
A few months in an haunted house

(Please refer characters before reading)

A family of 5 members shifted from Suwon-si to Suncheon-si. Before shifting they went to a priest and asked him permission for shifting their house , at first he didn't give them permission but later he told them to keep faith in God and shift. So they kept faith in God and shifted to a rented house in Suncheon.

At first Mrs Hana and Emily ,MS Kiyara and Eva left Suwon and stayed at Mrs Dohna place in Suncheon-si. Mr Roy came behind with the goods in a tempo .Mrs Emily thought that the idol of Buddha might break in the tempo, so she brought the idol with her.

Now when they were going for Buddhist bana in their new house Mrs Emily forgot to take the idol from Dohna's house. This was a wrong sign but they ignored it and started staying.

Mr Roy was not getting a job every day in the morning he used to go and try for a job but in vain with the money they had they enrolled their daughters in a good school.

One day when they were going out leaving Mrs Hana in the house. Mr Roy saw a silver light flashing on him while he was standing outside his house and within a fraction of a second it disappeared . After some time Mr Roy wanted to go for a walk with his family but his mother (Mrs Hana) told him that she was feeling very tired and wanted to get some rest and she told him to take his wife and kids with him , Mr Roy listening to his mother takes his kids and wife with him for a walk. They reach the corner of the road were there was a Pagoda, they stand outside the Pagoda and pray

(At home)

Mrs Hana is lying on her bed and suddenly she feels thirsty she gets up from her bed and goes to the kitchen to fill some water and while walking towards the kitchen the current goes off and she suddenly feels like someone is pushing her and she falls.

(At Pagoda)

Mrs Emily remembers she didn't connect the emergency light and suddenly feels worried for Mrs Hana. She tells Mr Roy the same and tells him to rush back home.

when they rush back home, they see there is no lights at home. They call for Mrs Hana to open the door. From inside Mrs Hana cries in pain and tells her son that she has fallen and is unable to get up. Mr Roy tells her to slowly crawl and open the door she follows what her son tells her and opens the door . Mr Roy and the others go inside and help Mrs Emily walk to her room. Mr Roy puts cream on his mother's leg and calls the doctor , he enquiries from his mom how she fell and his mom narrates the story of how she fell, Mr Roy thinking that his mom was tired he did not believe what his mom said. Later the doctor comes and checks her legs and bandages her legs and tells her to take complete bed rest for few days. After a few days when Mrs Hana's legs gets well .

The owner of the house comes to collect the rent that time he casually says that his son has got some health issues every month he has to take his son to the hospital and transfusion blood even the doctor's are unable to identify what disease he has because all his reports are normal. Mr Roy asks him from when does he have this problem , with tears in his eyes he tells since Mr Roy from one year and walks away.

Mr Roy takes Mrs Hana and goes to the visa office to get visa to attend a wedding in America . Mrs Emily and her children stay alone at home . At night when they go to bed, she feels like someone was walking on the terras sometimes running and sometimes someone hitting her head with a hammer but she ignores and tries to sleep.

(In the morning)

Mr Roy comes home with his mother and started packing his moms bag , to send her to America and tells his wife that she has to leave tomorrow in the evening for America.

She leaves for America the next evening.

