
A femboy who was bought by a female Mafia boss

Where there is light, there will always be darkness. And where there is darkness, there will always be light. This is the truth that has existed since ancient times and even from the beginning of time. Even in the 21st century, this fact and truth still exists. But well, this truth, like many others, stays hidden thanks to the effort of many, resulting in the darkness not coming into light. What is in this darkness that coexists with the the light in such a delicate balance? Many things. Murder, kidnapping, torturing, butchering, human trafficking, and even enslavement. But thankfully, even these awful acts are controlled when they become too big. Not by people in the light, but by the people in the darkness. There are many factions that will try to control them, of course, not out of good will, but benefits and control. A few of these factions are the Mafia, Yakuza, gangs, criminal syndicates and many more. Meet Natasha Scarlet, one of the strongest, if not, the strongest and most influential Mafia bosses in New York City or even maybe in the entire United States. What happens when this powerful Mafia boss finds her light in the darkest of places? Will her dark heart destroy this light, succumb to it, or learn to coexist with it?

That_One_Dead_Ali · Urban
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4 Chs

CH 2: Bought

<I will post an auxiliary chapter in the future to let you remember the names of the characters, by the way, this chapter is shorter than how I normally post because I had a few things to do and I am bored>

Ali just shook his head gently with a blush, fearing that a weird noise would leave his mouth if he even opened it. And fortunately for him, that was enough for Natasha :"You didn't... You're telling me this is all natural?"

Ali nodded as he gulped and took a deep breath to calm down :"Yes, ma'am... I've only seen shampoo and those kinds of things, never have used anything like that."

Natasha finally let go of his chin and gently pushed him away :"Good, that means I won't have to do as much maintenance as I had expected. Alright. Guys, tie him up for me. I'm taking this one home."

"Yes, boss." The two middle aged fellas said before they moved quickly and grabbed Ali gently, but firmly as they kept him in place while he struggled :"H-hey! W-what are you doing?!"

But they didn't budge as Natasha chuckled :"Oh, come on, don't struggle now. You've been sooo good so far. Don't worry, I'll treat you very well~. You'll be like my little pet."

Ali slowly calmed down and sighed helplessly as the blond man handcuffed him while the bald one held him in place :"A pet, huh? I guess I can't fight back anyway... Not like I ever could... Fine, will you at least treat me right, please?"

Natasha chuckled as she got up and towered over the short beauty as she gently tapped his cheek :"Of course, sweetheart. You'll love it in the house, it's quite spacious. Heck, maybe I'll even give you your own room."

Ali's sad look faded away a little as he looked up at her with hopeful eyes :"R-really...? Are you serious, or are you just trying to sweet talk me...?"

Natasha chuckled as she gently held his chin once again and whispered seductively :"I promise. Although, it's not like I'm giving you any personal space anytime soon. Hahaha."

Ali's blush returned as he looked down with a red face while James smiled nervously and hopefully at Natasha :"S-so, Ms Scarlet, does he satisfy you? Have you chosen him?"

Natasha smiled in amusement at the short beauty before the smile faded a little as she looked at James :"Yeah, yeah. This one will be it. Heh, to think that you of all people could find such a gem in the streets of all places.

Well, James, consider yourself lucky, and you can also consider your debt paid off. Also, I don't think I need to pay for the clothes you've used to doll him up, right?"

A huge smile appeared on James' fat and old face which was uglier than someone's crying face as he bowed his head a few times :"Thank you, Miss! Thank you! And no, please just take him and everything on him! No need to worry about anything!"

Natasha nodded before she looked at the bald man holding Ali in place as she smiled nonchalantly :"Well, Jack, you heard him. Pick the boy up and let's go."

"Yes, boss." Ali yelped when the bald man named Jack suddenly picked him up with little to no effort and put him over his shoulder :"H-hey! What gives?! I can walk, you know?!"

Natasha chuckled again as she lifted his chin up with her index finger :"Oh, you sweet little thing, you have nothing to worry about. I can see that you can walk, but I can also see that you can run.

And we wouldn't want you suddenly taking a run for it when no one is paying attention, right? So you can just stay still, look pretty like you are, and let Jack take you to the car. As long you listen, I'll be gentle, I promise."

