
A Fallen World: Memories of the Forgotten

In a world where bonds and relationships hold immeasurable significance, the act of both giving and receiving love is a vital component of existence. But in a constantly evolving world, where supernatural abilities reign supreme, can one continue to exude benevolence? The world is brimming with extraordinary individuals, each possessing unique powers and abilities that set them apart from the rest. In such a world, can one still be the protagonist of their own story, or will one live long enough to see themself turn into the villain? As the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred, it is up to each individual to determine their fate. Will they emerge as the beacon of hope for all those around them, or will they fall from grace, becoming the very villain they once swore to destroy? The answers lie within, and the journey to discover them is fraught with peril. To fight a battle where nobody knows what is right or wrong anymore.

Citaro · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Part 1: A New Beginning

The atmosphere was tense and heated, the air thick with a vicious aura.

Several seconds passed, though they felt like an eternity until Haruto took off his grip from me and dashed forward.

He threw a fast right punch, directed toward Lucien's cheek.

Luckily, Lucien quickly reacted and dodged his punch, while countrering with a slash of his own.

Haruto evaded it by taking a few steps back.

"It's sad to think that the only to communicate to you is by violence. You weren't like this when we were younger. What happened to you?" Lucien said, while now standing in an attacking position.

"Don't get soft with me. We both know that the world is not what it used to be. Kill or be killed, That's what I live for now," Haruto confidently said, pointing to his chest.

"You leave me no choice, I don't see that hero in you any longer." Lucien quickly blitzed towards Haruto as if he teleported, and swiftly slashed his right eye.

Haruto tried countering with a kick of his own but failed leaving him only to retreat back to his original position.

"Agh, damn you." Haruto, now wounded, clinched his right eye while the blood dripped down.

Lucien locked his gaze on me for a couple of seconds and then back to Haruto, "You stand no chance," he said, with a menacing tone.

"Alright, alright. You win this round," he grudgingly conceded, a glimmer of irritation flickering in his other eye.

"But don't go getting cocky now. I went easy on you."

"I don't care about an excuse, let him go free," Lucien demanded while sheathing his sword.

Haruto with a sudden burst of strength, held my shirt collar with his left hand and flung me high into the air, my heart racing as I hurtled toward the ground. But just as I braced for impact, a pair of arms caught me securely, like a precious treasure.

I looked up to see Lucien's face, his expression one of concern and relief. He had saved me from certain doom. As he lowered me to the ground, I stumbled slightly, my legs still weak from the ordeal.

"Are you okay?" Lucien asked, his eyes searching for any signs of injury.

"I… I think so," I replied, still trying to process what had just happened.

Lucien nodded; Let's get out of here," he said, turning away from Haruto and motioning for me to follow. "Before anything else pops up."

I trailed after Lucien, my eyes flickering back toward Haruto's figure and his blood dripping down until the thick fog obscured my vision completely.

He was a formidable opponent, one I knew I would meet again.

"So who are you exactly?" Lucien asked.

"My name is Makino Katsu, but you can call me Makino."

"Nice name," He complimented with a smile.

I nodded, as I didn't know what to say next.

After what felt like hours of walking in silence, I couldn't help but ask him where he was taking me. His footsteps never faltered as he spoke, his voice calmed and collected.

"We're headed towards a town, which I and my sister found when we were seeking shelter but don't worry, it's safe. The people who live there are friendly. After all, they're the ones who survived the big cities and came into the suburbs," he reassured me.

"But enough of that. I'm curious about whether you are new here?" he asked with a casual tone, his attention still focused on our journey ahead.

I hesitated for a moment, grappling with the decision to tell the truth or whether to lie. Finally, I settled on the former, realizing it might be the safest option for now.

"Yes, it's my first time here." I couldn't afford to let my guard down, especially around someone I barely knew.

Lucien's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Is that so? You certainly don't look like a tourist. What brings you to this place then?"

I paused, considering how much information to reveal. "I'm just passing through," I said, keeping my response deliberately vague.

Lucien nodded, seeming to accept my answer. "Well, you should be careful. This area isn't the safest place around, especially with people like Haruto running around."

I shuddered involuntarily at the thought of facing Haruto again. "Thanks for the warning. I'll keep that in mind," I said, my voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and trepidation.

The rest of our journey passed in relative silence, with only the sound of our footsteps and the rustling of leaves breaking the quiet. As we approached the town, the bustle of activity grew louder, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of ease settling in.

Upon arriving at our destination, I couldn't help but notice that the town was rather modest in size. However, given the sudden upheaval that had shaken the world, it was hardly surprising.

Lucien led me through the town until we reached a quaint inn (attractively unusual and old-fashioned) nestled amongst a row of shops, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread drifting from a nearby bakery. As we entered, the warm glow of lanterns and the lively chatter of patrons enveloped us.

"I'll get you a room," Lucien said, heading toward the front desk.

As I surveyed the room, my attention was drawn to a group of rowdy men huddled around a table, their laughter echoing through the inn. I couldn't help but wonder how they could still be so carefree after everything that had happened.

Upon returning with the keys, Lucien noticed me staring at the men, "Don't mind them, they're just drinking away the night. Some people cope with stress and situations they can't control by indulging in vices like alcohol."

"Now let's get you some rest for tomorrow," Lucien said, handing me the keys and instructing me to go up the narrow staircase to my room. He bid me farewell, promising to pick me up in the morning.

As I made my way up the stairs, I noticed that he had also slipped some spare coins into my hand. "I suppose this is for food," I mused to myself, feeling grateful for his thoughtfulness.

As I settled in, I couldn't help but notice the creaky old bed and the musty smell of the room. But it was better than nothing. I took off my jacket, neatly folded it, and placed it on the side table.

As I laid my head on the pillow, my thoughts drifted to the day's events. The chaos, the danger, and the unexpected encounter with Lucien. I wondered what tomorrow would bring.

My eyelids grew heavy, and soon, I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.