freedom. As they reach the river she slows down and waits for Sebastien to catch up with her. "You were always the faster rider ever since we were kids" Seb grins at her. Nya smiles back "I can't help being better than you" she teases.

They slow and ride next to each other. Nya looks at Sebastien "So how is it being a palace squire? Everything you dreamed of and more?". Sebastien replies " It's long hard days. You wake up more tired than you were the day before. In saying that I love the swordwork and combat skills. I can pass on the history and diplomacy though. What about you? How are you holding up?"

Nya pauses trying to think of how to reply. "It's okay if I'm honest. I think the worst part is how we got here. Mum had no choice. I guess everyone had to make sacrifices because of the War. Some more than others." Nya looks down at her horse.

"Just remember not to blow the opportunities you could have being at the castle. As much as you despise Elijah doesn't mean he isn't a good ally to have" Sebastien says. Nya rolls her eyes "You sound just like Mum. Just because he is a good ally to have doesn't mean he isn't arrogant". Sebastien stops his horse and looks into Nya's eyes. "Nya he isn't as bad as you make out. You come into the world thinking the worst of people. He has to be arrogant or everyone would walk over the town. I'm not saying you have to love the guy but at least try and be civil, he may be your best bet and going back to school and becoming a healer"

Nya knew Seb was right as much as she didn't want to admit it. He was like the big brother she never had. He knew what was good for her even before she did. She nodded her head "Fine, now enough serious talk race you back to the stables. You need sleep before training tomorrow". She then turned her horse around and raced Seb all the way back to the castle.

The next morning Nya woke sore but happy after her adventures the night before. She had the whole day off before starting working for Elijah tomorrow. She decided she would head to the palace library and scour the books to pass the time. Jasper nuzzles Nya's cheek wanting to be fed. She gets up and feeds him before showering and heading to the library.

She hides in the back corner of the library and immerses herself in books all day. As she is reading she hears footsteps and looks up. Elijah is walking towards her. She quickly stands and bows to him. "No need to bow. You aren't on shift" he says as he sits down opposite her. "What are you reading?"

"A book on healing methods" Nya replies.

Elijah looks at her perplexed "You are an interesting human Nya.You surprise me everytime we meet".

"You barely know me so I do not know how I could possibly surprise you when everything should be new knowledge to you". Nya retorts hastley.

Elijah smiles "You are honest and although that doesn't surprise me it does intrigue me. It's as if you don't care if you hurt how I feel and that is refreshing when I'm surrounding by people who want to please me all day." Nya looks at him. "Are you sick of being waited on hand and foot and treated like royalty? Maybe you should make some sacrifices before you comment on how hard you have it."

Pain instantly flashes across Elijah's face. "Nya you may think what you want about me but I promise you I have made more sacrifices than most. I have experienced hurt and loss. I haven't had anything easy. I also didn't choose to be born into royalty. You can hate me all you want but at least know your facts". He gets up and looks at her. "If I cause you that much pain request to be transferred out from my staff the last thing I want is for someone who despises me so much to have to work for me". He turns around and walks await without waiting for a reply.

Nya goes red in the face with embarrassment and feels tears welling in her eyes. She forgot at times how much her words could hurt. She watched Elijah leaving the library feeling guilty and also curious about who he really was underneath the royal facade.