
A fake Fiance : Love or Revenge

All Tatiana wanted was to stop her arranged marriage so she asked a handsome strange to pretend to be her boyfriend to convince her mother and leave the marriage. "Will you marry me ?" he asked, she could hear her mother in the background telling her to say yes. What was going on, how did her fake boyfriend turn this dinner into a proposal? And where the hell did he get that ring? A lot of questions and no time to think about anything. "Yes," she answered. And now she had a fiance, just after jumping out of an arranged marriage with her childhood friend Mark. Thinking they would not meet again his ring doesn't want to leave her finger and his now appearing at her place of work too. Without holding back she was falling for him, but just as she thinks they are in love a dark secret about him appears breaking them apart. Will she be able to choose their love over his betrayal and move on with their marriage or choose revenge for hurting her?

jandralitto · Urban
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174 Chs

Where to Begin

"But I thought taking my company away, the land and even refusing to love me again was part of your revenge?"

"Yes but you haven't suffered the way others have. Don't you think you deserve to be behind bars for what you did, you lied my mother into signing those papers"

He moved back seeing the seriousness in her eyes, "If it's what you want I can take it"

"Really?" she asked

"Yes," he hesitated.

She laughed, "Your lucky I have a son with you, I don't want him to have to go to prison to see you. And I might get backlash from all the fans you have"

"Why is it that when you said that last part you sounded angry," he asked.

She scoffed, "Why would be angry, they can praise and love you all they want. Cause I know no matter what it will always be me you love"

He foul d himself smiling and holding her in his arms.

"Tati, thank you for this chance. I promise I won't let you regret giving it to me" he said.

She pulled away, "I haven't said anything about a chance, give me time to think"

He sighed, "Okay take as much time as you need"

She turned away, "It's time you go back to cooking, your son has a big appetite and is soon arriving"

"Got it" he returned to the kitchen.


"Why did you bring me here, do you know who my father is" Rina shouted at the masked men. "If you do anything to me I swear he will hunt you down and kill you" she yelled.

One of them scoffed, "He was the one who let us bring you here"

"What your lying, my father loves me why would he give me away to you killers"

She stopped shouting when a sound of heels came forward. She had been taken to an empty warehouse.

The shadow of a woman got closer, she focused to see a familiar face.

"You, I should have known" she cried.

Tatiana dressed in black smiled looking down at the tied Rina.

"Bob," she said and one of the masked men dragged a seat for her in front of Rina. After sitting down she said, "So where should we begin"

"When Dad finds out what you're doing his going to destroy you," Rina said.

Tatiana sighed, "You know when I offered him a deal so I could have you here he didn't hesitate and let me take you, so I think the threats about him destroying me should stop now"

"He would never ...." she stopped when Tatiana slapped her.

"I said don't bring him up, he been through a lot of cause of you so don't bring him into this... She sat back down... " Now where should we begin from"