
Episode 13 : the solution


Risa: Lia, i have something to tell you.

Lia: Risa? What happened to you?

Risa: don't mind me, your sister is on danger

Wake up from this dream

Lia: what do you mean? Sophia is sleeping in our parents house, and what dream?

Risa: Sophia will disappear if you don't wake up, this is just a dream, please, wake up

While Risa is taking to Lia, Sophia thought Lia is having a nightmare because she is calling Sophia while jabis is sleeping.

Sophia: sis am here, am here by your side

Risa and Lia heard Sophia's voice but she is not there, then Lia realize that Risa is saying the truth.

Lia: what should I do then? To wake up from this dream.

Risa's mind: i can transform into fairy because im not a part of her mind but she is the owner of this mind so if Lia transform into a fairy she might wake up.

Risa: try to transform into a fairy

Risa' mind: hopefully those two is sleeping or at least their outside, wait her sister is still awake.