
A Fallen World: Memories of the Forgotten

In a world where bonds and relationships hold immeasurable significance, the act of both giving and receiving love is a vital component of existence. But in a constantly evolving world, where supernatural abilities reign supreme, can one continue to exude benevolence? The world is brimming with extraordinary individuals, each possessing unique powers and abilities that set them apart from the rest. In such a world, can one still be the protagonist of their own story, or will one live long enough to see themself turn into the villain? As the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred, it is up to each individual to determine their fate. Will they emerge as the beacon of hope for all those around them, or will they fall from grace, becoming the very villain they once swore to destroy? The answers lie within, and the journey to discover them is fraught with peril. To fight a battle where nobody knows what is right or wrong anymore.

Citaro · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Part 1: Not The Same Mistake

The mission unfolded smoothly, swiftly gathering all five claws. In the subsequent weeks, my collaboration with the guild saw my rank rise to C, accompanied by a steady flow of earnings. Then, it happened—the dream. On a tranquil morning with still air, sunlight filtered through leaves, casting a gentle glow on the damp, verdant ground. Resting beside a tree, its branches provided a shield from the sun's rays, turning a short nap into a peculiar dream.

Unlike the vibrant colors of my previous dream, I found myself immersed in a void of darkness this time. Suddenly, the sounds of battle erupted in the town, jolting me awake. Glancing toward the commotion, I witnessed fireballs, ice, and various powers clashing within the town walls. Fortunately for me, I was on the outskirts of the town ensuring my safety, and allowing me to observe the chaos from a distance.

A single realization dawned on me— I possessed an advantage. Instead of impulsively charging in as I had done before, I opted for caution this time. As I packed my belongings—a bag, a sword, and essential items—I bid a swift farewell to the town, the feeling of dread, washing over me as I couldn't help but feel weak as I knew that I didn't stand a chance like the others.

Arther is probably fighting out there, for his safety and others.

But my time shall come later, as my departure held the promise of a return, a future where the town had transformed into a thriving city, backed by diplomatic power.

So I began my journey to become stronger– this time exploring more of the forest, as it had only grown bigger. The smell was overwhelming, more powerful than usual probably caused by the second awakening of today. The trees, stones, and even the mushrooms, all gave a smell of their own. 


"Astral I know you're out there," I spoke out, awaiting an answer…

Though only the fleeting wind, whispering through the creak of the river, emitted a sound. Sighing, I continued onward, passing by many wild animals and weird-looking stones losing count many times though I continued to count as it was the only thing to do, from keeping me going insane– until I arrived at a small cave, hidden beneath a hill. 

Seemed like a good place to call night for the day. Putting my backpack down and sitting with my back against the cold cave, I started to count the money I had collected through these weeks of doing missions. 

"Enough," the word came out of my mouth, as it would be sufficient to describe the economy I was in. My eyes slowly closed, readying myself for a well-earned rest, but I couldn't but wonder about where Lucien and his sister were, right about now of course, that's now all in the past, and only the future is where you can truly go forward.

If I could only somehow meet Lucien again, I hoped that it would feel the same as it was before my death. These thoughts were the only ones remaining before I fell into a slumber.

Quite short but the next one will be longer > (Part 2)


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