
A fantasy(a wish fulfiller-fulfillment story)

Wish, a single hopeful desire, it is something that i never even thought to exist within me,and it would always be or so i thought.

shiro2141 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A warm embrace


am i hearing things? did he just said that this place belongs to me?

"I said that you are the master of this place"

he smiled lightly and sneaked the key into my pocket I was so flabbergasted that my mind didn't process anything that he just did.

"well then master, i have something to do so i will see you later"

he left the place leaving me frozen in that place. when i realized it he was already gone.

wait, no, take this back!

i sprinted through the area and arrived at the front gate, but it was too late he had already left.


i groaned, why did he give me this place and went without any other explanation whatsoever?

looking at the key, and then at the big complex, I feel like something is fishy, but at the same time is too good to be true. why is it that when I thought about moving to a new house this happens?


i sighed, it's not like i don't like it or anything, hmph.

i entered the place again and look around this place it's a really comfortable place and it feels as if this place can hold half of this city's population with the amount of magecraft enchanted Room exists in this place.

i returned to The top room and sat on the sofa, There's a huge TV so I look around and saw the remote. i turned on the tv and watch some variety shows.


i heard a beep and look around to find what that was. and at the big dining table there was a box with a phone inside. it seems brand new i turned on the phone and see that there was a new message.

{Mater, this is a new phone i bought for you. this is also my personal number. do call me when you need something.

-Saber }


is he my sugar daddy or something? just why....

i tried to call him but it didn't get picked up. he's avoiding me. for whatever reason.

i look at the clock on the left side of the tv and saw that it's starting to get late, i took quick shower before heading to the bedroom and hit the sacks.


knock knock

i woke up to the sound of someone knocking my bedroom. i groggily walk to the door and opened it.

"Good morning master"

i look up and saw saber smiling at me. i immediately slam the door back. i looked down and saw that I'm only in my underwear.i blushed hard

"it's okay master, your body looks beautiful"


i ran to the wardrobe and wear whatever in there. these are all my sizes, just how did he know my size??.

i return and opened the door, he's still at the front door and greeted me again.

"Good morning master, would you like to eat?, take a bath? or perhaps..."

"Eat, i want to eat"

i cut him before he continues whatever he's plotting. he grins at my reaction and then go to the kitchen. i follow him to the kitchen. i really need to ask him about this whole thing.

"So, can you explain it now??"

"Of course master, this place is a gift for you"

i glared at him while he was cooking and he seems to ignore it.


"of course, because i like you"

i turned my head away at his comment. he seems to like my response because i saw his smile widens again.


i look up at him

"you won't take that back?"

"Of course not"

i smiled at that, i felt that what he was doing is genuine. i guess it's not that bad.

"fine, i guess i would just let you do whatever you want. I'm going to watch some tv while waiting"

he nods and i went to watch tv, a few minutes later he brought food, Ahh, onigiri in the morning, just what i like. we chatted a bit while eating. after that i went to the bathroom to get ready for school but...

"why are you following me?"

"I want to take a bath with you master"

"YEAH I KNOW, i mean why"

"i told you i like you"


my mind just stopped working at that point, just why did he insist being this hard, well yeah he's a nice person and all, he also gave my a new house so that i live comfortably, he also cooks for me.

What did i do to make him like this.

"it's fine master. just enjoy the moment"

i looked up at him and saw him slowly take off his clothes, he has a well-built body like a warrior, but not to big and not to small either. there was a lot of calluses on his hand probably from some kind of weapon training.

"let's go in"

he took my hand and we entered the bathroom together. Fuck it, i will just let it go.

i washed in the showers and while i was enjoying the water on my face i felt him scrubbing my back.


it felt good.i just let him be as i enjoy the feeling of being scrubbed.

after cleaning up a bit i was about to relax in the bath a bit. but he went i first, sat in the corner.


he gave away his hand as if asking for a hug.

"no,it's fine i can relax myself"

"it's okay,you can cuddle all you want"

i was about to say no but, it looks tempting, and i feel like the heat of the bathroom is getting into me.

i went up to him slowly, and entered the bath when one of my legs touched the water i feel the hot water through my skin


as both my leg entered the water, i also felt my body warms up. i looked up at saber and saw that he was still holding his hand up.

"is it really okay?"

i asked him,we only just met a few times and he's always been nice to me.


after confirming it, i slowly wnt to him and slowly embraced him. i sink my face into his shoulder he then hugs me back as his hands hold my back.

even though it was only a hug, it felt comfortable. he's skin also felt smooth and nice.

after a while i backed a bit and turned around, laying my back on him. he then once again hold me as i relax in the bath.

i saw his hand's calluses and took his arms close to me. Saber just let me be as i carefully trace over it with my fingers

"You fight a lot?"

"not really, but when i do it does tend to be intense"

i frowned, who's he fighting with?

he saw my face and rest his head in my shoulders

"It's fine, it's not that bad."

i felt his breath in my ear. i got closer to him and snuggled at his head, he alse smells good, like a sun.



"Uhh, you're ok??"

i look up and saw shirou looking at me with a worried face. i guess I'm ok, but my heart and body is probably not. after what happened in the bathroom. i got ready for school and was about leave but he said that he will drop me at the school, i asked him to just let me be at somewhere close so i don't get attention.

it was all good but then...

"Take good care master"

"yeah, thank you too"

i was about to turn to leave, suddenly he grabs my shoulder and i felt a soft sensation on my cheeks.


saber then turned and leave i stood there speechless at what just happened.


"you sure you're ok? i can tell sensei if you're sick or something"

i ignored shirou as i sank my face into my arms. Just what is going on inside Saber's head??