Now every now and then one of the family member used get sick. After a few days at night Mrs Emily sees a black shadow next to the bed , she follows the black shadowed figure carefully and suddenly Mrs Emily faints . Next morning Mrs Emily finds herself on the bed ,she asks Mr Roy that did he carry her to the bed , Mr Roy tells no and she thinks it was a dream ,slowly Mrs Emily started getting sick, she would do things like screaming , crying and running on the terras at night and when Roy came she used gain consciousness and everything used to be back to normal and after sometime she started. walking zig-zag no matter how much she tried to walk straight she couldn't so her husband (Mr Roy ) takes her to the hospital and she tells the doctor that she is feeling weak, so the doctor tells them to take blood test of Mrs Emily and when they take a blood test her hemoglobin and blood count is low , so the doctor suggests them for blood transfusion. Mr Roy calls Mrs dohna and tells her about Mrs Emily's condition and what the doctor tells him, Mrs Dohna tells since the children are small why don't you come here we will take her to a good hospital which is situated near my house. Mr Roy takes his wife and his kids immediately to his sister's house, they leave the kids at his sisters house and goes to the doctor near Mrs Dohna's house . The doctor tells them to take another blood test looking at Mrs Emily's condition. He feels she is alright. After blood test results come out all the 3 are shocked . They go to Dohana's house and take rest. Next day morning , on the way to their house they pass a pagoda and they stop to worship, they all get down from the vehicle except Mrs Emily they all call Mrs Emily to enter the pagoda but she reluctant to move and they pull her out of the vehicle and forcefully pull her towards the pagoda, she again starts walking zigzag. They all are shocked to see Mrs Emily in this state and when puts her feet on the threshold, she starts running away from the pagoda . Mr Roy looking at this is shocked and doesn't know what to speak or do, Mrs Dohna also looks shocked at this behavior. Miss Eva tries to run behind her mother because she thinks they are playing games n she leaves everyone behind and runs to her mother Mr Roy and Mrs Emily comes to their senses and look around to see Eva has disappeared. they go into the pagoda to find her but she is not there , they run in the direction in which Mrs Emily had gone.

This side Mrs Emily is running very fast into the forest following even Eva follows her, Mrs Emily reaches a snakes pit n starts crying , Eva who is closely behind her looks at this n feels bad that her mother is crying. She goes and sits in front of her mom and keeps on telling her not to cry. Mrs Emily looks at her daughter . This time Mrs Emily's eye balls had turned into red colour and her skin had turned into snake's skin and her tongue changes into snake's tongue. Mrs Emily tries to harm Eva who is looking at her mother in astonishment but when she gets out her hands and tongue to harm Eva something stops her and starts shining brightly. It is the pendant of Eva which was given to her when she was born by a priest. Mrs Emily comes back to herself and looks at her daughter crying she asks how they came there and suddenly Mr Roy ,Mrs Dohna and miss kiyara come finding for Mrs Emily and Eva, they look at Eva crying and Mrs Emily looking at her daughter and asking her what happened. They go and pick up Eva who is crying and weak looking Mrs Emily they head towards the vehicle they all sit inside and weak looking Mrs Emily sleeps and Eva sits on the lap of her aunty , her aunt keeps on consoling her niece to stop crying and after sometime Eva stops crying and keeps on peeping on her mother, at that time Mrs Dohna feels something is wrong but shrugs the feeling off .Mr Roy starts the car and a priest comes out of the pagoda and stares at Mrs Emily who is sleeping in the front seat. Mrs Dohna notices that but doesn't tell anything to Mr Roy or anyone. She confirms her suspicion . They head to their house and Mrs Dohna suggests that she wants to spend time with her nieces and tells them that she will take them to her house and tells Mr Roy to keep a cook and helper and takes the kids with her. Mr Roy tells her OK and thinks in his mind that he will do it the next day. That afternoon, the kids go with their aunt and Mr Roy tries to make food , Mrs Emily wakes up and goes to help him. He tells her not to help but she insists to help and she tells him that if she cooks she will get energy and they both laugh at that. He tells her to break the coconut into peices , she does as he says while breaking the coconut she cuts her finger and a drop of blood falls, suddenly from somewhere a big snake licks the blood and disappears and Mr Roy looks at that and suddenly Mrs Emily's skin , eye ball's color and tongue's color changes and Mr Roy looks at that and turns away and acts like he didn't see anything. He asks his wife if she broke the coconut into pieces and Mrs Emily comes back to herself. She tells him that she is feeling very tired and she wants to rest. so Mr Roy tells her to take rest and he tells her that he will order food from outside . Mr Roy hurriedly runs far away from his house and calls his sister and tells her what happened ,she tells him to rush back home and watch over his wife , being afraid of what is going to happen he goes back home and sees that Mrs Emily is not at home. He calls Mrs Emily's name but he doesn't get any answer, he then checks the washroom and she is not there , he checks the terras but she is still not there. He gets more scared as to what is happening, he sees the big snake again and this time he followed the snake to see where is it going it leads him to a hidden door of the apartment which leads to a forest , he follows closely behind it and checks the time to see it is sharp 12:00 am and looks at the front he sees his wife crying and her tongue, skin, eyeball color changed and she is being rounded by many snakes. he sees the big snake also rounding her. he is shocked and doesn't know what to do. he turns to run back and there is a snake right behind him and all the snakes which were rounding his wife now turned towards him and his wife also turns to look at him and tries to attack him but she fails to do so , she keeps on trying but again fails. Suddenly she faints and falls and her skin, tongue, eye balls change back to normal and the snakes which were rounding him disappear and her body which was lying on the floor disappeared. He runs back to the house and sees his wife lying on the bed. He calls his sister but she doesn't answer the phone and suddenly someone rings the doorbell, he being scared of what happened he peeps through the key hole and sees no one , again the door bell rings n this time he sees a snake's head. He turns behind and he sees his wife standing behind him but her skin, eyeballs and tongue changes into a snake's . He tries to open the door but the door gets locked on its own . She starts laughing loudly and Mr Roy runs towards the place where he had kept holy water but the serpent stands in front of him blocking him from going to the place. Mr Roy starts taking lord Buddha's name and praying. Mrs Emily scream keeps on screaming and telling him to stop calling God's name and threatens him that she will harm his wife. Mr Roy doesn't stops and opens the door and his sister and a priest stand out . The priest takes holy water n splashes the water on Mrs Emily and she keeps on screaming. The priest chants many prayers , he tells Mrs Dohna and Mr Roy to stand far away. he gets a silver box out of his bag. the serpent leaves Mrs Emily's weak body and the priest asks the serpent who is she and why was she attacking Mrs Emily. he keeps on asking her but she doesn't answer. he sprays the Holy water on her again and tells her if she answers he won't put the water on her. The serpent tells her story.


