
A fake Fiance : Love or Revenge

All Tatiana wanted was to stop her arranged marriage so she asked a handsome strange to pretend to be her boyfriend to convince her mother and leave the marriage. "Will you marry me ?" he asked, she could hear her mother in the background telling her to say yes. What was going on, how did her fake boyfriend turn this dinner into a proposal? And where the hell did he get that ring? A lot of questions and no time to think about anything. "Yes," she answered. And now she had a fiance, just after jumping out of an arranged marriage with her childhood friend Mark. Thinking they would not meet again his ring doesn't want to leave her finger and his now appearing at her place of work too. Without holding back she was falling for him, but just as she thinks they are in love a dark secret about him appears breaking them apart. Will she be able to choose their love over his betrayal and move on with their marriage or choose revenge for hurting her?

jandralitto · Urban
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174 Chs

Never Went Away

"He just wanted to see where she lives and I know if we were not here, he would have asked to stay over. Look at his sly smile "Eric murmured as they watched Patricia and Tatiana ignore them as they moved to the living room.

"The Sam I know would never let you go that easily, he has always had a big crush on you, "Patricia said.

Tatiana smiled," That was a long time ago "

"But I still do and now with this new you, I can't help but like you more "Sam chuckled.

"Wow, Tatiana I think you should add him to your fans".

"You both stop joking "Tatiana laughed.

"Am serious Tatiana, that crush never went away. You're the reason I returned here" he said.

"Really, I didn't know you left. It's been a long since I last saw you" she said.

"I left after college, I was handling my brother's oversea company when I noticed a familiar face in the business world. And when I search deeper I found out it was you" he explained.

"So you mean to say that you travelled back here to see her after finding out it was Tatiana" Patricia asked.

He nodded, "And I am glad I did" his eyes stared at Tatiana who turned away.

Jack's eyes turned into slits as he gazed at his smiling face of Sam.

"He sure knows how to play his cards. Look at him making moves at my woman " Jack clenched his fist.

Eric tapped his shoulder," Calm down, as far as we know his an old friend from school and they all seem to be excited and glad to see him again. So let's not disturb their get-together"

"Am not going anywhere, am staying with her until he leaves "Jack refused to move.

Eric sighed," Okay, let's just watch them then "