
A Fatal Attraction

When Dani finds out that the arrogant and rude man whom she insulted just few minutes ago was her boss her job flashed right in front of her eyes and is willing to kiss it goodbye but to her utmost surprise, her boss had taken an odd obsession to her and she must do everything it takes to avoid him. He saw her for the second time today and his heart seemed to stop because she bore an almost unrealistic resemblance to the woman whom he loved with all his heart but abandoned him. To save himself from looming heart ache he must do everything in his power to avoid the seductive waitress, but doesn't understand what he's doing when he finds himself in front of her house talking to her five years old son

Samy_Davis · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter Nine

Dani's POV

I just sit at the back of the car with Ivan beside me shooting daggers at the back of Logan's head with my eyes. If looks could kill he will surely be lying dead.

"Am I that handsome that you have been unable to take your eyes off me since you got into the car" Logan asked staring at me through the rearview mirror.

I just scoff and roll my eyes "you wish"

I don't know who he think he is or what gave him the rights to say what he said.

But I know he's having a good time at my expense.

Or did he do it to make people think we're in love?

Wait. Why do I even care?

Get a hold of yourself Dani. This man is playing you and you are falling right into his trap.

"Why did you call me your woman? I asked angrily, making him laugh.

"What's so funny," I asked calmly even though I was very irritated.

He kept smiling.

Even though we were in the back, I could see his face clearly in the mirror.

"Stop smiling you look like a lunatic". I said when I saw his smiling face staring at me.

"Mama, why are you lying? Logan looks very handsome when he smiles." Ivan who was sitting quietly beside me suddenly spoke up and of course those were his choice of words.

For the hundredth time, how is this my child!

I let out a dramatic sigh

"Ivan, you are my child so you should always support me before any one else, do you understand that?" I ask him

"My teacher said we shouldn't lie, no matter what, that's why I'm saying the truth. Logan is handsome and he's your boyfriend so you should be nice to him."

"Baby, that's enough", I calmly told him.

"Don't shut the boy up, he's right" Logan said staring at me with a smirk.

"I am handsome, you should be truthful and tell me that and you should also treat me better because I'm your boyfriend" he said drawing out the last word.

My face had gone red from anger and embarrassment and I could see him struggling to hold back his laughter.

Great! Just great! I have become his laughing stock.

No matter what argument I make, in the end, Ivan will win and Logan will enjoy it so I just rubbed my forehead and chose to remain quiet, leaving the both of them to chatter on.

Watching them , I realize for the second time how much of a terrible idea this is. Their closeness is very strange and it's only going to grow stronger over time.

Logan's car stopped at a house so large I've literally never seen any house so big in real life. I almost got dizzy because of my bulging eyes.

He lives in a mansion.

"Oh my God! Is this your house?" Ivan asked with astonishment in his voice.

"Of course, and this will be your house henceforth, maybe when you're old enough you'll also bring a woman here." He said winking at Ivan

"Hey! Don't teach my son that." I yelled at Logan angrily.

"That's why his mouth is so sharp and he says just anything that comes into his mind, people don't censor their words around him. He's just six years old for Christ sake, what does he know about bringing a woman home?"

My anger at Logan was finally let out. I know I called him for help but that doesn't mean he gets to be such an ass and assume teach my son things that he should have no idea about.

"What's wrong with that? I was just telling him what could possibly happen in the near future, isn't it better he hears all the things you're scared of him knowing from us before he goes out there and is taught worse." He argued

My eyebrows shot up.

"Us? Don't take the game seriously Logan. Everything that happened yesterday, me accepting you into my home and pretending to be your girlfriend was just to humor and satisfy my son's curiosity and that's over. You know that right?" I asked him

He was looking at me intently, staring deep into my eyes. I averted my gaze

"What if I say it's no longer a game to me?" He asked calmly.

My heart beat suddenly increased dramatically, pulse racing so fast it felt like I was on a track field.

"I want you to be in my life, and I want to be there for Ivan also. He said quickly.

My breathing became shallow, something strange was churning in the pit if my stomach. It felt like tiny flutters. I shut it down as quickly as it appeared

"What nonsense are you saying Logan?" I hissed

"Look at Ivan, it's obvious that he likes and wants me around, is it so difficult to just give him what he wants?"

"Stop it Logan!" I was almost vibrating with anger at this point.

"Don't you dare use my son as a weapon in blackmailing me. You have no idea the lengths I would go to in order to satisfy my son so you have no damn right to say shit about what you nothing about." I spat

"I'm sorry Dani, you're right I shouldn't have said that at all. I took this whole thing out of hands and went way overboard. I need you to understand me though, my intentions are pure."

"Logan are you okay?" I'm really worried now that this man might have psychological issues or why else is he so bent on chasing me?

"You are the CEO of a company worth billions of dollars, you're probably the most eligible bachelor and could have any woman at the snap of your fingers and you're here telling me you want me. For what?"

"Because I'm unusually drawn to you, I can't explain it. But it's as simple as that. Is that difficult to understand?" He asked seriously.

I just close my eyes trying to process in my mind everything that he has just said.

This was not the plan, this situation is getting out of control really fast.

"Logan can we go inside?" Ivan who had wandered to God knows where suddenly appeared beside me and asked.

"Sure thing" Logan answered him, staring at me as he picked Ivan up and they headed into the mansion

I was right. This is going to be a disaster and I would run the other way if I could.