In the forest there are 2 snakes who fall in love with each other they have their own snake pit. A lady goes to the forest everyday and puts milk into the pit. The snakes and the lady become friends. the snakes always come in human form to meet the lady. one day the lady's husband drinks and comes home. He gets angry and kills his wife , the 2 human-snakes look at that. the lady's husband looks at the 2 human-snakes. He kills the male snake and gets fascinated by the female's beauty he runs behind her and she takes a wooden block n drives it into her heart . The man returns to the house n buries the body of the lady in the garden and he buries the body of the male snake in front of his own pit and the female's body in the middle of the house. And leaves the house n runs away. Then the female and the make snake's soul promise each other that they will get justice for the lady , the lady's soul rises up and tells them that she has forgiven him and goes to heaven. The male and the female snake feel bad for her, they try to get revenge from him but they couldn't get out of the house. After that day if any couple stays in that house they would either suck the blood from their body or the female snake would get into the wife's body and attack the husband.


After narrating the story the female snake start's crying. Mrs Emily wakes up. she looks around and sees her husband and her sister-in-law are sitting in the corner of the house . Mr Roy calls Mrs Emily to sit next to them but the priest tells him to keep quiet . He does as the priest says, Mrs Emily looks at the serpent next to her , she also sees a big snake next to the serpent. She looks at the serpent n remembers the bad dream she had got. the priest tells Mr Roy and Mrs Dohna to go out. After they go out the priest talks to the serpent asking them to leave Mrs Emily and the house alone. The serpent tells no and tells him that she wants to take revenge from the man. He asks her that will she leave the house after she takes the revenge ,the serpent tells yes . The priest tells her that he will help her take revenge and asks them to promise him that they won't harm this family or anyone who is innocent and has not harmed them. The serpents promises him. he takes the 2 souls with him and tells Mrs Emily not to tell anyone about this deal. She agrees and stays inside the house. The 2 serpents get into the body of the priest. he goes out of the house. Mr Roy asks the priest if his wife is fine , the serpents feel bad that they were going to attack a good person. The serpents apologize to Mr Roy for attacking him , but Mr Roy doesn't understand why the priest is apologizing . He asks him why but he doesn't reply. Then the priest asks Mr Roy about the owner of this house, he tells him that he lives far away from here, the priest asks him to lead him to his house. Mr Roy agrees n takes him to the owner's house. there the priest asks him about the details of people who lived there before they moved in. He tells them about the killer's details and the priest thanks Mr Roy and tells him to leave . Mr Roy insists that he will leave him at the pagoda but he tells no n tells him he will go on his own. The priest goes to the address of the killer and finds out that the killer was already dead. After that day the serpents go to heaven and the priest prays for their salvation.