Ali sighed, helplessly pursed his plump lips and stopped struggling as he let his hands and legs just hang around :"Yes, ma'am..." Causing Natasha to gently tap his cheek again with a smile :"Good boy. Alright, now let's go home. I'm sure you'll like it."

They walked out of the room with Ali hanging off of Jack's shoulder like a sack of potatoes while the people in the place glanced at them from time to time with fear visible in their eyes.

After they got out of the place, there were two cars waiting for them some distance away, two black BMWs. The one in the front was empty except the person in the driver seat, but there were three people in the car behind it.

Natasha and her bodyguards walked towards the car in the front before the blond man, Jake, opened the door for Natasha to seat in the back seat as Jack opened the door on the other side and put Ali inside before he nodded at Natasha :"I will be with Noah and the others in the other car, boss."

Natasha nodded back at him :"Alright, go ahead. Alcatraz, let's hit the road and go home." Jack closed the door as he walked to the other car while Jake opened the door and sat in the passenger seat :"Hey, Alcatraz, what's up?"

"On it, boss." Alcatraz, the brown haired middle aged man answered Natasha as he started the car :"Nothing, what took you so long? I was getting bored while just sitting around and watching these hobos and drug addicts walking around."

Natasha put her elbow on the door as she rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance :"That fat ass son of a bitch was just sending trash into the room. He better be happy that I liked this one, otherwise, I would've put a bullet inside of his useless head."

Alcatraz glanced at Ali through the mirror as he raised an eyebrow :"Oh? So that's the lucky... Girl? Guy??? I'm confused here, boss..."

Jake laughed as he patted his shoulder :"Don't worry, buddy, you're not the only one! I was confused too till that fatty called him a "he", so I guess he's a guy."

The brown haired man with a beard blinked in confusion as he glanced at the mirror again :"That's a... guy...???" Natasha chuckled as she glanced at Alcatraz :"Wait till you see his fat ass, then you will question what a guy is."

Ali blushed once again as he looked down in embarrassment. But Natasha patted his head

causing him to look at her as she winked teasingly :"Aww, don't worry, sweetheart, it's not a bad thing at all. In fact, I like it quite a bit~."

Ali's embarrassment faded away a little, but his shy blush was still there as he looked away and whispered :"You're not helping here..." Causing Natasha to chuckle as she took her hand away :"Fine, whatever. So tell me a few things about yourself."

Ali blinked at her with confusion as he tilted his head :"Like what?" And Natasha shrugged :"Whatever you can think of. Like how old are you?"

Ali raised his chained hands and scratched his cheek as he shrugged :"I'm not sure... But I feel like I'm 20 or 21 I guess...?" Natasha put a leg over the other one as she looked at his face :"Hmm...

Yeah, you don't look like a teenager, but you don't look that old either, so 21 will probably be your age. So how did you get caught by that fat ass anyway? Were you caught when doing something or did they just kidnap you?"

Ali sighed :"I got caught stealing money from one of his henchmen. The guy himself didn't notice, but one of his friends saw me and they quickly took me away. They were talking to each other, saying that the person who will come by tonight will like me, guess they were talking about you."

Natasha chuckled as she nodded :"And I guess they were right, I did take a liking to your looks pretty quickly. Your behavior has also been pretty satisfactory so far, so I hope it will stay like that."

Ali nodded before he looked at her with curiosity :"So who are you? Are you someone important or something? That asshole was pretty full of himself till you showed up, then he began to act like a scared dog."

Natasha snorted as she nodded :"People like him tend to act like that when someone bigger than them shows up. My name is Natasha Scarlet, boss of the Scarlet Mafia family. And yes, I'm a pretty important person."

"Ooooh." Ali let out as he nodded before tilting his head :"How important?" Natasha smirked as she looked at him through the corner of her eye with a dangerous glint :"Important and powerful to the point where the other Mafia bosses have to do whatever I tell them to if they don't want some nasty troubles."

Ali couldn't help but gulp nervously at the woman that was oozing off the aura of danger :'What the hell did I walk into...?'