
A fake Fiance : Love or Revenge

All Tatiana wanted was to stop her arranged marriage so she asked a handsome strange to pretend to be her boyfriend to convince her mother and leave the marriage. "Will you marry me ?" he asked, she could hear her mother in the background telling her to say yes. What was going on, how did her fake boyfriend turn this dinner into a proposal? And where the hell did he get that ring? A lot of questions and no time to think about anything. "Yes," she answered. And now she had a fiance, just after jumping out of an arranged marriage with her childhood friend Mark. Thinking they would not meet again his ring doesn't want to leave her finger and his now appearing at her place of work too. Without holding back she was falling for him, but just as she thinks they are in love a dark secret about him appears breaking them apart. Will she be able to choose their love over his betrayal and move on with their marriage or choose revenge for hurting her?

jandralitto · Urban
Not enough ratings
174 Chs

Based On Lies.

Tatiana lost her smile and gazed at Steve, who seemed to be waiting for an answer like everybody else.

"Yes," she said.

"And what exactly happened?" he continued.

She turned to Patrica, "Isn't he only supposed to get one question"

"Answer the question, Tatiana," her friend said.

"We went on a dinner date". She answered.

Steve smiled, "Okay and did something else happen between you that should know about"

She turned to Patrica with Eric and frowned, "she knew Eric had grown fond of Steve so he might have told him indirectly. His questions were leading to one answer and one she didn't want to say not on such a happy day.

She looked at him and gulped not wanting to answer.

"I kissed her, "Jack said. Tatiana looked down disappointingly.

Steve glanced at her," I asked Tatiana not you "he said.

"And what do you expect her to say, she can't bare to see you hurt so am doing it for her. I kissed her but she pulled away knowing it was wrong and left. I wanted to apologize but she has been avoiding me " he said.

Steve turned back to Tatiana," Ana tell me what happened "he said.

Her eyes looked up gazing into his, that looked ready to cry if she said the truth.

She breathed, tired of pretending and telling lies, she opened her mouth

"Yes, he kissed me and I kissed him back," she said.,"But I promise it meant nothing "

Steve chuckled," Stop lying to yourself, Ana. It meant everything, you have been absent-minded since you back, getting lost in your thoughts and smiling without reason. I noticed but I didn't tell "

"But I ignored it, but when I asked Patrica for help choosing a ring so I could propose to you tonight, she had told me to first wait and talk to you about what happened that night before you returned ".

He got up," I know you care for me but not enough to assume what I would think if I knew about your date with your ex. Or even the very hot kiss you both shared. Tatiana, you need to accept that you never moved on and are still in love with Jack "he said.

"Steve am sorry, I wanted to tell you but.. "

"But you didn't think I deserved to know. Ana when you love someone you never find a reason to hide things from them, especially things like these. I don't think am needed here when the man you love is here "Steve walked away.

Tatiana cried calling his name, she glared at Eric and Patrica then ran to him.

"You destroyed her second chance at marriage, "Alex said.

"But it would be based on lies, "Patricia said.

"You should have let her handle not you going around tell him on the day he was supposed to buy her a ring "

"I felt bad for him, but also my friend. She held onto cause she feels she needs to repay his kindness which is wrong. Their emotions towards each other were different she was going to break his heart sooner or later" Patrica let out.