
a failur in a god tier family

its a story about a boy who was born in the god tier family but his family was betrayed and he was unaware of it. and he was having no talent of becoming the hunter but suddenly an incident happens and his path to become world strongest begin .

manush_garg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


As they entered the house they saw that Mi-ah had prepared a lot of food , it seemed like they were having a feast . Sungwoo asked her for what she had prepared so much food . She replied that farewell dinner as Aashi got a new job from a big company in Busan and they were going to give him a place to stay as well and he had to report their tomorrow . he looked at Aashi as he was knowing that he was lying .

After having dinner , Aashi and Feng decided to had a stay as it was pretty late at night . Aashi , Feng and Sung woo were sleeping in his room , they suddenly woke up from a huge scream . The scream seemed to be coming from Mi-ah room , they rushed towards it . The door was unlocked from inside , they broke through the door.

As they entered her room they heart beat skipped a beat as the room was completely full of blood stain . They then noticed a dark shadow like figure at the corner , it was not clearly visible as it was pretty dark . Aashi turned on the light and they was able to see what was that shadowish figure at the corner . It was a human body but since the face was smashed badly they can't figure out who it was. The intestines were clearly visible as the abdominal skin was torn up into shreds .

It was not Mi-ah body as she was having 5 fingers on her left hand but the body was having 6. It was a relief but they couldn't find Mi-ah anywhere in the house then suddenly there was knock on the door , Feng opened the door and his body flew past Sungwoo who was standing a feet behind him, hitting the wall , Aashi and Sungwoo were not able to move their body dur to the pressure of presence the visitor at the door . Feng asked them to run away , but they refused then Feng told them that the man at the door is a god tier hunter and they were nothing more than ants to him .