
A fake Fiance : Love or Revenge

All Tatiana wanted was to stop her arranged marriage so she asked a handsome strange to pretend to be her boyfriend to convince her mother and leave the marriage. "Will you marry me ?" he asked, she could hear her mother in the background telling her to say yes. What was going on, how did her fake boyfriend turn this dinner into a proposal? And where the hell did he get that ring? A lot of questions and no time to think about anything. "Yes," she answered. And now she had a fiance, just after jumping out of an arranged marriage with her childhood friend Mark. Thinking they would not meet again his ring doesn't want to leave her finger and his now appearing at her place of work too. Without holding back she was falling for him, but just as she thinks they are in love a dark secret about him appears breaking them apart. Will she be able to choose their love over his betrayal and move on with their marriage or choose revenge for hurting her?

jandralitto · Urban
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174 Chs

Here to Stay

Eric who had been waiting in the car watched as Tatiana was driven off and Jack walked out soon with a baffled face.

"Tell me what happened?" he asked.

"Something is wrong with her, I thought we had put all this behind us but she hasn't given up yet on her revenge"

"Jack it was you who got her wrong, we all knew Tatiana wasn't going to give up on her revenge caused if she did then she would have left everything behind and just retired to her ranch, cause she hates all the tiresome days in the office although she pretends to like them," Eric said, "But she goes through with them cause she wants to get stronger and better so that no one can point a finger at her when she does something wrong"

"But the more she does the less is she the Tatiana we know," he said.

"Jack the Tatiana you know is deep inside her you never lost her but she's scared to come out cause of all the pain and hate she has for you. That Tatiana is vulnerable while this vengeful one doesn't care an ounce about you" he said.


"We saw you in the news again," Patrica said.

"Just catching up with old friends" she smiled.

"More like destroying them, you took him down completely," Alex said.

"My little spy helped with it, she was sufficient that we collected all the information we needed to take him down". She said.

"I saw her face on the news, she was one of the staff from aboard staff," Alex said.

"Yes, I have replaced most of that old man's useless staff with the one from that branch. Since I left they kept begging to come and work with me, so now they have a place to work and also see me on certain days" she said.

"I support your growth and am proud of you but all these companies add more work for you, it will break you," Patricia said.

"I mainly work at the Black headquarters and Jack helps with the Avil while this new one from his Uncle, I already put someone in charge, so it's not that hard," she said.

"Enough about work, have you talked to Steve?" Alex asked.

"Tes and hid doing well," she said.

"And Jack what did he have to say about his uncle's demise"

"A lot but I told him I didn't care," she said.

"One minute your kissing and another your fighting, you both are crazy" Patrica laughed.

"I don't even know what we are. I want to give him another chance but I can't give up my revenge too" she said

"Then don't, he hurt you so his the one who has to understand you now and not judge you instead," Alex said.

"Yeah, his uncle worked with him to steal from you and has been a criminal for a while so he deserves all that happened to him, So don't worry if Jack and his Uncles supporter criticize to for us we are here to support you no matter what, "Patricia said.

"I thought you guys would condemn me as he did"

"What, we know you better than that fool so don't worry, no matter what we are here to stay," Patrica and Alex said.

"Thank you" she smiled.

They smiled, "So if you're that grateful, then treat us tonight," Alex said.

"Just took it out of my mouth" laughed Patrica

"Since am in a good mood, everything tonight is on me order what you want" Patrica clapped her hands in excitement while Alex was asking for the menu again.