
A Fatal Attraction

When Dani finds out that the arrogant and rude man whom she insulted just few minutes ago was her boss her job flashed right in front of her eyes and is willing to kiss it goodbye but to her utmost surprise, her boss had taken an odd obsession to her and she must do everything it takes to avoid him. He saw her for the second time today and his heart seemed to stop because she bore an almost unrealistic resemblance to the woman whom he loved with all his heart but abandoned him. To save himself from looming heart ache he must do everything in his power to avoid the seductive waitress, but doesn't understand what he's doing when he finds himself in front of her house talking to her five years old son

Samy_Davis · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter Seven

Dani's POV

Logan's visit yesterday, as irritating and highly annoying as it was, could not be erased from my mind.

His instant connection with Ivan. I could not ignore the smile on Ivan's face and the light in his eyes when he was playing with Logan, in that moment everything was perfect to him. He had what he had always wanted for those few hours they spent together, too bad it was just for a short while.

In that moment too, I didn't see Logan as the disgusting playboy that he was, but like any normal man and I almost liked him, because I don't know how else to explain the crazy butterflies I felt in my tummy when I thought he was going to kiss me. I cover my face from second hand embarrassment thinking back at it, what was I thinking? Why would he even want to kiss someone like me?

He came here looking for the Dani he met at the club and saw me instead.

Immediate turn off.

But then I remember what he said, he needs a secretary. Ideally that would be a terrible decision, working for someone like him would just be playing with fire and this fire would definitely burn me to ashes, but it's such a good opportunity for a better life for Ivan and I. I can't work at the strip club forever, flirting with men and scraping for extra tips just to make a half decent income at the end of the night and it's not a job that I'm proud of.

One of my biggest fears is for Ivan's friends or schoolmates to disrespect him because of the nature of my job or for him to find out and not be happy about it.

I stare at my son who was just sitting at the corner, staring out the window quietly. He had been moody since Logan left, asking when he would come back.

"What are you doing there baby" I asked as I ruffled his dark curls and sat beside him.

"Nothing mama, I'm just looking outside." He responded without turning to look at me

I joined him in staring out the window

"When is Logan coming back? I miss him" he suddenly turned to me and said.

Staring at him I could see the hope and longing in his eyes and I didn't know how to break his heart.

I grabbed him by the sides and starts tickling him, enjoying the beautiful sound of his laughter.

"That's not fair mama! He shouted through is laughter. "You always tickle me, I never get to tickle you" he continued as he managed to catch his breath.

I let go of him laughing.

"Alright then go ahead, give it your best shot", I said trying to make him happy.

He immediately took his place beside me and started tickling my sides with all his might, making me laugh uncontrollably.

Amidst the play and laughter I heard a strange noise. It was coming from outside, people were shouting at each other as if in a state of confusion

"Baby hold on." I said stopping Ivan. "Wait for me here, don't come out, I'll just check what's going on outside."

He nodded in understanding and I went to open the door and check out what was going on outside.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the reason for the commotion.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

An excavator was tearing down the buildings. Everyone was issued a quit notice for some months now because we haven't been able to meet up with rent since last month. The landlord decided that he wants to renovate the buildings and build a club.

"Sir, please have pity on us, we have nowhere to go to." The woman living in a house not far from mine, whose house was been destroyed pleased amidst tears

"Please even it's just a day grace" she continued pleading this time on her knees, holding the man's cloth.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but we need this land. We have already been given instructions to start renovation so it's too late." He said as he walked away from her and continued what he was doing.

I felt terribly sorry for her but I know my house is next.


Where do I go from here? Where do I get money to pay for a new place.

I can feel the panic and fear rising, I look back towards my house and see Ivan still watching what's happening and my heart breaks to tiny little pieces.

I can survive being homeless and living on the streets but I can't do that to Ivan, he has his whole life ahead of him.

I can't go back home to my parents house, they hate me and won't even take me back, after they kicked me out because of my early pregnancy I haven't heard from or spoken to them.

"Mom what's going on? Why is there so much noise?" Ivan asked behind me.

"Baby I told you not to come outside. Let's go in, we need to pack now." I just told him as I directed him back into the house.

"W-why, mom?",

"Because we are leaving this place. We're going to live somewhere else" I answered smiling at him

"Really?" He asked happily with his eyes almost shining, making me realize for the first time just how much he didn't like it here. I knew this place wasn't good for him but I didn't know he could realize it yet. My resolve to give him a better life got even stronger.

I suddenly remembered the conversation Logan and I had yesterday.

As much as I hate to ask anyone for help, especially someone as pompous and arrogant as Logan Revás, I don't think I have much of a choice at the moment. If it came to a fight between my pride and my love for my son, I'd choose Ivan without a second's hesitation.